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Special classes
Basic concepts of VLSI circuits
1 list merits of cmos technology ?
High input impedence
The outputs actively drive both ways
The outputs are pretty much rail to rail
CMOS logic take very little power when held on a fixed
Cmos gates are very simple

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Chapter 2
Design flow for designing VLSI IC
 User defined data types VHDL
 Multi dimensional arrays  Available Verilog HDL
 Librares or packages  Can be used  Not available
 Easy to learn  Are used  Can not be used
 Predefined unary  Rigd,hard to learn  Not used
operator  No  Easy to learn
 Code simplified by using  Procedures  Yes
 tasks

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2.List importantc features of verilog HDL
 Verilog HDL is a general purpose HDL that is easy to use
and learn
 It is similar in syntax with c programming language
 Verilog HDL allows different levels of abstraction and
mixed them
 Most popular logical sysnthesis support verilog HDL.this
makes it the language of choice for designers
 All fabrication venders provide verilog HDL libraries for
post logic synthesis simulation.thus ,designing a chip in
verilog HDL allows the widest choice of vendors.

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3.Explain the difference between an
instantiation and inference ?
 1.Instantiation:when u instantiate a component , you add an instance of that component
to your HDL file or schematic . vendor provides the following methods for instantiating
 Hdl : in an HDL File , you must use specific syntax to instantiate a component . for your
convinence , the ISE software provides language templetes ,which are pre built code
examples that you can create and store your own user templetes.
 Schematic:in a schematic file,you can instantiate components from the vendor unified
library provided with the ISE software . you can also create your own schematic symbols
to instantiate.

2.inference:when you infer a component ,you provide a description of the function you want
to accomplish . The synthesis tool then interprets the HDL code to determine which
hardware components to use to perform the function . For your convenience , the ISE
software provides language templetes , which are pre build code examples that you can
insert into your own design file . You can also store your own user templetes .

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4.Explain differences between modules and module
instances in verilog

Module :A module is a basic building in verilog . A module

can be an element or a collection of lower-level design blocks
. Typically , elemnts are grouped into modules to provide
common functionality that is used at many places in design.
Module instantiation : a module provides a template from
which you can create actual objects . When a module is
invoked , verilog creates a unique object from the templete .
Each object has its own name , variables , parameters and
I/O interface . The process of creating module from module
template is called instantiation , the objects are called
instances .

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5.Identify the components of verilog module definition ?
Module name ,
Port list , port declaration(if ports present)

Declarations of wires , reg Data flow

and other variables statements(assign)
Instantiation of lower level Always and initial blocks.
modules All behavioural statements
go in these blocks.

tasks and functions

Endmodule statement

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6.Define expressions , operators and operands ?

Expressions : expressions are constructs that combine

operators and operands to produce a result .
//examples of expressions . Combines operators and
a^b ,
addr 1 [20:17] + addr2[20:17]
In1 | in2

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Operands : operands can be any one of data types .
Some constructs will take only certain types of
operands . Operands can be integers , constants , real
numbers , nets , registers , times , bit select , part-
select , and memories or function calls .
Real a , b , c;
c = a – b ; // a and b are real operands

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Operators : operators act on the operands to produce
desired results . Some of operators are logical
operator , arithmetic operator , bit-wise operator .
D1 && d2 //&& is a operator on operands d1 and d2
!a[0] //! Is a operator on a[0]
B >> 1 //>> is a operator on operands b and 1

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Thank you

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