Lesson 5 Collaborative ICT Development

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Collaboration came from the Latin word
“collaboratus” past participle of colaborare
meaning “to labor together”. Merriam
Webster defines collaborate as “ to work with
another persons or group in order to achieve
or do something.
Wikipedia defines collaboration software as, “An
application software designed to help people involved
in a common task to achieve goals.” And for benefits,
it goes on to say: “A collaborative working
environment supports people in both their individual
and cooperative work thus evolving into a new class
of professionals, e-professionals, who can work
together irrespective of their geographical location.”
5 Essential Features of an Online
Collaborative Tool

1. Easy and Clear Interface

- A good user interface is key to a great online
collaboration tool. Applications that are simple and
intuitive are much easier to learn to use, so you and
your team would not have to waste time in long
5 Essential Features of an Online
Collaborative Tool

2. Permission Control
- Users need to be able to easily add people to workspaces
and control what they are able to do in each workspace or
document. This way, workspace managers can make sure that
only those who are authorized to change documents do so.
5 Essential Features of an Online
Collaborative Tool
3. File Storage with Document Versioning
- Not only do you want to be able to upload all documents
related to a project onto your online collaboration tool, but you
also need to be sure that all document versions are saved on the
tool. This will make it easy to track the progress of a document,
and if any past versions need to be referenced, it is easy to do
5 Essential Features of an Online
Collaborative Tool

4. Whiteboard
-let team members communicate in a more informal way. It is also
possible to host a virtual brainstorming session using whiteboard, so
the flow of ideas never stops. Best of all, a good online collaboration
tool will let you save your whiteboard, so you can always refer back to
the ideas that were added by your colleagues.
5 Essential Features of an Online
Collaborative Tool
5. Document Locking
-This feature ensures that only one person is working
on a document at a time. This way, no two people can
change the same document at the same time, keeping
documents completely organized, and preventing
Common Online Collaborative Tools

-This project management tool is like a

magical customizable to-do list on a single
interface, which you can share with others in
Common Online Collaborative Tools

-an enterprise social network that aims to add the functionality of a

project management system. Each user has his own profile, which is
associated with other people such as manager, direct reports, project
manager and lead developer. A chat app, internet e-mail,contacts,
calendar and tasks are also included.
Common Online Collaborative Tools

- project or workflow management tool that lets users customize

their interface to whatever configuration makes them most productive.
It works on most platforms, offering the flexibility to assign tasks and
to-dos, set milestones and deadlines, and keep track of it all on work on
tablets, smartphones or desktop.
Common Online Collaborative Tools

-Google provides via Gmail, Hangouts, Calendars, Docs,

Sheets, Slides and more.
- Users can work on the same document at the same time and
see changes in real-time. They can also create hangouts for group
chats or video conferencing.
Common Online Collaborative Tools

-A great tool for communication and collaboration among

employees and offers many features for free. Its ease of use is often
compared to facebook, making it a great way to enter the collaboration
software arena. Users can create a personal profile, create and join
group, share and like comments, upload images and attach files.

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