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Sport is a major contributor to economic and social development. Its role is well recognized by Governments, including in the Political
Declaration of the 2030 Agenda, which reflects on “the contribution sports make to the empowerment of women and of young people,
individuals and communities, as well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives.”

Since its onset, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread to almost all countries of the world. Social and physical distancing measures, lockdowns
of businesses, schools and overall social life, which have become commonplace to curtail the spread of the disease, have also disrupted many
regular aspects of life, including sport and physical activity.

The Olympics and Paralympics, for the first time in the history of the modern games, have been postponed, and will be held in 2021. Major
sporting organizations have shown their solidarity with efforts to reduce the spread of the virus. For example, FIFA has teamed up with the
World Health Organization (WHO) and launched a ‘Pass the message to kick out coronavirus’ campaign led by well-known football players in
13 languages, calling on people to follow five key steps to stop the spread of the disease focused on hand washing, coughing etiquette, not
touching one’s face, physical distance and staying home if feeling unwell.

• Sociocultural and Religious factors complicate India’s COVID-19 response.

• Environmental shocks and epidemics may also cause societies to become
more “ selfish”, electing authoritarian leaders and showing prejudice
towards outsiders.
• The disease is offering a unique opportunity to highlight many issues that
have been object of public debate and concern for years , bringing them to
fore in an urgent , dramatic and overwhelming manner.
• Health sector
As this pandemic is still in upswing central government and many state governments are ramping up their health infrastructure.
COVID-19 has made people to focus more on their personal hygiene.
There have been sudden demand of masks ,sanitizers and PPE kits and there shortage has given an employment opportunities to
Seeing this an opportunity our country has become a supplier of all these products.
We have scaled up production of hydroxychloroquine.
Doctors and health workers are getting respect what they deserve for their work
A lot of COVID-19 dedicated hospitals have been opened.
Shortcomings of health infrastructure have been exposed.
For the improvement of health sector in India ,COVID-19 has emerged as a blessing in disguise .

• Due to a nationwide lockdown in a country like India where there are more than 32 crore
students education sector have suffered a setback.
• It has exposed our system and still our country is finding solutions to tackle it.
• A lot of students are suffering from mental health and depression.
• A country of 1.4 billion and having a very big digital divide, going digital for studies is not a
proper solution.
• But going digital is the only option.

• In India where there are very small and medium scale industries COVID-19 has made a dent on them.
• Due to a large migration of labour and lockdown ,industries have stopped their work .
• They have lost a hefty amount of money.
• The halt of industrial activities have in turn made our country’s economy situation very critical .
• Many big companies have given a pay cut or even have reduced their workforce
• These changes in industrial sector have created a sense of insecurity towards private sector.
• Many other sectors like tourism ,railways ,aviation have suffered.
• The impact on these sectors will be long lasting.

• COVID-19 have created sentiment among India to be self reliant.

• Our Prime Minister has talked about vocal for local
• A lot of industries have been given free loan for all these type of work.
• A huge amount of about 8 lakh crore was added in a relief package.

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