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Defensive and Perceptive

the SIPDE System Approach
Dina M Roberti
P & E H a z a r d o u s O b s e r v a tio n s 1 0 0 – J u n e 3 0 th

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RC 980 1/ 3
P & E H a z a r d o u s O b s e r v a tio n s 10 0 – J u ly 3 1 th

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RC 665 8/ 25

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RC 878
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RC 881 7/ 18

RC 883 5/ 20

RC 902 1/ 6

RC 903 1/ 2

RC 905 5/ 7

RC 907 4/ 5

RC 980 2/ 3
Emergency Evacuation Information

 Sign Attendance Roster

 In the event of an emergency
 Exit North Auditorium
 Continue east on Court St.

 Assemble at Farr Parking lot


 QUIZ- US/World Statistics Of Auto

 Define Defensive Driving
 Define Perception
 Understand the SIPDE Process
 Improve Perception Skills
 Tips Before you Drive
 View PPL Work Related Motor Vehicle Stats
What Is The Leading Cause Of
Accidental Death In The U.S?
A. Firearms
B. Car accidents
C. Falls

 B – Car Accidents

(All statistics, unless specified, are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-
How Many People Die in the U.S.
Each Year from Car Accidents?
A. 11,000
B. 21,000
C. 41,000

 C -41,000 people died last year from

automobile accidents alone.
 3.1 million people are injured each year in
the US
 1.17 million people World Wide die from
crashes each year- Making it the Leading
cause of death world wide.
What is the #1 Root Cause of
Driver’s Accidents
A. Equipment Failure
B. Roadway Design
C. Poor Roadway Maintenance
D. Driver Behavior

 D-Driver Behavior
 95% of all motor vehicle accidents involve
some degree of driver behavior combined
with one or more of the other three factors.

What is Defensive Driving

 The standard Safe Practices for Motor

Vehicle Operations, defines defensive
driving as "driving to save lives, time,
and money, in spite of the conditions
around you and the actions of others
 This where perception comes in…
Definition of Perception
 Perception:
 Ongoing process that involves a number of
mental operations such as associating,
comparing and matching. It can be done
skillfully or haphazardly using all our senses.
 Incoming information to our senses is
changed into something meaningful; instead
of just observing our surroundings and
situations, we are identifying then preparing
to act on those situations.
A System to Perceptive Driving?

 What is SIPDE?
 Search
 Identify

 Predict

 Decide

 Execute

 Involves Sight:
 Scan the roadway 20-30 seconds ahead
 Look to the sides

 Glance in rearview and side mirrors

 Check the sides of the road again

 Repeat process through out your trip


While using the process, be aware of:

 Road Signs, signals and markings
 Traffic conditions
 Other road users
 Objects or conditions 12-15 seconds ahead
that interfere with path of travel
 Hazards-objects in or near path of travel that will
alter your path
 Potential Hazards- objects or conditions that may
interfere with your path of travel
 Signage that gives a direction or warning
 Stop Signs, Signals
 Curve Ahead
 Slower Speed

 What actions or changes in conditions

on or near the roadway may increase
your level of risk?
 What could happen next based on
results from SEARCH and IDENTIFY

 What action will you take?

 What are your options in the next 5-10
seconds to avoid an accident?
 Decide what move/moves you can make to
reduce the risk of collision
 Weigh consequences of actions to yourself
and others
 Follow through with what you decided
 Typically a routine maneuver
 Braking, stopping, SLOWING DOWN
 Emergency Actions
 If you have done all of the steps in the SIPDE
process, you will already have a good idea of where
you can ‘escape’, limiting the need for emergency
 Driving onto a shoulder, or into oncoming lanes, turning
hard, instant braking, hitting something to save life or avoid
a serious collision

 Enables you to manage:

 Visibility
 Time

 Space

 Keeps you alert and non-complacent in

all driving situations
 Becomes an automatic part of your
driving behavior quickly
Factors that Inhibit Perception
 In car distractions
 Cell phones
 Personal grooming
 Poor Health
 Fatigue
 Poor visual capability- compromised eyesight
or improper corrective lenses
 Drugs/alcohol
 Emotions
Some Extra Tips:
Good Perceptive Driving Habits

 Observe Signs!
 Look up and ahead!
 Anticipate other drivers’ actions with
caution! DO NOT ASSUME
 Predict clear paths of travel
 Minimize in car distractions
 Test your perception skills now
Before you Drive

 Walk around your car

 Check tire pressures/tread
 Look for obstacles
 People
 Children’s toys

 Check for other potential safety issues

 i.e. Remove snow and or ice
Before you Drive

 Adjust your mirrors

 Adjust your seat- remain as upright as
 Be familiar with vehicle characteristics,
especially if car is new to you
Ready to Drive?

 First Move Forward

 Release the Parking Break!
 Start SIPDE immediately!
PPL Car Accident History
 Work related traffic accidents
 2009 88
 2010 (as of 7/30/10) 60

 Work Related Traffic Accidents with

 2009 1
 2010 (as of 7/30/10) 0

 Last work related motor vehicle fatality-

 1988
In summary…
 Perceptive driving goes beyond the basics
 Employing the SIPDE process will help you
avoid hazards on the road
 PPL Employees: Offers a 2 day Advanced
Driver Safety course that covers:
 Perceptive Driving
 Crash Avoidance
 Emergency Driving techniques.
 For more information:

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