Plant Respiration

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The Intake Of Oxygen By Plants For Respiration

1. Plants take the oxygen through leaves.

2. At the lower surface of leaves, there are guard cells
3. Guard cells will control the size of stomata
4. Gaseous exchange between plant and the environment occurs by
diffusion, mainly through stomata
Characteristic of stomata
1.STOMATA - the size of stomata is controlled by two guard cells
- stomata open when there is light
- stomata close in the dark
• During the day, water enters the guard cells by osmosis, causing
them to become turgid and open stomata.
• Opening stomata allows gasses exchange occurs (oxygen from
environment enter to leaves through stomata for respiration)
• During the night, water is lost from the guard cells through osmosis
causing them to become shrink and close stomata

**osmosis is a process of water diffusing from one place to another

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