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Online RTO management


Prajapati Dignesh S.
Chaudhari Divyesh P.
Key term
 Project Description
 Overview
 Online RTO management system
 Users for Online RTO management system
 E-R Diagram
 Data Dictionary
 UML Diagram
 Input & Output Designs
 Test Cases
 Limitation & Scope
 Conclusion
Project Description
Project Title Online RTO Management system
Undertaken at IT Crux
Project Guide Mr. Ankit D Rana
Team Size 2
Team Member Dignesh S Prajapati
Divyesh P Chaudhari
Project Duration Two Months
Platform Firefox, Google Crome,Opera.
Front End PHP
Back End MySQL
Firstly, to generate a Complete global Module.
(Any where Any Time)
 Online RTO for customer are Online Registration
for Lerner license.
 Online Examination and maintains Result.
 Online Vehicle Registration.
 Online news Community.
 Online Inquiry for user.
 Online manage Uploading and Sharing.
 To maintain the user custom requirement and
conform it.
Online RTO management system
 Purpose:
 The proposed system is aimed to automate the
major processes in the Regional Transport Office.
 Online RTO Management System for different
License and Vehicle Registration requirement.

 Scope:
 The Scope of the Online RTO Management
System includes a complete suite of portals to
provide user with 24/7 access to information and
services like Online Application, Online Registration,
Online Examination and Online Inquiry.
Users for Online RTO management
system Cont…
 Online RTO management system Portal is a Main
System There are 2 Modules
 Admin: is main User of Online RTO management
system Portal
1. Login
2. Manage user.
3. Verify user Registration
4. Manage License.
5. Manage Vehicale.
6. Manage Exam.
7. Manage news.
8. Manage Inquiry.
Users for Online RTO management
• User : is User who post the members in
this portal

1. Registration
2. Login
3. Attend Exam.
4. License Request
5. Vehicale Registration.
6. Get Inquiry.
7. View News.
E-R Diagram
Data Dictionary
1. Table Name: User_must
Description: This table contains the Different Role of Users
Primary Key: userid
Foreign Key: N/A
userid Int 6 Primary key User id

firstname Varchar 255 Not Null First Name of User

lastname Varchar 255 Not Null Last Name of User
photo Varchar 255 Not Null Image of user
signature Varchar 255 Not Null Signature of user
email Varchar 255 Not Null Email id
password Varchar 255 Not Null User Password
caddress Varchar 255 Not Null Current address
paddress Varchar 255 Not Null Permanent address
pincode Int 6 Not Null Pincode
Distict Varchar 100 Not Null Distict
State Varchar 100 Not Null State
Dob Date Not Null Birth of Date
Gender Varchar 6 Not Null Gender
Edu_qul Varchar 255 Not Null Education qualification
Mobileno Varchar 10 Not Null Mobile number
Id_mark Varchar 255 Not Null Identification Mark
Blood Varchar 5 Not Null Blood Group
Status Varchar 255 Null Status
Type Varchar 255 Not Null Learning/Permanent
Data Dictionary
2. Table Name: Question_Mast
Description: It contains No of question for Examination.
Primary Key: qid


qid Int 3 Primary key Question id
question Varchar 255 Not Null Question
Choice1 Varchar 255 Not Null Choice1
Chice2 Varchar 255 Not Null Choice2
Choice3 Varchar 255 Not Null Choice3
Ranswer Varchar 5 Not Null Right answer
Image Varchar 255 Not Null Question related image
Data Dictionary
3. Table Name: Temp_Reasult_Mast
Description:. It contains to stores temporary result for examinations.
Primary Key: temprid


temprid Int 3 Primary key Temp result id
Userid Int 3 Not Null User id
Qid Int 3 Not Null Question id
Choice Varchar 6 Not Null User choice
Marks Varchar 6 Not Null Marks
Data Dictionary
4. Table Name: Test_Reasult_mast
Description: It store result for Examination.
Primary Key: trid
Foreign Key: N/A


