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And recreational activities

Leisure activities

• Leisure has often been defined as a quality of experience or as free time.

Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic
chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and
sleeping. ... Leisure as experience usually emphasizes dimensions of
perceived freedom and choice.
Why is leisure so important?

What is leisure time and why is it important?

Participating in leisure and recreation activities can help you better manage stress and

reduce depression. Leisure provides you the chance to find balance in your life; it also puts
you in control of how you're spending your time, which is an important consideration
because you may feel overwhelmed by obligations.
What are examples of leisure activities?

People indulge themselves in numerous forms of recreation, including building bird houses, collecting
stamps or coins, cooking, dancing, listening to music, painting, playing a musical instrument, playing
cards, playing video games, reading, refurbishing antique furniture, roller skating, shopping, visiting
museums, or ...
What is your leisure activity?

 When you go on Holiday, What determines where
you want to spend your holiday?

 What do you look for?

 What do you avoid?


Jeep Elephant Boat

rides safari safaris

Each can be quite powerful and cause severe damage to
the environment and the people who live there.
•Hurricane, Typhoons & Cyclones. ...
•Earthquakes. ...
•Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones.
“ One´s destination is not
a place, but a new way
of seeing things
How is the quote related to travelling and to life in general?

Recreational dangers
Mention advantages and disadvantages of

Be responsible guest

- Respect the local environment. Stay on trails and public footpaths; do not remove plants or
feed animals; and never litter.

- Choose reputable, conservation-minded tour operators and suppliers.

- Conserve water. Take showers rather than baths; use a refillable water container, sterilizing
water when necessary rather than buying bottled water. Minimize your use of personal care
products and detergents to wash linen, and reuse your hotel towels and bed linen.

- Limit energy use. This includes your use of air-conditioning and hot water. Turn off all lights and
taps when you leave hotel rooms.
- Dispose of sanitary waste properly. Don’t flush cotton buds, condoms, tampons and
plastics down the toilet.

- Recycle and reduce. Recycle newspapers, magazines and your beverage containers

(many can be returned for refunds), and reduce the number of bags, napkins and
disposable cups you use when you eat fast food.

- Choose environmentally friendly transport. Rather than hiring a car, choose other

ways to get around like taxis, trains or buses. In many places you can also rent bikes. And
don't forget your feet!

- Avoid damaging recreational activities. Avoid sports which have a significant harmful

impact on the environment, or choose more progressive establishments (e.g. golf
courses which recycle water).
Coming home…

- Watch what you buy for a souvenir! Think twice before you buy
any products made from any endangered species, including animal
hides and body parts, tortoise-shell, ivory, or coral - they could be

Enjoy nature and the environment. There is so much out there that stands
out on this planet as amazing, astounding, and downright breathtaking...

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