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The OSI Protocol Architecture

• The Open System Interconnection model is a seven-layer structure

that specifies the requirements for communications between two
• The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard
7498-1 defined this model.
• This model allows all network elements to operate together, no
matter who created the protocols and what computer vendor
supports them.
• Helps users understand the big picture of networking
• Helps users understand how hardware and software elements
function together
• Makes troubleshooting easier by separating networks into
manageable pieces
• Defines terms that networking professionals can use to compare
basic functional relationships on different networks
• Helps users understand new technologies as they are developed
• Aids in interpreting vendor explanations of product functionality
The Seven Layers of OSI Protocol
The Seven Layers of OSI Protocol
1st Layer : Application
• Used by Network Application
• provides an interface for the end user operating a device connected
to a network
• This layer is what the user sees, in terms of loading an application
(such as Web browser or e-mail)
1st Layer : Application
• Responsibilities:
• error handling and recovery,
• data flow over a network and full network flow.
• also used to develop network-based applications.
2nd Layer :Presentation Layer
• responsible for how an application formats the data to be sent out
onto the network
• translates data between the application layer and the network
• the presentation layer is responsible for integrating all formats into a
standard format for efficient and effective communication. 
3rd Layer : Session Layer
• controls the connections between multiple computers by tracking the
dialogs between computers.
• This layer establishes, controls and ends the sessions between local
and remote applications
4th layer : Transport Layer
• offers end-to-end communication between end devices through a
•  It provides logical communication between application processes
running on different hosts within a layered architecture of protocols
and other network components.
• Responsibilities :
• management of error correction,
• providing quality and reliability to the end user
5th layer : Network Layer
• backbone of the OSI Model
• provides data routing paths for network communication
• Data is transferred in the form of packets via logical network paths in
an ordered format controlled by the network layer. 
• the network layer responds to requests from the layer above it
(transport layer) and issues requests to the layer below it (data link
6th Layer : Data Link Layer
• Used for encoding, decoding and logical organization of data bits
• the data link layer frame includes source and destination addresses,
data length, start signal or indicator and other related Ethernet
information to enhance communication
• responsibility is to transfer data frames between nodes over a
7th Layer : physical Layer
• The physical layer deals with bit-level transmission between different
devices and supports electrical or mechanical interfaces connecting to
the physical medium for synchronized communication. 
• The physical layer is aimed at consolidating the hardware
requirements of a network to enable the successful transmission of
• Plays an important role in the effective sharing of available
communication resources, and helps avoid contention among
multiple users
OSI protocol
• OSI Protocol is just a reference model.

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