Sierra Leone (Autosaved)

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Sierra Leone: A History
 Archaeology findings show that Sierra Leone has been inhabited for thousands of years. Traditional
historiography has customarily presented it as a people by successive waves of invaders; but the language
pattern suggests that the coastal Bulom (Sherbro), Temne, and Limba have been in continuous settled
occupation for a long time, with sporadic immigration from inland Mende-speaking people including Vai,
Loko and Mende.

 In 1787, British philanthropists founded the “Province of Freedom” which later became Freetown, a British
crown colony and the principal base for the suppression of the slave trade. By 1792, 1200 freed slaves from
Nova Scotia joined the original settlers, the Maroons. Another group of slaves rebelled in Jamaica and
travelled to Freetown in 1800.
 Sierra Leone achieved independence on the 27th of April 1961. the country attained

republican status on the 19th April 1971. Since independence many changes have been

experienced politically and economically and in the social society of Sierra Leone.

 Since independence, Sierra Leone has been ruled by 9 Heads of State, at one time making

history in the world, of having the youngest Head of State, Valentine Strasser aged 27

years. The SLPP administration of Alhaji Dr Ahmed Tejan Kabbah were voted out of

power in what has widely being acclaimed as a free, fair and peaceful election in 2007.

The current President is Ernest Bai Koroma of the APC party.

Economic Status
 Sierra Leone is currently ranked as top 9th poorest country in 2019. Sierra Leone’s
economic freedom score is 47.5, making its economy the 167th freest in the 2019 Index.
Its overall score has decreased by 4.3 points, with a steep plunge in fiscal health and lower
scores for labor freedom, monetary freedom, and business freedom overwhelming
improvements in the tax burden, judicial effectiveness, and government integrity. Sierra
Leone is ranked 42nd among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall
score is well below the regional and world averages.
Country Profile

 Capital : Freetown
 GDP per capita: 499.43 USD (2017)
 GNI per capita: 1,480 PPP (2017)
 Government : Constitutional democracy.
 Language: English (official), Mende (southern vernacular), Temne (northern
vernacular), Krio (lingua franca)
 Religion: Islam 60%, Indigenous 30%, Christian 10%
 Two Major Ethnic Groups: Temne , Mende
 Population: 7,719,729 (2018)
 Life Expectancy: 52 years old (Male), 53 years old (Female)
Imports Products
Export Products

US 5% Rice
6% 9%
Africa 17%
5% Iron Ore
South Africa 25%
6% 30% Cars
US Cement
6% Asian 3%
Others 4%
Cocoa Beans Titanium Ore
Asian Countries
European9%Countries 17%
Diamonds Alumium Ore
12% 8%
Tourists Spots

Gola Forest Reserve, Kenema

Cotton Tree, Freetown

Tokeh Beach, Tokeh
Outamba Kilimi Nional Park,
Turtle Islands, Southeast Peninsula Bombalati

Bounce Island, Huntington Beach

Tacugama Chimpanzee
Banana Island, South west of Freetown Peninsula
Sanctuary, Freetown
Tiwai Island wildlife sanctuary, Tiwai

Mount Bintumani, Loma Mountains

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