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HRM 624

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Chapter 1

Introduction to
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 Introduction to Leadership
 Definition of Leadership
 Leadership and Management
 Basic Leadership Skills
 What makes effective leader
 Importance of leadership for good
governance and development
Definition of Leadership
Leadership would mean different things to different
people. There is no universally accepted or a standard
definition for leadership. A sample of some representative
definitions of leadership listed as follow:
 “Leadership is a relationship between those who
aspire to lead and those who choose to follow”.
(Kouzes & Posner, 2002).
 “Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and
followers to achieve organizational objectives through
changes”. (Lussier & Achua, 2004)
 “Leadership is the ability of developing and
communicating a vision to a group of people that will
make that vision true” (Kenneth Valenzuela, 2007)

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Definition of Leadership Cont’d

 “Leadership is the ability of an individual to

influence, motivate, and enable others to
contribute toward the effectiveness and success of
the organization…” (House et al., 1999)
 “Leadership is a process of giving purpose
(meaningful direction) to collective effort, and
causing willing effort to be expended to achieve
purpose” (Jacobs & Jacques, 1990)
 “Leadership is the ability to step outside the
culture… to start evolutionary change processes
that are more adaptive” (E.H. Schein, 1992)
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Definition of Leadership Cont’d
 Probably, the most viable and comprehensive definition
is the one, which looks at:
 Leadership as “the art or process of influencing
people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically towards the achievement of the
organizational goals” /Koontz et al. 1984:507/.
 It includes making people perform near to their full

 Therefore, Leadership is the function of

 The Leader

 The Follower and

 The Situation

L= f (L, F, S)
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Leadership Cont’d …

 Leadership is “a dynamic relationship

based on mutual influence and
common purpose between leaders and
collaborators in which both are moved
to higher levels of motivation and moral
development as they affect real,
intended change.

Leadership Cont’d …
Four important parts of the definition are
the terms relationship, mutual,
influence, and collaborators.
 Relationship is the connection between
 Mutual means shared in common.
 Influence is any attempt to change
another’s behaviour
 Collaborators cooperate or work together.

Leadership vs. Management

 Leadership is about creating a future; a future
that requires the mobilization of others for its
 Leaders speak and listen in a way that makes
something possible in the future and inspires
action to make that future vision real.
 Leadership is fundamentally concerned with
possibility and the future.

Leadership vs. Management cont’d …

 Management is about translating this
vision into action in the present.

 A manager studies the past to predict the


Leadership Vs Management
 Management and Leadership are not the same

thing /Van Fleet 1991:157/.

 In deed, managers and leaders share a number of

Subject Leader Manager
Essence Change Stability
Focus Leading people Managing work
Have Followers Subordinates

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Leadership Vs Management Cont’d
Subject Leader Manager
Horizon Long-term Short-term
Seeks Vision Objectives
Approach Sets direction  Plans detail
Decision Facilitates Makes
Power Personal charisma Formal authority
Appeal to Heart Head
Energy Passion Control
Dynamic Proactive Reactive
Persuasion Sell Tell
Style Transformational Transactional

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Leadership Vs Management Cont’d

Subject Leader Manager

Exchange Excitement for work Money for work
Likes Striving Action
Wants Achievement Results
Risk Takes Minimizes
Rules Breaks Makes
Conflict Uses Avoids
Direction New roads Existing roads
Truth Seeks Establishes
Concern What is right Being right
Credit Gives Takes
Blame Takes Blames

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Leadership Vs Management Cont’d
The view of the differences between managers
and leaders:
 The manager administers; the leader innovates.

 The manager maintains; the leader develops.

 The manager focuses on systems and structure; the

leader focuses on people.
 The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.

 The manager accepts reality; the leader investigates it.

 The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a

long-range perspective.

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Leadership Vs Management Cont’d
 The manager asks how and when; the leader
asks what and why.
 The manager has his or her eye always on the
bottom line; the leader has his or her eye on
the horizon.
 The manager imitates; the leader originates.

 The manager accepts the status quo; the

leader challenges it.
 The manager is the classic good soldier; the
leader is his or her own person.
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Basic Leadership Skills
In order to help peoples to perform near to their full
capacity, the leader should be skilled in the art of

A. Self-Awareness Skills
 Who Am I?

 What Do I Believe?

 Where Do I Want to Go?

 Be True to Yourself and Others.

 Always Remember the “Morning Newspaper Test.”

