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8th semester
Makerspaces are a growing
service area for many libraries in school, public, and
academic settings. Participants, or makers, can create
digital and physical items in common working spaces
using shared equipment and resources. The essential
makerspace elements of makers, tools, space, and
shared expertise are also often joined by a spirit of
individual exploration and discovery through creative
One area of balance in
makerspaces is in providing group training on specific
creative activities while also offering open lab times in
the makerspace for individuals to work independently
or in small collaborative groups on their projects. This is
particularly acute in the academic environment, where
lab spaces (whether for computers, biology, chemistry,
engineering, or nursing) are often imagined for use by
Makerspaces can be a mechanism for encouraging students to
classes of students working on an assignment or
experiment and learn beyond the classroom and outside of the
project. Can an open, self-directed approach work in an
normal structure of their assignments. Students are
environment where much learning is encapsulated in
encouraged to ex- amine new means of creation and in doing
semester-long courses and student learning is assessed
so they strengthen and apply more broadly the learning they
by assignments with relatively rigid timelines and
experience in their courses. The following paper presents a
criteria? The alternative, maker focused mindset would
positive case for pursuing an academic library makerspace and
allow for tinkering and play to be utilized by makers as
helpful steps to pursue.
they create and learn.

The Rise of Library Makerspaces
Makerspaces have existed in various forms as long as people makerspace had been in place, and what types of making
have been making items and have needed places to work technologies and activities they offer. Respondents
with tools and equipment. The rise of makerspaces as a represented libraries from 30 U.S. states and seven other
concept began around 2005 with the beginning of Make: countries. The majority of respondents came from public
magazine and its promotion of creative projects and libraries (51%), with the next largest group working in
methods for making. The magazine’s publisher also began academic libraries (36%). Nearly half of the
offering a series of “makerfaires” around the United States respondents’ makerspaces were less than one year
and internationally that showcased the efforts of makers. In old (46%), but 11% had been in place for more than
the years that followed, libraries began to host making two full years. The most commonly represented
activities in their programming options and to establish
making activities and technologies are shown in table
dedicated makerspaces. Librarians also began to recast some
1.3 Digital technologies such as video and image
of the creative activities and devices already present in their
buildings as making activities, such as video and audio editing, computer programming, and animation are
capture, large format printing, art-related work- shops, very common among library makerspaces, but
music recording spaces, and so forth. With an international activities ending in physical products like 3D printing
network of makers already present and sharing their or arts and crafts were also well represented. The last
projects, techniques, and technologies, library staff item in the list, tinkering, may point toward the
members could build on their initial inspirations and develop presence of independent experimentation with
larger makerspace programs. products and items to see how they work and to learn
A 2013 survey of library makerspaces by the author sheds through troubleshooting them..
some further light on the state of library makerspaces.2 109
librarians responded to a Web- based survey, indicating that
their libraries either currently hosted makerspaces or were
close to launching makerspaces. Respondents answered 14
questions about their makerspaces, including their location,
what type of library they worked in, how long their

TABLE 1 Making Activities and Technologies in
The 15 Most Common Technologies and Activities in Library
Library Makerspaces
Technology or % of All
The application of makerspaces in academic, public, and school
# Libraries libraries has been primarily guided by the environments in which
Activity Respondents

these three types of libraries operate. While there are common
73 67% elements to every makerspace, those in academic libraries do
3D printing 50 46%
exhibit some differences. When academic library responses were
isolated from the author’s survey, they illustrate something of a
Photo editing 49 45%
different focus. Table 2 shows a list of the most common
Video editing 47 43% technologies and activities from academic library makerspaces.
Computer There are stronger showings for creative activities resulting in
programming/soft 43 39% digital products, such as websites, digital photos, programs, apps,
and games. Arts and crafts, tinkering, and the well-represented
Art and crafts 40 37% category of “Other” have dropped from the list entirely. The
Scanning photos to contents of that “Other” list tended to include more physical
39 36%
digital making activities and may further point to an academic library
Creating a website makerspace tilt toward digital creation.
37 34%
or online portfolio Unfortunately, the survey did not allow for a fuller exploration of
Digital music this distinction in academic library makerspaces. It is possible
36 33%
recording that, at least among the surveyed libraries, academic
3D modeling 34 31% makerspaces tend to be focused more on discipline-related
projects that involve product modeling and prototyping for
33 30% engineering, design, or marketing. It might further indicate that
Other 33 30% academic library makerspaces tend to be created to meet
curricular goals at an institution rather than as venues for
Animation 31 28%
independent discovery and creation activities. This is purely
High quality speculation, though, and this divide between assignment-
31 28%
dependent and independent use of makerspaces will be
Tinkering 28 26% explored further in the makerspace profiles that follow.

