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“Making Best Practice Common Practice”


What & Why?

Then we’ll cover the ESC standards in the order you would work
through them on a normal day.
Maximising Micros
Right People, Right Place, Right Time
Ready For Peak
Pouching and Racking
Smart Dispatching

Your commitments
You will have heard “Every Second
Counts” but what is it actually?

Agreed best practices straight out of real Delivery units.

A method to beat our competition and grow our sales.

A frame work to ensure we SMASH the competition on HEAT,


These best practices to be embedded across all huts.

WHY? Delivery Within 30 Minutes Drives
Sales Growth
Stores with
poor delivery
have sales
growth 4.0%


% of stores: 26% 17% 6% 28% 24%

How Do We Ensure This Works

We’ll cover the key area of Every Second Counts that we

expect you to know and fulfil in store on your shifts.
Every shift.

Remember these are existing best practices

These best practices are not new but have come from some of our
best stores

Ask yourself what has stopped me using all of these in the past?
Key Areas

1. Maximising Micros
2. Right People, Right Place, Right Time.
3. Ready for Peak (Rush Ready)
4. Pouching & Racking
5. SMART dispatching
Maximising Micros
Information helps you make the right
Look at the following areas every morning 1st thing:

Email – check again just before opening as well.

Daily Sales – Daily Flash / Sales Performance Summary

SPEED – Speed Dashboard Report (drill down for detail)

COL – Labour Control Work Report

Call Capture – access through the desktop

Critical standards
Understand week to date numbers and trend – able to discuss

Adjust (if necessary) sales and product forecasts

Flex up / down staffing levels. Call staff as early as possible if

attendance is an issue call staff to check they know what time they
are due to start

Seek advice / guidance from RGM / AM / Owner or other stores

earlier rather than later
Right People, Right Place, Right
Team Deployment

Reality Today Shaper Graph

Inconsistent deployment

Not flexing quickly enough

Micros not fully utilised

Huts not scheduling to deliver

‘Rush Ready’

Sales capped at peak

Tie to Call capture

Under 30’s
InStore Time
Load time
Critical Standards
Critical Standards

Day Shift Managers to complete Deployment Plan by 5pm.

Day Shift Managers to adjust schedules based on WTD sales, weather

and data from Micros etc.

Cross train all TMs in at least one additional role.

All managers to feed back to RGM if schedules are not meeting the
needs of the business.

Night Shift Managers to feed back to colleagues / RGM if these areas not
in place upon arrival.
Be Prepared For Your Peak
(Rush Ready)
Be Prepared For Your Peak

You may have heard this referred to as “Rush Ready” by

your AMs and RGMs

Rush Ready is critical in driving in-store time

Rush Ready is about high energy and teamwork !

Celebrate and recognise ‘Rush Readiness’

Follow-up and coach lack of ‘Rush Readiness’

Day shift manager to be held accountable for leaving shift

in a “rush ready” state
Area 1 - Reception Area


Where are boxes stored? – Under Cut/under counter – NOT in customer view, are there enough

System breakdown kit – zip bag with 2 calculators, order pads & pens

Ensure PDQ and till rolls are adequate to complete shift

Reception area clean and tidy

Area 2 - Maketable


Product Forecast printed & Displayed in BOH easels with daily tabs

Stuffed Crust, Cheesy Bites & Italian Dough available under Make

Products sauced and cheesed and pre-topped (as per product forecast)

Pan dough available in ADPR

Starters in starter fridge – between make & oven

Quality rings & Spoodles clean – Back ups available

Bin for separators

Gloves/aprons/hats readily available

Back up stock – Toppings in containers in Walk in

Product Forecast
Your product forecast should be
adjusted if necessary and fully utilised
EVERY day.

1. Review the sales forecast and

adjust if applicable. Sign at the top to

2. Remember your product forecast

gives you enough product for your
sales forecast + 20%

3. Note any adjustments to prep and

defrost quantities.

4. Sense check product FC amounts

by clicking on Net sales drill down on
KPI report to see what bases you
used on the same day last week
Product Forecast Continued
Make sure that you follow
EXACTLY what needs prepping
and at what time.

Pre-topping is not “nice to do”

but a must do!

Remember to pre-top your best

sellers too.
What “Rush Ready” tasks do you
complete in your store?
Rush Ready Critical standards
Product forecast utilised to standard

Right people, right place, right time

Sauce and cheese 80% of the dough you need at peak – including
pan dough

100% compliant on pre-topping – remember to tag

Driver’s Cars fuelled, oiled & ready

Driver floats bagged up

Ice creams / drinks bagged.

Rush Ready Critical standards cont..
All boxes made & have menus on them.

Till rolls available.

Enough spare change in safe

Break down kit available

Day shift manager accountable for leaving the store Rush Ready
Pouching & Racking
Pouching & Racking

Why is the Pouch Rack Important ?

Helps to organise deliveries

Maintains a system in the back of house

Lets both driver and dispatcher know what orders are being talked about

Eases the dispatching process

Drives Speed
Rack Schematic – Cold to Hot
Smart Dispatching
Smart Dispatching

Scheduling a dedicated dispatcher for peak is a must

Dedicated dispatchers;

– Cut delivery time

– Turnaround drivers quickly with the correct orders

Intelligent dispatching is ensuring that orders are dispatched in a

manner that results in the quickest possible delivery time
Smart Dispatching
Key Points

My Gridder up to date Guest Checks dispatched in order –

First in First Out (unless future order)

Dispatch Singles only – where

Drinks fridge/ice cream freezer in close possible
proximity to dispatch
Have Next order ready for returning

Know the trade zone Orders wait for Drivers – Drivers don’t
wait for orders

Double only sent when on the same

route – don’t wait for order to come out
of the oven – adjacent pods only
Critical Standards

Critical Standards
Doubles only sent when on the same route – don’t wait for order to
come out of the oven – adjacent pods only

0.6 Pouches per peak hour guestcheck. e.g. Hut with 30 peak hour
guestchecks would require 18 pouches

All Pouches heated pre-peak

Right people cross trained in despatching

Check My Gridder weekly

0% triples – No! No triples EVER!

Honest results build a strong business

Accurate information leads to good decisions

Appropriate actions

Benefit for customers

Better results

You are responsible for delivering the standards on your shift

No “nice to do” areas covered today
Your support and commitment to delivering the Every Second Counts
standards you’ve seen today is very much appreciated.


Follow the standards discussed today

Feed back to your RGM if you see these standards not met

They are all best practices from stores out there – maybe yours?!

These standards directly impact your customer

On your Stop Start Continue hand out please write down:

ONE BIG THING you will start doing

ONE BIG THING you will stop doing

ONE BIG THING you will continue to do

Please hand these in and we will send these to your RGMs who will
follow up with you on these areas to provide coaching, support and
hopefully recognition!




Thank you – let’s smash 85%
every shift forever!!
With out any ........

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