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Part 1 of 3 – Evaluation of the DG-DC-DF

1. Why was a new structure required? – Deck shared
2. What is DG-DC-DF? Different Roles of FF? – Deck shared
a. DG = Channel Retail OL + Connected Stores
b. DC = WS & RoR OL
c. DF = Infra, Deliveries, ROi
3. Team Structure Flowcharts - Deck shared for all
a. Pre Re-structuring (Same as all other metros)
b. Post Re-structuring (Bangalore, Hyderabad)
c. Covid Situation
d. Differences & Similarities basis structures & mail
4. Advantages & Disadvantages – Shared in mail & in deck
Part 2 of 3 – Impact of SM Change
1. Present Criteria as per COE – Shared in mail
2. What is the need for different SM? What are the factors defining SM
for an OL? – Discussed in detail
3. SM in Bangalore – All formats shared in excel
a. Table 1 – SM Prior to restructuring + SM Post restructuring
b. Table 2 – Change across channels
c. Table 3 – Deep Dive into a particular channel at a PC level
4. Possible reasons for these
Part 3 of 3 – ReImagining GT Distribution
1. Cost Buckets & Working Capital – Basis discussions & ROI sheets
a. Advantages & Challenges in Bangalore Vs Rural/Non-Metro
2. Basis secondary & primary research – Please google
a. B2B & B2C – Mail shared for list of companies to start with
b. Distribution Models Summary of Features- Excel format shared with you
3. Recommendations basis your findings

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