The 16 Most Common Technologies and Activities in Academic Library
Profiles of Academic Library Makerspaces Makerspaces

Technology or
# Libraries % of All Respondents
The following profiles of existing academic library
Computer workstations 25 67%
makerspaces demonstrate what this concept looks like within
actual libraries. They represent different methods for creating Photo editing 20 54%
and using makerspaces in higher education. 3D printing 18 49%
Valdosta State University is a public university located in Creating a website or
18 49%
Valdosta, Georgia. Staff at the Odom Library created a online portfolio
makerspace by repurposing an unused room to give Video editing 18 49%
students a place to work on digital media projects. Library Scanning photos to
15 41%
staff members were able to equip the makerspaces by digital
repurposing surplus equipment from the campus’ IT 3D modeling 14 38%
department, surplus furniture from elsewhere in the High quality scanner 13 36%
university, and by gaining internal grants to buy 3D Computer
12 33%
printers. The space is meant to be scheduled and used by programming/software
interested students as they complete projects with only Digital music
11 31%
minimal library staff time investment in maintaining the recording

equipment. In addition, library staff members offer Animation 8 23%

regular workshops to teach students how to use the Creating apps 7 21%
technologies or complete their projects independently. Game creation 7 21%
The focus at Valdosta has been to give new purpose to Prototyping 7 21%
unused library space while also making new technologies
VHS conversion
available to students. 7 21%
Electronic music
7 21%

At the College of San Mateo, a community college in San printer, some small circuit kits, and a large format printer. It
Mateo, California, the library makerspace began as an has become a popular stop on campus tours, and the
attempt to serve students in a new way. That involved technologies present there have nearly marketed
building a community of makers by asking students what themselves, helped along by word-of-mouth market- ing by
they were interested in making and reaching out to faculty the library’s student assistants. The goals for the
and staff to teach workshops. This led to a more student- makerspace include both giving individual students the
driven plan for choosing making activities to offer and opportunity to create apps outside of their class
technologies to purchase. It also meant that an open call assignments, and by connecting makerspace items, like
for workshop leaders brought to light hobbies and talents Raspberry Pies, with networking and computer science
that are not used in the regular duties of those faculty and classes. Another forthcoming development: turning the
staff members. The library staff members were able to makerspace mobile. The systems and emerging
collaborate with the engineering, art, and fashion clubs on technologies librarian hopes to take some equipment, like
campus, and the library was awarded a grant for the 3D printer, out of the makerspace and into the
innovative programs offered by the institution’s president classroom.
to fund additional activities. They have offered jewelry The campus library at Kent State University-
making, terrarium-building, 3D printing, and soldering Tuscarawas, a public two-year regional campus in New
workshops. They hope to see faculty members add hands-
Philadelphia, Ohio, is starting a makerspace with small
on making activities in their classes.
businesses in mind. The library maker- space, funded
Ferrum College is a private, four-year institution in
in part through a Library Services and Technology Act
Ferrum, Virginia. The Stanley Library’s director
(LSTA) grant, will feature 3D print- ing, electronics and
decided to create a digital media center in the library
robotics kits, a vinyl cutter, and other technologies.
by first hiring a librarian into a new position: systems
Through a partnership with the Ohio Small Business
and emerging technologies librarian. They began by
Development Center and a small business incubator,
purchasing a green screen kit, some digital cameras,
the makerspace will also feature workshops on starting
and image editing software. They were later able to
a business, securing funding, marketing, and other
expand into a larger dedicated space as part of a
topics of interest to potential entrepreneurs.
library renovation. The makerspace now contains a 3D