Trid Int 3 Primary key Test result id
Userid Int 3 Not Null User id
Marks Varchar 5 Not Null Marks of test
Result Varchar 4 Not Null Result of test
Data Dictionary
5. Table Name: Conform_licence_mast
Description: It stores conformed license for license Request.
Primary Key: clid
Foreign Key: N/A


Clid Int 3 Primary key Conform license id
Userid Int 3 Not Null User id
Authority Varchar 255 Not Null Authority
Issuedate Varchar 10 Not Null Issue date
Startingdate Varchar 10 Not Null Starting Date
Exp_date Varchar 10 Not Null Expire date
Ltype Varchar 255 Not Null License type
Vtype Varchar 255 Not Noll Vehicle Type
Permit type Varchar 255 Not Null Permit type
Licenceno Varchar 50 Not Null License Number
Data Dictionary
6. Table Name: Vehicle_reg_mast
Description: It contains all Vehicle Registration Data.
Primary Key: vid
Foreign Key: N/A

Vid Int 3 Primary key Vehicle id

Firstname Varchar 255 Not Null First name of user
Lastname Varchar 255 Not Null Last name of User
Licenseno Varchar 50 Not Null License number
Owner_photos Varchar 255 Not Null Owner photo
Email Varchar 255 Not Null Email id
Caddress Varchar 255 Not null Current address
Paddress Varchar 255 Not Null Permanent address
Vehicle_image Varchar 255 Not null Vehicale image
Dealer Varchar 255 Not null Dealer Name
Class Varchar 255 Not null Vehicle class
Vehicle Varchar 255 Not Null Old/New
Manuname Varchar 255 Not Null Manufacture name
Manuyear Int 10 Not Null Manufacture year
Chassisno Varchar 255 Not Null Chassis Number
Engineno Varchar 255 Not Null Engine Number
Fuel Varchar 255 Not Null Fuel type
Horsepower Varchar 255 Not Null Horse Power
Capacity Varchar 255 Not Null Capacity
Mcalasification Varchar 255 Not Null Markers Classification
Scapacity Int 3 Not Null Sitting Capacity
Color Varchar 255 Not null Vehicale Color
Length Varchar 255 Not null Vehicle length
Width Varchar 255 Not null Vehicle width
Height Varchar 255 Not Null Vehicle height
Data Dictionary
7. Table Name: Vehicle_conform_reg_mast
Description: It stores conformed Vehicle for Vehicle Request.
Primary Key: vcid
Foreign Key: N/A


Vcid int 3 Primary key Vehicle conform id

Reg no Varchar 255 registration number

Vid int 3 vehicale id

Data Dictionary
8. Table Name: News_mast
Description: It contains uploaded
news. Primary Key: News_id
Foreign Key: N/A


News_id Int 3 Primary key News id
News_title Varchar 255 News title
News_photo Varchar 255 photo
News_desc Varchar 255 News description
Data Dictionary
9. Table Name: inquiry_mast
Description: It store inquiry for user.
Primary Key:i_id
Foreign Key: N/A


i_id int 3 Primary key inquiry id
i_name Varchar 255 inquiry name
i_email Varchar 255 inquiry email
i_contect Varchar 255 inquiry contact
i_massage Varchar 255 inquiry massage
Data Dictionary
10. Table Name: Inqiry_replay_mast
Description: It Store inquiry to replay for the user.
Primary Key:ir_id
Foreign Key: N/A
ir_id int 3 Primary key inquiry reply id
i_email Varchar 255 inquiry email id
subject Varchar 255 subject
massage Varchar 255 massage
Use Case Diagram(Admin)
Use Case Diagram(User)
Sequence Diagram(Admin)
Sequence Diagram(User)
Collaboration Diagram(Admin)
Collaboration Diagram(User)
Activity Diagram
Home page:

This is the Home Page for Online RTO management System and Login
page which is use for user authenticate.
About Us Page:

This is the about us page for give information about Online RTO Management
System and Login page.
Contact Us

This is Contact us page for Rto office and Login Page.

