Lesson 29 Practical Applications of Written Communication 1

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•Closing the semester

•Final reminder
Closing the semester
•This will be our last mandatory class of the semester. I want you to be
able to focus on your other work after today.
•Whether you come on Wednesday or not, you will still receive an
attendance grade.
•Thank you for everything we’ve shared this semester. It hasn’t been
ideal, but you’ve still achieved a lot.
•Eight of you still need to book your final consultations.
•I will upload the class grade curve for assignment 4 later this week.
•I expect you to respect my grading process and your classmates’ efforts,
and only contact me about grades if there’s been an error.
The final
Write a narrative incorporating at least one of the following
elements as a central part of the story. You can write in any tone,
genre, person, or style, and the only stipulation is that you must
include one of the items below. You will need to complete and
upload your narrative to Turnitin by Thursday July 2nd 2020 at
The final
You will be graded on the completeness of your arc, the depth
of your ideas, your use of features from class, grammatical
accuracy, the success of the incorporation of your idea(s) of
choice, the structure of your narrative, and the accuracy,
effectiveness, and variety of your vocabulary.
The final
By now, I have five other samples of your work, so I will
investigate if I detect any extreme stylistic or level differences
between this work and your other submissions. Plagiarism will
result in a zero for the final, and the overuse of translators for
sections of your narrative will result in zeroes for your grammar
and vocabulary grades. This final exam is worth 20% of your
whole grade for this course.
The final
When you upload your word document to Turnitin, name it:
Practical Applications of Written Communication 1 Final First
Name Last Name. The title of the narrative is up to you. There
are no formatting stipulations, but you are required to upload
your narrative as a .doc or .docx format document. Ensure you
try to upload it well in advance of the deadline, as late
submissions and other forms of submission will not be allowed,
and will result in a zero grade for the final.
The final
Plot elements to include:
• Crying at the results of a paternity test
• An underground martial arts tournament
• A mysterious family heirloom rediscovered in a charity shop
• Aliens with social anxiety visiting Earth for the first time
• An intelligent, self-aware computer program addicted to trolling on
• Your shadow self, in a sour mood
• A family feud that began at a birthday party
• An attempt to digitally recreate human disappointment
• When unhealthy living is made illegal
• Space tourism
Final narrative – to consider
•What were the requirements for the personal narrative?
•How is this work different from assignment two?
•What information from assignment two can you use to
help you with this narrative?
•Make plenty of notes to help you plan, prepare, re-draft,
and adhere to the requirements of the final.
•Check Turnitin for the deadline, and make sure you stick
to it!

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