The hands-on nature of makerspaces, whether focused on digital or physical creation, does contribute to individuals learning
skills, software, and the processes involved. But is making a useful activity in the higher educational setting?
A pair of theories about learning has been identified in the maker literature to explain the impact of producing items on
students’ understanding of related concepts and the value of making to the strengthening and diversity of this understanding.
The learning theory of constructionism, developed by Seymour Papert, suggests that problem-based learning exercises are an
excellent way for students to build and reinforce their knowledge. As learners encounter a problem to solve, they are driven to
create an answer. This creation may be just a mental model that helps the learner understand the subject matter, but if it is a
physical or virtual creation it makes a stronger impact on the learner.8 Makerspaces provide resources that students can use to
solve problems through creation, and also offer guidance and examples of products to inspire the learner to deeper
Henry Jenkins’ concept of participatory culture allows students to play multiple roles in the creative process, gaining
understanding from each perspective. The idea is to move students from serving only the role of consumers of
information or media, and into the role of creators. Not only does this provide students with the freedom to shape
their own visions into products, but it also allows them to grow in their skills at their own pace, and to have guidance
from and collaboration with more experienced creators. The learner can become the teacher, and grow in
understanding through explaining what they know to others. There is power in having an environment where students
can see and share the work of their own hands.
Makerspaces can also be a venue for learning specific types of skills relevant to fields of study in higher education.
They can be practical laboratories to learn concepts related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics) fields. Several colleges and universities have built makerspaces with equipment aimed at prototyping
architectural or engineering designs. In other cases, students in biomedical engineering or other scientific fields have
created items to use in simulating body functions or treating medical conditions.10 In a more interdisciplinary vein,
other schools are opening makerspaces for the purpose of stimulating innovation and developing students’ skills as
entrepreneurs.11 Students may develop a market- able product in the space, or may set forth on a new career or area
of research thanks to an interest they discovered.

Library staff members have found motivations to pursue
MOTIVATIONS makerspaces within these aspects, perhaps because the
aspects and practices of makerspaces connect very well
FOR with those of libraries. Like makerspaces, libraries have a
mission to provide patrons with access to resources and

CREATING A MAKERSPACE technologies they may not be able to afford on their own.
Libraries are already makerspaces of a sort, or at least
maker-friendly, partly because of the technology that they
Beyond the impact of makerspaces on learning, there are some offer and partly because of the “how-to” resources their
other reasons that library staff members have decided to pursue collections may include. As makerspaces offer a shared
makerspaces. The philosophy behind the larger Maker space for makers, libraries provide a community space to
Movement, as expressed in the Maker Movement Manifesto, has bring diverse individuals together with the opportunity to
been influential.12 The tenets of that document can be collaborate. Libraries are also educational institutions, and
summarized by the following provisions of makerspaces: are often connected to with an interest in promoting STEM
• They exist to bring individual makers into a space with knowledge and activities. There are enough areas of
shared resources. correlation to cause library staff members to consider the
• They are spaces in which experienced makers can creation of makerspaces.
teaching skills and guide the progress of newer makers. The author’s survey of library makerspaces included a
• They allow for the sharing ideas and designs not just question on what respondents tell people who ask why
within the makerspace, but outward to the larger world their library has a makerspace.13 An examination of those
of makers. responses illustrates what librarians and library staff
• They enable individuals to collaborate on projects and members consider the strongest arguments for adding a
bring multiple perspectives and skill sets together. makerspace. 90 of the 109 respondents to the survey
• They encourage individuals to experiment and discover answered this question, some at great length and others
through tinkering with technologies and products and with just a sentence or two. Each of the responses was
coded into a set of categories that best matched the
to approach making with a spirit of play.
thoughts expressed.

For all libraries, the six most popular motivation- al categories But the expressions of motivations can also reflect
for library makerspace creators were: (1) supporting learning, respondents’ personal expectations for the makerspace,
(2) encouraging collaboration, (3) providing access, (4) and not imply wide differences in motivational focus by
expanding library services, (5) following the library’s mission, types of libraries. Nonetheless, the results of that question
and (6) providing opportunities for individual creation. All of on the survey do provide in- sight on how makerspace
these were discussed by between 15 and 34 of the respondents. creators from different types of libraries describe the
When looking at just the 34 responses from academic library purpose of their spaces.
respondents, there were four highly ranked categories: (1)
supporting learning, (2) pro- viding access, (3) encouraging
collaboration, and (4) following the library’s mission. Public
library respondents’ responses did not deviate from the results
for all libraries, but school library respondents included (1)
support of tinkering, (2) offering cross-curricular experiences,
and (3) providing STEM-related opportunities among their top
six categories, in addition to choices already mentioned.
It is interesting to imagine how these small differences in
expressed motivations might be explained among the library
types. Academic library staff may not have needed to stress that
their makerspaces were an expansion of library services as
much as public library respondents did, perhaps because there
are more creative options already in place in academic libraries.
School library respondents may have a clearer goal than those
from academic libraries in expressing support for STEM or
reaching students with projects that crossed subject boundaries
in keeping with larger district or statewide expectations.

