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• State the importance of hygiene
• Explains the importance of
proper hygiene and building up
one's body resistance in the
prevention of diseases
Write your favorite actor/actress
on a piece of paper.
What do you think they have to do
every day to remain good looking?
Brush teeth, wash hands, shower daily, wear
clean clothes, wear deodorant, wash hair
with shampoo, eat healthy, go to the gym,
clean ears, scrub feet, etc.
- means keeping yourself clean
-kills germs that make you sick

• Take a bath everyday

• Wash hands regularly
• Wear clean clothes
• Brush your teeth
• Cut your finger and toenails
True/False Game About Germs

1. Most germs are found in the bedroom

2. Germs cannot live on smooth floors such as tiles
3. Household cleaning products can be harmful
4. Damp places encourages the spread of germs
5. There are lots of germs in the dirty clothes basket
6. It does not matter how long my nails are because
germs cannot live underneath fingernails because
they cannot breathe.
7. Boiling water makes it clean and safe to drink
8. If you smell, it is okay to substitute deodorant or
perfume/cologne for a bath.
Write down 1 or 2 “AHAs!”(something you
learned) and 1 or 2 “HUHs?” (things you still
have questions about.


Aha! And Huh?

•Learner’s Proficiency
Directions: Fill in the correct word to complete the sentences
1. Wash your ____________ before meal time
2. brush your ____________teeth before and after eating
3. Trim your _____________short and clean
4. Eat nutritious ___________ to stay healthy and strong
5. get enough _____________ to grow tall and strong
6. Always ____________ to stay fit
7. Cover your ___________ when you sneeze
8. Comb your ______________ and keep it away from your
9. Good hygiene starts with a clean ____________
10. dry your feet and _________ well after bath.
Hands Toes Hair Feet
Junk food Nails Sleep Food
Exercise Ears Nose Body

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