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Keep all food and drinks away from

computer and equipment.
Liquid may spill and cause an
electrical shock or the computer not
to operate properly.
Never attempt to repair the
computer while it is on.
You might touch a part that
conducts electricity.
Secure power cords from traffic.
All cables and connectors must
be tied together to keep them
away from walkways
to avoid accidents.
Always safely remove CD’s and
flash drives.
Do not put fingers, pencils, pens,
paper clips, etc. into disk drives.
Use equipment covers to
protect hardware from dust.
Ensure that machines are
cleaned on a regular basis.
Turn off the computer during
electrical storms.
Maintain appropriate room
temperature and humidity
levels. Ensure that the
temperature in the room stays
cool. Machines can overheat
Never bang the mouse or on the
Always use a light touch with
these input devices.
Close all programs before logging
off or shutting down the computer.
Keep magnets away from your
computer and disks. Magnets can
erase information.
Let’s See
What You
True OR False
Do not use the
computer during
a storm? TRUE
True OR False
Spray your
computer with
household FALSE
cleanser to keep
it clean.
True OR False
Spilling liquids
on your
computer won’t FALSE
hurt it.
True OR False
Keeping your
computer dust-
free can help it TRUE
last longer.
True OR False
It won’t hurt to
eat a peanut
butter & jelly
sandwich while
using the
True OR False
Downloading from
Internet sites could
expose your
computer to TRUE
dangerous viruses.

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