Some Considerations When Planning a Makerspace
There are some decision points related to providing making opportunities that can help guide the planning process. These
issues represent both initial starting points and later transitions that the library staff can choose to make with the
makerspace. Some are fairly binary options, and others should be seen as a sliding scale.

• Will it be clean or dirty? Or both? The makerspace can feature making that is primarily low-impact in terms of messes
made (such as digital image or audio production), or it can involve carpentry or laser cutting, with many scraps left on the
floor. Or, with the right space, it could involve both types of activities.
• Will it be an open lab, or just for classes and workshops? There might be time set aside for anyone to come into the space
and work on a project, and then times where the maker- space is reserved for a class project or a work- shop. This is a
balance between the norms of the environment that the makerspace is serving (for instance, if there is a high interest in
having classes meet in the makerspace) and the Maker Movement freedom of letting makers tinker and try projects on
their own (with support).
• Will it be regularly staffed, or checked/maintained as needed? Depending on the type of equipment available, or the level
of expertise needed to use it there may be a need to only open up the makerspace when it can be staffed. On the other
hand, perhaps it can be open more often without staff on hand, which makes the operation of the makerspace less of a
drain on the human resources of the library.
• Will it be noisy? Noise can come from equipment or from enthusiastically collaborating makers, but it is something to
consider when choosing space and noting its proximity to areas using for quiet contemplation.
• Will there be a dedicated space, or mobile making? Perhaps the makerspace will be a room or corner of the library that is
clearly demarcated, with equipment, furniture, and resources situated and ready to use. An alternative arrangement
would be to have maker activities and gear packed up and ready to pull out for workshops, or to take on the road to
classrooms or other locations on campus.
• Will all making be done in-house, or will technologies circulate? Academic libraries may already circulate a lot of
creative equipment, from cameras to laptops to video and audio recording devices. There could be more maker-
focused equipment that circulates, from hand tools to 3D scanners.

• Will it be funded entirely by the library, or from fees for services, or with start-up grants, etc.? Funding and budgeting for a
maker- space is a key part of an implementation plan. The sources of funding may change over time, but it is crucial to
know what will be possible in the space given the funds available.

In addition to making these decisions, planners can also follow an approach toward implementing the makerspaces in stages.
Burke provides a summary of several implementation methods.14 Good suggests a set of five stages, moving from “one-off
activities” to “dirty labs” over time. A helpful chart by Future- Makers expands on Good’s work and gives more de- tailed

The Justification for an Academic Library Makerspace

A compelling rationale can be constructed for adding a makerspace to an academic library. The following lists of
arguments should be helpful to librarians who are assembling their own justifications. They are presented in two groups.
The first speaks to needs that campuses are facing and draws on some of the previous material covered on the connection
between learning and making. The makerspace can provide opportunities for:

• Hands-on learning: Students can built objects and both learn and practice creative skills with various technologies
and media.
• Co-working: Students can work collaboratively with their peers and with more experienced makers to create works
together, learning valuable group participation skills and benefiting from the input and insights of others.
• Self-directed learning: Students can use the materials in the makerspace to follow up on questions or explore
and review concepts at their own pace.
• STEM education: Students can create and practice with elements related to the STEM fields and the
makerspace can support teaching and learning in these disciplines.
• Prototyping: Students can create product models that they design and then rapidly test, alter, and enhance
their prototypes using tools in the makerspace.

Tinkering: Students can explore how devices or objects work and delve into troubleshoot- ing them or creating new
Open culture: Students can experience an open design and sharing environment in the makerspace, where they can learn
how maker culture is dependent on the free ex- change of ideas and information.
The second group are drawn from additional interviews that the author conducted with 17 maker- space creators in the
survey of library makerspaces. The interviewees recounted how their makerspaces began and noted factors important to
that process. The factors were sorted into summary statements in an attempt to form a list that can guide others. Each
statement is presented as an affirmative statement, which may vary in accuracy or strength depending on the setting. If
enough of the statements are true in a given library environment, though, they make strong arguments for considering
creating a makerspace.
The formation of the makerspace is in keeping with the library’s mission, or adding making activities is a reasonable
extension of that mission.
There are demonstrated needs in the com- munity served by the library for learning and collaboration through making
• The makerspace is a method for the library to provide access to services, materials, and skills that patrons may not be
able to obtain on their own.
• The library has potential sources for funding a makerspace.
• The library administration supports the idea of forming a makerspace (or has supported similar undertakings in the
• The library can form a makerspace in cooperation with other partners on campus or within the larger community of the
The library staff is interested and/or experienced in making activities.

