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Chapter 1:

Introduction to Communication
Learning Objective
To understand the definition of communication
To understand the communication process
To understand the importance of communicating
To understand the goals and patterns of
To understand the direction communication
To understand the interpersonal communication
To understand the communication barrier
What is Communication?

Process of transferring meanings from

sender to receiver.
Communication is successful only when
both (sender and receiver) understand the
message the same way.
Communication Process

The steps between a source and a

that result in the transference is to
understand the meaning.
The Communication Process

Sender Receiver
Encoding Channel Decoding

Sender is a person who desires to convey the
Sender (writer/Speaker) decides whether the
message should be in written or oral. He/She
may choose Words, Symbols, Pictures or
Graphics that will communicate to receiver.
 Message is basically the basic idea that you want to
 “ Your message should be or MUST be clear and easy to
Encode the message
This stage involve putting the information into an
appropriate from sender, the recipient, and the aim.
Think before reaching for your phone or putting
fingers to keyboard. Decide first what specific
outcomes you want from the communication. This will
help you choose whether words will suffer or benefit.
Select the appropriate channel
This stage is where the message is actually sent and
the information is transferred. You must consider all
aspects: speed, cost, confidentiality,…..Time and
money can be wasted if the wrong communicated is
The person who receive the message and tried to
understand the message
In simple words we can say that receiver is your reader
(in case of letters) or Listener (In case of TV, radio
Decode and interpret the message
Because so many messages arrive in offices to day, it
is important to consider carefully the meaning in your
communication .
 Feedback is basically the response/reaction of Receiver
after receiving the message.
 Sender needs feedback to check weather the message
effectively reached or no?
 Sender needs feedback to examine the success or failure of
the message.
The Importance of Communicating

 Clear information
 Benefit
 Providing leadership
 Being productive on the job
 Relating positively to others
 Assuring the success of your organization
Goals and Patterns of Communication

 Goals of Communication
Receiver understanding
Receiver response
Favorable relationship
Organizational goodwill
Goals and Patterns of Communication

 Patterns of Communication
 Internal Communication Patterns
 Formal
 Informal
 External Communication Patterns
 Also can be formal or informal
Direction Communication

 Downward Communication

 Upward Communication

 Lateral Communication/Horizontal Communication

Direction Communication
 Downward Communication
Transmission of information from manager
to subordinate
Primary purpose is to convey orders and

 Upward Communication
Transfer of meaning from subordinate to
Primary purpose is to provide feedback, ask
questions, or obtain assistance
Direction Communication
 Lateral Communication/Horizontal Communication

Transfer information among members of

the same work group, among members at the
same level, among managers at the same
Purposes: to share information, coordinate tasks,…..
Interpersonal Communication

 Oral Communication
 Written Communication
Interpersonal Communication

Oral Communication
Speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussions, and
the informal rumor are popular forms of oral
The advantage is speed and feedback
The disadvantage is the greater potential of distortion
Interpersonal Communication
Written Communication
Include memos, letters, e-mail, fax …
They are tangible and verifiable, well thought out,
logical, and clear
Communication Barrier

Any factor that interferes with the success

of the communication process.

 Examples of Communication Barrier

Poor word choice
Grammar or spelling
Type of message
Appearance of the message
Appearance of the sender
Environmental factors
Examples of Communication Barriers

Receiver’s capability
Lack of interest / knowledge
Emotional states
Multicultural misunderstandings
different cultural styles & values

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