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The economy and the work

 economy is the social institution that organizes a society’s production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services.
 when people harnessed animals to plows, beginning some 5,000 years ago, a new agricultural
economy was created that was fifty times more productive than hunting and gathering.
 Features of industrialism
o New sources of energy
o Centralization of work in factories
o Manufacturing and mass production.
o Specialization
o Wage labor
 Features of postindustrialism.
o From tangible products to ideas.
o From mechanical skills to literacy skills.
o From factories to almost anywhere.

 Sectors of economy
 primary sector is the part of the economy that draws raw materials from the natural
 secondary sector is the part of the economy that transforms raw materials into manufactured
 tertiary sector is the part of the economy that involves services rather than goods.
 Capitalism is an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing
goods and services are privately owned.
 Private ownership of property.
 Pursuit of personal profit.
 Competition and consumer choice.
 Justice in a capitalist system amounts to freedom of the marketplace, where a person can
produce, invest, and buy according to individual self-interest.
 Socialism is an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods
and services are collectively owned.
o Collective ownership of property.
o Pursuit of collective goals
o Government control of the economy.

 Socialism is freedom from basic want.

 Communism is a hypothetical economic and political system in which all members of a
society are socially equal.
 Karl Marx viewed socialism as one important step on the path toward the ideal of a communist
society that abolishes all class divisions
 Marx might have agreed that a communist society is a utopia
 welfare capitalism, an economic and political system that combines a mostly market-based
economy with extensive social welfare programs.
 state capitalism, an economic and political system in which companies are privately owned but
cooperate closely with the government.

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