Each section of this document covers a particular Makerspace module or specialization and includes a description, notes on
safety, considerations such as space or utilities, and lists of tools and materials appropriate to be used with the tools.

The working environment of the space creating the foundation for a safe,
comfortable and clean working environment

Tools and materials common among and across modules that are useful on a
wide range of projects

Woodworking Working primarily with wood

Metalworking Working primarily with metal

Using electricity from the basics of circuit design through more advanced
microcontrollers, robotics other electromechanical creations

Working with flexible materials such as cloth, vinyl, leather, rope and
T extiles
string, including soft circuits and wearable electronics

The hardware and software necessary for modern planning, design and

Additive manufacturing ability known as 3D printing which allows makers

3D Printing
to create detailed, complex objects

The requirements for a laser cutter, which would provide the ability to cut
Laser Cutting
and etch materials quickly and with high precision

The requirements for Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machines,

CNC Cutting
which accurately cut and sculpt various materials

Lists of equipment, tools, and materials constitute the bulk of this document. These lists include the common name of each
tool, general pricing information, and often a more specific description of what kind of tool would work best in this context.
We welcome feedback on our recommendations. Lists are arranged by price/performance allowing you to choose cost and
capabilities that match your space.
We have chosen tools and materials specifically for young people ages 14 to 18 working within a shared environment like a
Makerspace. The tools are generally easy to maintain. We avoid listing parts that are easily lost or broken. We also try to take
into account that these tools might be used by smaller hands with less strength than an adult, while still wanting to choose
tools which work reliably. The lists are broken down by Tools & Equipment and Materials & Parts.

Tools & Equipment covers the tools for this module. The number of each tool is estimated for a group of up to 25 students to
work simultaneously. This list is further broken down into:

• Safety: the equipment necessary for safe operation of the tools.

• Accessories: support items for the tools, including storage and maintenance materials.
• Consumables: items needing regular replacement such as hot glue sticks, saw blades, etc.
• Materials & Parts lists the generally most common and useful materials to keep on hand that can be broadly useful for
projects, using the recommended tools. The quantities are the suggested useful amount for a wide range of projects and
will need occasional replenishing depending on use.
Basic The recommended equipment and materials to introduce this module into your Makerspace. We selected items that keep
the cost low while making sure that the tools are the most useful and the materials are easy to work with.
Intermediate This level allows Makers to create more ambitious projects and work with a wider range of materials with greater
precision. In most modules the Intermediate tools and materials are added to the Basic set allowing a space to advance over
time. When an identical Item is listed twice, additional numbers are suggested for an Intermediate space.
Class Size
The tool count, workspace size, and material totals are for a typical class of 25 students. When outfitting your space, add or
subtract equipment appropriate to your class size. Consumables and upkeep costs are estimates for 25 students using the space
for 70 to 100 hours. This is roughly a semester of two 2-hour sessions per week, plus some individual extracurricular time.

Create a safe, comfortable and creative space for
making by individuals and teams.

The workspace needs to be organized and spacious
enough to provide enough room to move around
working makers freely and without danger. Keep clear
all pathways to tools, exits, and safety equipment.
Make it easy to remove trash and debris regularly.
Provide adequate ventilation and lighting. Everyone
should know where the first aid kits and fire
extinguishers are. Drop cords can quickly become a
work and tripping hazard, so place outlets around the
perimeter of the room and/or drop them from the
ceiling for each work area. Similarly we generally
discourage the use of power strips with the exception
of a few specific modules listed below.

Many elements of the workspace such as
workbenches, storage, shelving, and whiteboards can
be made for significantly less money, and sometimes
more sturdily, than buying ready-made. This has the
advantage of engaging students in meaningful acts of
creation while tamping down your overall startup

• Large workbenches allow makers to work comfortably while allowing them to build cooperatively.
• Keep it tidy: shelves give participants a place to keep their projects when they’re not in the space, and there are supplies for
cleaning up when done.
• We recommend a sealed concrete floor.
• Basic: 1000 square feet or more. (For 25 makers)
• Intermediate: 1200 square feet or more. (For 25 makers) A sink is preferred but not

Outfit a workshop with tools for cutting, fastening, shaping, marking, measuring, taking apart, and putting together a large
variety of maker projects.