Registration Page:-

This is the new user registration page.

Inquiry page:-

This is inquiry Page for all users.

News View page:

This News View Page and Login page.

Admin Login Page:-

This is the Admin Login Page.

Admin Home page:-

This is the admin Home page that’s managed and View all details.
License Request view page:-

This is a License Request View Page that view license request.

Confirm License details Page:-

This is a conform license page that accept license request and conform
by request.
Conformed license Details

This is a conformed license Details page that’s view conformed License

Vehicle Request View Page:

This is a Vehicle Request View Page that view Vehicle registration request.
Conform Vehicle registration Request:

This is conform vehicle registration page that is to conform Registration.


This is the conformed vehicale registration view page that view details for
conformed Vehicale registration details.
Users Details:

This is User Details page that view register all user’s Details.
Inquiry details page:

This is Inquiry View Page that views all Inquiry Details.

Inquiry Replay Page:

This is inquiry replay page that replay inquiry for emails.

Exam creation Page:

That is exam creation page that add question for exam creation.
Exam Details page:

This is Exam details Page that view Exam details and manage exam.
News Creation Page:

This is a news add page that’s create the news.

News Details:

This is a news view page and manages news.

User Login

This is the user login Page that access for authorized user.
User Home Page:

That is User Home page that start test from learner license exam and also
registrations of vehicale Registration and View other details.
User Online Exam Page:

This is an Attend exam page to attend exam and view previous question
Exam Result page:

This is result page that view result and submit score for learner license
Vehicle registration page:

This is a vehicale Registration page to register Vehicle details to request for

vehicle Registration.
Login page:

This is a Login validation Page for required fill for particular authenticate User
to login

This is a Login validation Page for Invalid Username and Password Fill for a
Inquiry page:

This is a Inquiry validation Page for required fill for particular authenticate
User to inquiry.
User Registration page:

This is a user Registration page validation that validate empty and Invalid data
are valid for new user Registration
Limitation & Further Scope
 9.1Limitation:
 Browser Dependency.
 Limited to HTTP.
 One of the biggest limitations of tour operators
business is the high degree of competition prevailing in
the industry.
 The regulatory laws governing the tour operators
business differs from country to country.
 Different currencies are used in different countries.
The tour operators business is affected by currency
 9.2 Further Scope:

 We can add new feature as and when require in this

possible as that application.
 We can update it next. Version.
 Reminders can be provided via SMS..
 Graphical Report will be generated.
 UI can be provided in multiple languages.
 Security mechanism can be improved.
 Many other reports can be included in the next
phase of development.
 The application is design in such a way that any further
enhancements can be done with ease. The system has the
capability for easy integration with other systems. New
modules can be added to the existing system with less
 In future a new function or procedure can be easily added
in the system through these classes. Or even a new class
can be added.
 The system generated only a limited number of reports. If
more detailed reports are required the system can be
directed Even though the system has well communication
facility, it’s not enough.
 The mail service can be enhanced with features bcc, cc
etc. The system has full security but the account
information for the customer credit information.
 Thus, by adding this module the system transaction will be
 Online RTO Management System is an online
 Improved communication, ease of access to RTO
resources such as Registration forms etc will
help foster a stronger user relationship.
 Online RTO management will empower you to
spend more time and effort developing your
users’ lifelong learning license and Vehicle
registration with your mundane, tedious and
unproductive management tasks.
 Online RTO management system is the total RTO
solution for applications for..
 In this Online RTO management complete global Module.
(Any where Any Time)
 In this system the main entity is Admin who has all the right.
 Here the main tasks of admin are add/update/user
registration, license and vehicle registration.
 Online exam to maintain of Learner license for user.
 To maintain the user list and available seat for vehicles and
license management.
 To Provide Home Online license and vehicle registration and
sends request facility.
 To provides the SMS & E-Mail Facility to user.

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