The Power of Positive Thinking " My Future Life "

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The power of positive thinking

“ My Future life “
Create by:

Mr. Sengsamonesay TOUNOUTH

English Business

1. Setting goals

 Long term goals( Master’s degree, Get great

job, much Money, beautiful house, Wife and
 Short term goals( Pay attention to study, Get
pretty grade, Graduation from University and
 Understanding yourself who you are, What do
you really want to do.

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2. Plan your step

 Looking at where you'd like to be, and at where

you are now, you can break down the path
from "here" to "there" into small, manageable
steps that you can more easily take.
 This way, you can more easily experience
successes that can sustain your motivation, can
look at where you may need to change your
plan as you go, and can consistently put one
step in front of the other and move forward.
3. Assess your values

 When you're making a life plan, you

should work around your values--what's
important to you, and what you hope to
maintain in your life.
 To be sure you're spending your time
wisely, assess what you value the most in
life, and pay attention to how you actually
behave around the expression of these
values in your real life; be sure you
include activities that fulfill those values.

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4. Look at the future

 As you make a life plan, it helps to plan

not only months into the future but for
  Looking at your values and thinking
about how you want the next few months,
year, and five years to be (even up to ten
years!) and then working backward can
really clarify what next steps will bring
you a payoff, and can help you decide
where to put your time. 

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5. Set up your structure

 Create systems in your life that will

support your desired changes, so you
don't have to supply all of your own
 Setting up structures in your life helps
you to follow through on those, "I should
start ..." plans in your head, and make
them part of your reality.

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6. Get ongoing Support

 Asking for help from others to keep

yourself on track.
 Check-in with yourself on a regular basis
to be sure you're sticking to the path you
set with your intentions, and if you find
yourself letting go of some of what you
value, gently guide yourself back to a
place of putting what you value most into
action in your life.

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