The tools listed are safe when used responsibly. All power tools should be used after training and with supervision, and only
by students who have the strength to control the tool.
• Wear safety glasses when...
working with any power tool
• Hammering and working with any tool that could possibly
generate flying debris.
• Working with chemicals that can splash or create fumes.

Wear respirators (masks) when sawing, sanding, working with aerosols, or any other tool that creates airborne particles.
Wear ear muffs or foam ear plugs when working with power tools or regular hammering.
When using any power tool long hair should be tied up, and loose clothes and jewelry should be secured.

• These tools take from a few seconds to a few minutes to learn to use.
• These tools support the capabilities of other modules.
• The materials are non-specialized and can be worked easily with the tools in this
• Several feet of open wall [or a tool magazine or foldout organizer (as above)] are needed to store tools.

Wood is a fantastic material—cheap, durable, attractive, renewable, and readily available in many standard sizes. This
module builds on the General module’s most basic tools to cut and shape wood allowing higher precision, greater
complexity, and larger projects.

The safety equipment from the General tool module will provide adequate protection for this module.
Splinters and cuts are the most common injuries when working with wood.
Wear safety glasses and gloves at all times.
Wear respirators while sanding.
When working with power tools, wear hearing protection.
Secure long hair and loose clothes to keep them from getting pulled into the tools.

• Woodworking tools take a few minutes to learn to use safely.
• Basic Woodworking recommendations include the hand tools, both powered and unpowered, to handle many projects
including building workbenches, shelving and other workspace equipment.
• Intermediate Woodworking recommendations add more power and specialty tools to tackle more ambitious projects
with more precision.
• Stationary power tools such as the drill press and scroll saw should have their own dedicated space.


Make everything from delicate jewelry to durable, heavy-duty projects. These tools can create stable platforms for robots or
the finest chainmail. They can be used to make attractive metal project cases or to build replacement parts for cars, bicycles
and other machines.

Working with metal typically requires working with tools that apply a lot of force or a lot of heat. Using these tools safely
requires attention to the tool and the surrounding work area. Take special care needs to prevent harm from flying debris, not
only for those who are using the equipment, but also for anyone near the work area. Dedicate a space clear of flammable
materials for tools that generate heat such as torches and welders, as well as tools that generate sparks such as grinders.
Isolate welding areas with welding shields to prevent eye damage to those nearby and to contain any flying debris.
For most activities, the gloves, masks, safety glasses and hearing protection from the General Tools module will protect the
makers adequately. However, when working with a torch or welder, use more serious safety equipment. A torch requires
heat-resistant gloves and goggles specifically for torch work. Welding requires full body protection including a face shield,
welding gloves, and a sleeved bib to protect clothes, high-top shoes, and pants without cuffs. Use a mask to prevent
inhalation of metal fumes.

• The Basic level focuses mostly on hand tools and smaller projects while the Intermediate level adds more power tools
and a welder, dramatically increasing the scale and capability of projects.
• Most tools take a few minutes to learn to use. Welding, brazing, and soldering each take at least half an hour to learn
safety and basic fundamentals.
• Ventilation for working with torches or welders.
• Intermediate: 120+ square feet with concrete floor.



Learn about electricity, electronics, integrated circuits and microelectronics. Read and create schematic diagrams and troubleshoot

Microcontrollers & Robotics
Microcontrollers allow makers to create advanced electronics and electromechanical systems including robots. The Microcontrollers &
Robotics submodule adds the capability to build and experiment with robotics, microcontrollers, and other electromechanical
creations. The capability of this module is largely limited by mechanical construction, and benefits from the capability that other
modules offer, especially metalwork. The basic selection of materials is for simple robots that are capable of following lines or avoiding
obstacles. The intermediate selection adds more advanced functionality allowing competition-ready robots.

Electronics at this level are low-power and safe. The tip of a soldering iron heats to about 400oF, hot enough to cause burns and
should be handled attentively. Under normal soldering conditions, solder containing lead poses no health risk, though makers should
be encouraged to wash their hands after a long period of handling leaded solder. Lead- free solder is available but not recommended
because the flux core gives off much more toxic fumes, is more corrosive to soldering tips, requires higher soldering temperature, and
is generally harder to work with. Any kind of soldering generates fumes from the flux core of the solder, so ventilate the area.

