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Background of the Study

Discussion Questions:

1. What significant information did you gather about the known personality
you chose as guest speaker?
2. How did research help you write the speech introducing the guest speaker?
3. How can you relate this activity to the topic of the lesson?
“The Problem” or “The Problem and Its
Its purpose is to introduce the research problem, clarify important
variables, discuss its delimitations, and specify its significance to the
field of study. It has the following essential elements:

a. Introduction
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Scope and Delimitation
d. Significance of the Study
e. Notes in Chapter I
This chapter presents the different essential elements; the
introduction which contains the rationale (an explanation of
the reasons for the conduct of the research), the literature
review and statistical foundation; the statement of the
general and specific problems; the scope and delimitation
which identifies the major variables, sub-variables and the
indicators; the significance of the study which enumerates
the beneficiaries of the study and the corresponding benefits
each will receive; and lastly the notations.
The Introduction
a. Discussing why there is a need to study the problem
b. Clarifying the important terminologies for the reader to
easily understand what the research is about
c. Establishing the degree of seriousness of the problem
which has prompted the researcher to look for solutions.
The following questions will aid the researcher in formulating the

1. What is the rationale of the research problem? This question is

answered by sharing with the beneficiaries the reason why the
researcher has decided to look for solutions to the problem. A narration
of the researcher’s experience that has driven him/her to conduct the
study is commonly done.
2. What is the setting of the research problem? The setting forms part of
delimitation of the problem, as it defines the geographic boundaries of
the study and implies certain demographic characteristics. This describe
to the reader the place where the research is conducted since the setting
has a significant bearing on the variables being studied
3. What is the basic literature foundation of the study? This is different
from the review of related theories, conceptual literature, and research
literature. This part defines or clarifies the terms or variables used in the
study. The terms or variables must be clear to the researcher so that he/she
can make his/her reader understand them as well.

4. How serious is the chosen research problem? Why is there a need to look
for solution to the problem? In this aspect, the researcher must see the
intensity and magnitude of the problem. When the gravity of the problem
has already been determine, the researcher may take action and work on
the problem. He/she also looks for statistical or quantitative evidence to
assess the weight of the problem.
5. What is the general objective of the research problem? This is derived
from the general statement of the problem and should be the basis of the
enumerated statements of specific problems.

6. What is the overall purpose of the research problem? It must be stressed

that the researcher should be totally aware of the purpose of the research
problem. He/she must know how the research findings will help his/her
classmates or fellow students.
Activity 3
To help you formulate an effective introduction of your study, exhaustively answer the following items:
Proposed Study: __________________________________________________________________

1. State the rationale of your research problem. Start from the international context down to the local
or personal circumstances.
2. Describe the setting where your study is to be conducted.
3. Indicate the terms r variables (concepts) that need to be defined, clarified, or described to your
4. Search for related literature that you can use to define the main variables of your study. Collect at
least 3 references per variable. Write down the definition.
5. Determine the seriousness of your research problem. Show statistical evidence of its gravity. Give
the completed details of the reference.
6. State the general objective of the research study.
After the researcher has been conducted or the problem has been solved, identify the people or
entities that will benefit from the research and the direct benefits they will get from it.

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