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Design patterns

 The concept of a "pattern" was first expressed in Christopher
Alexander's work A Pattern Language in 1977 (2543 patterns)
 In 1990 a group called the Gang of Four or "GoF" (Gamma,
Helm, Johnson, Vlissides) compile a catalog of design

Design Pattern: A solution to a common software

problem in a context
 Example: Iterator pattern
The Iterator pattern defines an interface that declares
methods for sequentially accessing the objects in a collection.

More about patterns
 A pattern describes a recurring software structure
 Is abstract from concrete design elements such as problem domain,
programming language
 Identifies classes that play a role in the solution to a problem, describes
their collaborations and responsibilities
 Lists implementation trade-offs
 Patterns are not code or designs; must be instantiated/applied

 The software engineer is required to:

 Evaluate trade-offs and impact of using a pattern in the system at hand
 Make design and implementation decision how best to apply the
pattern, perhaps modify it slightly
 Implement the pattern in code and combine it with other patterns

More about patterns
 A pattern describes a recurring software structure
 Is abstract from concrete design elements such as problem domain,
programming language
 Identifies classes that play a role in the solution to a problem,
describes their collaborations and responsibilities

 The software engineer is required to:

 Evaluate trade-offs and impact of using a pattern in the system at
 Make design and implementation decision how best to apply the
pattern, perhaps modify it slightly
 Implement the pattern in code and combine it with other patterns

Types of Pattern
There are 3 types of pattern …
 Creational: address problems of creating an object in
a flexible way. Separate creation, from operation/use.
 Structural: address problems of using O-O
constructs like inheritance to organize classes and
 Behavioral: address problems of assigning
responsibilities to classes. Suggest both static
relationships and patterns of communication
(use cases)
Gang of Four (GoF) patterns
Creational Patterns
(concerned with abstracting the object-
instantiation process)
Factory Method
Abstract Factory

Factory pattern
Factory: a class whose sole job is to easily create
and return instances of other classes

A creational pattern; makes it easier to construct

complex objects
Instead of calling a constructor, use a static
method in a "factory" class to set up the object
Saves lines and complexity to quickly construct /
initialize objects
Examples in Java: borders (BorderFactory),
network connections (SocketFactory)
Using existing factories in Java
setting borders on buttons and panels
 use built-in BorderFactory class



The Factory Method
Motivation: Class / Type separation
Design Pattern
 Abstract class serves as type definition and concrete class provides
 In a language which distinguishes between class and type, there must be a
mechanism for creation of an object which would reveal its type, but not
its class.
 Unfortunately, in Java, the best known language in which such a
separation exists, there is no such mechanism. Abstract Methods deal
exactly with this problem. The Abstract Factory Generalizes.
 Pattern Intent: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses
decide which class to instantiate.
 Lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses
Factory Method Motivation
Document* Application*
Open() docs CreateDocument() Document* doc = CreateDocument();
Close() NewDocument() docs.Add(doc);
Save() OpenDocument() doc ->Open();

MyDocument MyApplication
CreateDocument() return new MyDocument
Factory Method pattern

docs Application
Open() Document* doc = CreateDocument();
Save() CreateDocument() docs.Add(doc);
Close() NewDocument() doc->Open();
Revert() OpenDocument()

MyDocument CreateDocument() return new MyDocument
Factory Method pattern
Motivation (cont.)
Application class is responsible for creation (and
management) of Documents
 Application class knows: WHEN a new document should be
 Application class doesn’t know: WHAT KIND of document to
 Application subclasses redefine abstract CreateDocument()
method to return an appropriate Document subclass instance
Factory Method Structure Creator*

Product* FactoryMethod() ...

AnOperation() product = FactoryMethod()

FactoryMethod() return new ConcreteProduct

Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which
class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to
Factory Method Consequences
Figure* Client Manipulator*
createManipulator() DownClick()
... Drag()

LineFigure TextFigure LineManipulator TextManipulator

createManipulator() createManipulator() DownClick() DownClick()
... ... Drag() Drag()
Upclick() Upclick()
Connecting parallel hierarchies

Figure Client DownClick()
CreateManipulator() Drag()

LineManipulator TextManipulator
LineFigure TextFigure
DownClick() DownClick()
CreateManipulator() CreateManipulator()
Drag() Drag()



Localizes knowledge of which classes belongs together

Factory Method pattern

Creator ...
FactoryMethod() product= FactoryMethod()
AnOperation() ...

ConcreteProduct ConcreteCreator
return new ConcreteProduct
Factory Method pattern

Use the Factory Method pattern when

 a class can’t anticipate the class of objects it must create
 a class wants its subclasses to specify the object it creates
 classes delegate responsibility to one of several helper
subclasses, and you want to localize the knowledge of which
helper subclass is the delegate
Factory Method pattern
Product (Document)
 defines the interface of objects the factory method creates
ConcreteProduct (MyDocument)
 implements the Product interface
Creator (Application)
 declares the factory method, which returns an object of type
Product. Creator may also define a default implementation
of the factory method that returns a default
ConcreteProduct object.
 may call the factory method to create a Product object
ConcreteCreator (MyApplication)
 overrides the factory method to return an instance of a
Factory Method - Consequences
 Advantage
 eliminates the need to bind application specific classes
into your code; your code deals with Product interface
implemented by ConcreteProduct subclasses
Potential disadvantage
 clients might have to subclass the Creator class just to
create a particular (I.e., 1) ConcreteProduct object
Provides hooks for subclasses
 Factory Method gives subclasses a hook for providing an
extended version of an object
Connects parallel class hierarchies
 see next slide for example
Connecting parallel hierarchies

Figure Client DownClick()
CreateManipulator() Drag()

LineManipulator TextManipulator
LineFigure TextFigure
DownClick() DownClick()
CreateManipulator() CreateManipulator()
Drag() Drag()



Localizes knowledge of which classes belongs together

Factory Method - Implementation
Two major varieties
 Creator declares ABSTRACT factory method,
ConcreteCreator implements it
 Creator defines a default implementation for factory method
Parameterized factory methods
 lets the factory method to create multiple kinds of objects
 factory methods takes a parameter: a kind of object to create
 all products have to share a Product interface
Parameterized factory methods
class Creator {
virtual Product* Create(ProductId);
Product* Creator::Create(ProductId id) {
if (id == MINE) return new MyProduct;
if (id == YOURS) return new YourProduct;
return 0;
Product* MyCreator::Create(ProductId id) {
if (id == THEIRS) return new TheirProduct;
return Creator::Create(id);
Language-specific variants
“Lazy evaluation”
class Creator {
Product* GetProduct();
virtual Product* CreateProduct();
Product* _product;
Product* Creator::GetProduct() {
if (_product == 0)
_product = CreateProduct();
return _product;
Using templates to avoid subclassing
class Creator {
virtual Product* CreateProduct() = 0;
template <class TheProduct>
class StandartCreator : public Creator {
virtual Product* CreateProduct();
template <class TheProduct>
return new TheProduct;

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