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• Present data using different

Methods of Presenting Data

1. Textual – appropriate for few statistics to be

  - gives brief and concise description of the
data set in paragraph form

A total of 22.4 million children aged 5-17 years old
in 9.6 million households were estimated from the
1995 National Survey of Working Children (NSWC).
Sixteen percent (16%) or 3.6 million children were
reported engaged in economic activities anytime
in 1995. Boys were more likely to work than girls
with a national sex ratio of children of 187…
2. Tabular – for large data set
  - organized in appropriate
rows and columns
3. Graphical – attractive/presentable;
relationships can easily be seen
• bar, pie, line, pictogram, dot plot, stem
and leaf plot
•hybrid of a table and a graph
•arrangement of a set of data by its stems
and leaves
•presents a histogram-like picture of the
data, while allowing the experimenter to
retain the actual observed values of each
data point
•a quick way to obtain an informative
visual representation of a data set;
suppose we have a data set x1, x2, x3,…, xn
for which x consists of at least 2 digits,
leaf  the last digit
stem  the first digit
How to construct a stem-and-leaf plot
Example: Scores of Roy in 20 quizzes:
25, 85, 45, 50, 89, 87, 85, 75, 60, 55, 58, 55,
56, 62, 65, 72, 66, 74, 76, 55.
1. Arrange the observation in increasing order.
 25, 45, 50, 55, 55, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62,
65, 66, 72, 74, 75, 76, 85, 85, 87, 89.
2. For each datum, identify its leaf (the units
digit) and its stem (all other digits except the
last or units digit).
 Example: 89
9 is a leaf
8 is a stem
5 is the leaf
12 is the stem
3. List the stems vertically in increasing order
from top to bottom.
4. Draw a vertical line to the right of the
5. List the leaves to the corresponding stem to
the right of the line in an increasing order.

Thus, for Roy’s scores:

2 5
4 5
5 055568
6 0256
7 2456
8 5579
Importance of a Stem-and-leaf plot
•can easily locate the “center” of the distribution.
•Illustrate overall shape of the distribution like
•can easily detect marked deviations from the
overall shape (gaps, extreme values)


®a statistical table for showing the frequency (no.
of observations) contained in each defined
®Summarizes quantitative and qualitative data
®Organizes large amount of data by grouping the
observations into non-overlapping classes or
Def’n.: Grouped Data (the FDT) – organized
in a table; a clear, concise and informative
summary; gives important distributional
properties, but… loss of info.

Qualitative FDT
Class of Students Frequency
  Freshmen 100
  Sophomore 93
Juniors 75
Seniors 24
•Quantitative FDT

Steps in Constructing A Quantitative FDT

1. Determine the range, R
R = max- min
2. Compute the number of classes (class intervals)
K = √N where N = number of observations
• square root rule based on N
• dependent on convention
3. Determine the class interval size, C
C = R/K
• or class width
• distance from one upper limit to the next upper
4. Compute the actual classes
• lowest value (min) is in the lowest class
• highest value (max) is in the highest class
• min is used as the lower limit of the first
• no overlapping

True Class Boundaries

LTCB = LL – ½ (unit of measurement)
UTCB = UL +½ (unit of measurement)

Class Mark – the midpoint

CM = ½ (LL + UL)
Relative Frequency (RF)
RF = totalF F
Cumulative Frequency (<CF, >CF)
®<CF – no. of observation less than or
equal to the upper limit of a given
class interval.
®>CF - no. of observation greater than
or equal to the lower limit of a given

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