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University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Faculty of Science Engineering and Technology

Course Title: Data Structure

Course Code: CSE 211

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Nadia Mehzabin
Mr. Sukanta Paul(SIR)
ID: 17010115
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
Batch: 29th
Presentation Topic


Basically ,Hashing is a searching technique.

The definition of Hashing:

Hashing is the process of indexing and retrieving
element(data) in a data structure to provide faster
way of finding the element using the hash key.
Hash table:
A table where items(data) are stored in a sysmetic way
followed by hash key.
Hash value:
This is like index value or address of the item in the
Hash table.
Hash key:
This is the actual data item stored in Hash table.
Hash Value

Fig: Hash table,Hash key,Hash value

Hash function

To store data in a Hash table we must use some

These methods are known as hash function.
Definition of hash function:
The relation between Hash key and Hash value is
known as Hash function.
Hash function methods

Hash function follows following methods:

Division method:
If there are m slots available,then the key is mapped to given m
slots using following formula:
H(k)=k(mod m)
Or,H(k)=k(mod m)+1
Here,k(mod m) denotes the reminder when k is divided by m.the
second formula is used where we want the hash address to range
from 1 to m,rather than from 0 to m-1.
Hash function methods( Cont’d )

Midsquare method:
In this method the formula is H(k)=l
Where the key k is squared.
And l is obtained by deleting digits from both ends of the k2
Folding method:
In this method, the given key k is partitioned into subparts
Each of which has the same length as the required add all these parts together and ignore the
H(k)=k1+k2+k3+……………+kn is the formula.

Consider the following 4 digits employee numbers :

Find the 2 digit hash address of each number using
(a) The division method, with m=97;(b) the
midsquare method;(c)the folding method without
reversing; and(d)the folding method with reversing.

Division method

H(ki)=ki(mod) where i=1,2,3,4……….

Or,H(ki)=ki(mod m)+1
In this case that the memory address begin with 01 rather then
00,we choose that the function,
H(ki)=ki(mod m)+1
Midsquare method

The following calculation is performed:

H(ki) =l [where i=1,2,3……..]
Folding method

This method is:

H(ki)=k1+k2+K3+…….+k 4
[where i=1,2,3……..]
Alternatively,one may want to reverse the second
part before,adding,trhus production the following
hash address:

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