• Solder less breadboards allow makers to quickly and nondestructively explore circuits while soldering allows makers to assemble
circuits more permanently, either from kits or original designs.
• The equipment here can be quickly set up when needed and easily stored when not in use.
• It takes around 10 minutes to learn to solder, an hour to become proficient at using an oscilloscope, and about 15 minutes to
master the rest of the tools.
• Compared to the Basic level, the Intermediate level has higher-quality and easier-to- use soldering irons, encourages more complex
projects including robotics, and suggests more advanced tools for troubleshooting and problem solving.
• If upgrading from the Basic Electronics level, you can use the temperature- controlled soldering irons to either replace or augment
the pencil irons in the Basic level.
• Provide grounded outlets for each power strip.
• Ventilate the work area while soldering.
• The Robotics and Electromechanics sub module and Intermediate level require access to computers. (See Computers below.)



Work with cloth, vinyl, leather, yarn and other flexible materials. Quilt, knit, crochet, and knot. Sew, repair, and alter clothes.
Create home decor, utility (aprons, gloves, tool belts, etc.), jewelry. With additional tools, create furniture, fiberglass, soft
circuits and other projects.

Submodule: Soft Circuits

The materials in the soft circuits module allow makers to explore the world of wearable electronics with the addition of lights,
sensors and microcontrollers to create clothes that react to the world around them. Having access to the basic Electronics
module vastly expands the capability of this module.

Sewing is generally a safe activity with very little risk of more than a small prick from a needle.
Steam irons do get hot enough to cause burns. Sergers have blades that can cut a careless finger.
Sewing machines and sergers both have enough power to put a needle through a finger when used carelessly.
There is no danger of shock from the soft circuits submodule because they are very low power.

• The Basic level equipment could be quickly set up and put away when not needed, while the Intermediate level would have
a dedicated worktable for larger projects.
• The Intermediate level allows makers to work with a wider range of materials and adds a serger which cuts and sews at the
same time easily creating professional seams as well as decoration.
• Basic requires two grounded outlets, while intermediate needs three grounded outlets.
• For the Intermediate level we recommend a 6' x 3' area for a sewing table.
• Soft Circuits submodule requires access to computers. (See Computers below.)
• Time to set up and learn the basic use of a sewing machine is half an hour.
• Time to set up and learn the basic use of a serger is an hour.



Access information as well as digital tools to design, create, and collaborate on projects. Program robots and use other
programming tools. Add a printer to produce patterns, designs, decorations, and explanatory materials.
Along with Internet access, computers offer access to reference information, project ideas, expert help, instructional videos and
safety information as well as data files to modify or replicate with digital fabrication tools. Documenting and sharing projects is
an important part of making. Adding cameras and access to blogging tools accelerates the process.
Ultraportable, netbooks, and tablets and even smartphones can be used to do research and documentation, but are not
recommended for 3D modeling and other more demanding tasks.
Introduce the practice of ergonomic workstations to your students. Make sure that they don’t hunch over their work, and that
they get up frequently to stretch and assume a healthy posture again.
When using the Internet, students should be careful not to disclose identifying information such as their city, school, address,
phone number, email address, or real names.

Operating Systems
In general any operating system (Windows, OS X, Linux) is acceptable. If the space is associated with another organization with
computers, such as a school or library, we recommend you use what the organization supports. One exception is if you are using
an Epilog laser cutter, the software required to operate it is Windows only. In addition, some professional engineering tools are
Windows only.

•  Compared to the Basic level, Intermediate has more powerful computers capable of running more advanced software.
Screens are larger to make design easier, and the Intermediate setup has a larger format printer allowing makers to print larger
plans and full-size patterns.
•  Computers are absolutely necessary for working with digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC
•  We recommend Internet access. Wireless Internet (WiFi) preferred.
•  Provide 6 grounded outlets.

A great selection of software is available to makers as freeware and shareware, running on a variety of operating systems. Some
examples: Gimp for creating and manipulating images. Inkscape for creating and manipulating line drawings. Blender, Sketchup,
Tinkercad, and 123D for creating and working with 3D objects. However free software is often not what the professionals use.
Professional engineering and image-creation software is expensive, but it is often more powerful and easier to use. Most
professional software companies—including Adobe, Autodesk and Corel—offer educational discounts.

Create complex 3D shapes from plastic or other materials. Extrusion-based 3D printers build objects by squeezing out thin
layers of plastic, one on top of the other. Many different kinds and colors of plastics can be used, including ABS (the same
plastic used by LEGO) and PLA (a biodegradable plastic). There is even glow- in-the-dark material! Add other items such as
windup motors to create motion or other interesting capabilities.

