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My Ideal Being


My Ideal Being

 Activity #1: My ideal being mainly has to be

respectful since that is the basis of everything,
because without respect you cannot achieve a
good relationship with others and without good
relationships we could not reach our goals.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #2: my ideal being is a person who is very

responsible since through this we can always keep up with
our jobs and obligations, thus improving our quality of
work and life.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #3: My ideal being has to be disciplined

because thanks to this we will be able to better
learn a topic of interest so that we can perform in
the best way in this, since in order to be the best
at something we choose we must have a lot of
discipline and responsibility.
My Ideal Being

 Activi ty #4: My ideal self has to be calm because this helps

us to be calm and stress free. Many times the disorder we
live in is a reflection of the disorder that is inside our heads
and vice versa, many times the external disorder can affect
us and cause anxiety. Order saves us time and effort. How
much time do we waste looking for clothes in the morning,
looking for the keys or, simply, how many things can we do
in the day if we have not planned before?
My Ideal Being

 Activity #5: My ideal being has to be in solidarity since this

is the basis of human society if we take into account that
taking care of each other is that we can survive. However,
in current days, solidarity often goes unnoticed or does not
take up so much space in our lives due to all the
occupations and issues that we usually resolve.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #6: My ideal self should not drink

alcohol because drinking too much alcohol causes
a long list of serious health problems, including
heart attacks, various cancers, and heart attacks,
as well as alcoholism, which is a disease in itself.
On the other hand, any study on alcohol has
shown that its moderate consumption has
beneficial effects on health.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #7: My ideal being should not smoke,

because this damages almost every organ in the
body and organ system of the body and
diminishes the general health of the person.
Smoking causes cancers of the lung, esophagus,
larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver,
pancreas, stomach, cervix or cervix, colon and
rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.
My Ideal Being

1. Activity #8: My ideal being should not tell lies

because this causes a snowball effect, since a lie
can generate a very big problem, it is better to
always tell the truth because that way we can
avoid many problems in our life and thus have a
better relationship with the rest.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #9: My ideal being should not be

hypocritical because this is one of the things that
I hate the most in people because this generates a
lot of conflict between people, apart from leading
to other factors that displease me such as lies and
My Ideal Being

 Activity #10: My ideal being should not be

envious since this causes low self-esteem, an
irrepressible fear of feeling inferior to others.
This, in turn, causes the loneliness of not being
able to share their experiences with the rest of the
world. The most common symptoms also include
frustration, anger, and even anger. None of them
contributes anything constructive to the
individual and prevents them from advancing,
placing them in a stage of emotional and personal
My Ideal Being

 Activity #11: My ideal being should not be

pessimistic because these people are generally
always sad and that is not good and since they
transmit their bad energies to us on the contrary
we must get together with people who are
cheerful and positive because with these people a
good atmosphere will always be formed.
My Ideal Being

 Activity #12:My ideal being must be optimistic

since people like this are always full of good
energy projects and make us want to work with
people like that, others we must always see the
good side of life for more problems that we have
because that way we can solve the problems that
we have more easily.

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