3D printers are generally very safe. The print extruder does heat to several hundred degrees and should not be touched.
There will be a slight "hot plastic" smell when printing with ABS plastic. It's non-toxic but can be an irritant and the printer
should be placed in an open area or near ventilation.

There are a large number of applications that can create 3D models for printing. Popular free offerings include Google
Sketchup, Blender, Wings 3D, tinker CAD, and Autodesk 123D. Commercial packages include Rhino, Autodesk Inventor, and
Solid works. The price varies from several hundred to thousands of dollars, though many software publishers offer educational
•  You need a minimum 24" x 24" of dedicated table or desk space.
•  If buying a kit, you’ll need 12-16 hours and skills in assembly and soldering.
•  Certain models may require a computer to operate the printer.
•  A 3D printer requires a grounded outlet.
•  3D printing is not a particularly fast process. Speed almost entirely depends on the volume of plastic needed for the
project. For example, a small whistle is mostly hollow and will print in around 5 minutes, while larger pieces can easily
take hours.
•  The output of extrusion printers often requires a bit of cleanup by hand after printing.
•  While a computer is not required to print, makers will need access to one to create or download the files for printing.

• Advanced printers can have more than one print head (extruder) that can print in multiple plastics at the same time.
This allows printing in multiple colors or printing with more than one material in an object. When one material is water-
soluble much more complex shapes can be printed. One example would be printing a wheel on an axle with water-
soluble material separating them. When the material is dissolved the wheel can spin freely on the axle.
•  In lieu of a full 3D printer setup, consider sending your students’ work to service bureaus like Shapeways and Ponoko.
They can print with more detail and in other materials such as metal, ceramics, and in full color. Price depends on
material and the volume of the object.
• It takes 1 to 3 hours to learn to use and maintain 3D printer. Initial setup and calibration takes several hours.


Quickly and accurately cut complex shapes from flat materials such as paper, wood, acrylic, cardboard, and felt. Then
assemble these flat cutouts to create 3D structures if you’d like. Or etch designs into the surface of materials.

The primary risk when using a laser cutter is of fire within the cutter itself. The laser cutter should never be run unattended,
as even a small fire can cause costly damage to the equipment. A CO2 or halo fire extinguisher should be accessible near the
cutter. Both halo and CO2 extinguishers can be used to quench fires without causing more damage to the laser cutter.
A secondary risk is of fumes. As the laser vaporizes material, gases are released. If the cutter cannot vent to the outdoors
then use a comprehensive filter. While most recommended materials do not release hazardous gases, they can still cause
Unapproved materials such as vinyl and PVC release chlorine gas when laser-cut. Chlorine is very toxic and also corrosive. It
will damage your health and the laser.
While the laser itself is invisible, a properly maintained laser cutter has a number of interlocks and safety systems to prevent
the laser from escaping the cabinet and causing damage or harm. If the lid or access panels are opened during operation the
laser should turn off immediately. The glass in the cabinet is designed to filter out the reflected rays of the laser so cutting
can be observed without danger.
•  Space: Minimum 60" x 60"
•  Power: 3 grounded outlets.
• A computer is required to create designs and to manage the laser cutter.
• Laser cutting and etching can be done directly by makers or can be submitted to a supervisor to cut outside of class
• It takes up to an hour to learn the basics of laser cutter use. Since conceptually it works much like a printer, students
often understand its uses more quickly and easily than those of a 3D printer.
• Learning to fully maintain a laser cutter will take several hours. Training to use a laser cutter includes selecting material
that can be safely and effectively cut, creating patterns on the computer, choosing the correct settings to cut effectively,
as well as care, maintenance, and calibration of the laser cutter.

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) routers allow precise control of rotating cutters that can cut, carve and shape a wide
variety of materials in three dimensions. This differs from a laser cutting in two ways: it carves two- or three- dimensionally,
and it cuts a wider range of materials and thicker materials.

A CNC router is still a router, so the same precautions apply, including wearing hearing protection for everyone in the area and
safety glasses to protect from flying debris. Most CNC routers have an open frame, making it possible for fingers, loose
clothing, long hair, etc. to get caught in the gantry.

• Minimum of 60" x 60" desktop or bench-top space.
• Power: a grounded outlet
• For casual use, a wet-dry vacuum can be used to collect dust. Install a dedicated dust collection system if you expect
heavy use.
• Some models may require a dedicated computer to use. A variety of 2D and 3D software can be used to generate cutting
• CNC routers may come as kits and require a number of hours to assemble and calibrate.



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