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Basic Leadership Skills Cont’d
B. Visionary Leadership Skills
 Visionary leaders literally create the future.
 Visionary leaders function in four roles:
1. Direction Setter: Is mission-oriented, focused, and builds
on strengths.
2. Change Agent: Sets high expectations, thinks strategically,
and exhibits a “burning desire to succeed.”
3. Spokesperson: Personifies vision, generates trust, and
develops consensus.
4. Coach: Maintains a productive environment, assists
others in achieving peak performance, and practices
hands-off management.
Source: Visionary Leadership, Burt Nanus, (San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1992)
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Basic Leadership Skills Cont’d
C. Strategic Planning Skills
Different Approaches
1. Institutional Driven
2. Market Driven

Planning Maxims
1. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
2. “If you don’t know where you’re going…..
…. any road will take you there.”
…. how will you know when you get there?”
…. you might end up somewhere else.” (Stengle)

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Basic Leadership Skills Cont’d
Planning achieves organizational effectiveness.
1. Accomplishes mission
2. Pursues vision

3. Sets long-term directions

4. Establishes priorities
5. Directs resources strategically
6. Evaluates outcomes
7. Uses results from evaluations to continuously

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Basic Leadership Skills Cont’d

D. Team Building Skills

 Teamwork is the “spirit of cooperation.”

 Trust is the foundation of teamwork.

 Teams function by collaboration

 Teamwork requires as much freedom as possible

and as little authority as necessary.
 Teamwork works best under a participatory
leadership style

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Basic Leadership Skills Cont’d

These skills can also be categorized broadly in

to four:
 Proper power utilization

 Understanding of peoples/human being

have different motivational factor at
various time and in different situation
 The ability to inspire followers

 Understanding the situation

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Leadership - Character and Traits

 To be an effective leader, your followers

must have trust in you and they need to
be sold on your vision.

 One of the ways to build trust is to

display a good sense of character
composed of beliefs, values, skills,
and traits

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Leadership - Character and Traits
Traits of a Good Leader
Compiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group:
 Honesty
 Competent
 Forward-looking
 Inspiring
 Intelligent
 Fair-minded
 Broad-minded
 Courageous
 Straightforward
 Imaginative

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Leadership - Character and Traits

Attributes establish what leaders are,
and every leader needs at least three of
 Standard Bearers
 Developers
 Integrators

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Leadership - Character and Traits

Perspectives of Character and Traits

 Justice  Enthusiasm
 Judgment  Bearing
 Dependability  Unselfishness
 Initiative  Courage
 Decisiveness  Knowledge
 Tact  Loyalty
 Integrity  Endurance

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Leadership - Character and Traits

According to Patty Vogan there are five Key

Traits of Great Leadership
 Key Trait #1: You must have a vision.

 Key Trait #2: You must have passion.

 Key Trait #3: You must learn to be a great

decision maker
 Key Trait #4: You must be a team builder.

 Key Trait #5: You must have character.

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Leadership - Character and Traits

Leadership Behavior
1. Establish a clear direction
a. Envision the future
b. Focused attention
c. Articulate values
d. Enlist others

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate

a. Provide meaning
b. Utilize all forms

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Leadership Behavior …
3. Position the Organization
a. Build trust (encourage the heart)
b. Reliability and constancy
c. Plan small wins
d. Recognize contributions
e. Celebrate accomplishments
4. Development of self
a. Set the example (walk like you talk)
b. Positive self-regard
c. Focus on winning
d. Search for opportunities
e. Experiment and take risks
5. Empower followers/members
a. Establish clear buy-in
b. Foster collaboration
c. Develop a supportive environment

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Leadership Behavior
Common self-defeating Behavior
 Self-defeating behavior is an action or attitude that once
helped an individual cope with a stressful experience but
interferes with the individual’s ability to cope in new
situations. Some of the most common self-defeating
behaviors are:

 Procrastination  Suspiciousness
 Defensiveness  Overcommitted
 Worrying  Overly critical
 Alienating  Rigidity
 Hostility  over controlling
 Perfectionism  Inability to trust

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Tips to be a good leader
 Create a vision with your group - team visioning

 Share vision and clarifying values and roles

 Set a plan of action with a clear roadmap

 Start and be with the team through out the journey

 Strengthen the team spirit continuously

 Know it all before you try any change

 Be open to data from the start till the end

Managing Planned Change 30
Cont’d …
 Network extensively and widely
 Document your own learning
 Win the approval of senior management
 Keep the management informed of the
 Be a continuously learning person yourself
 Learn to laugh when it hurts
 Conquer your fear(s)
 Finish what you start for it enhances people’
trust in you and in change programs
 Celebrate every success - small or big -
along with your people
Managing Planned Change 31
Leadership qualities for a change agent

 Knowledgeable
 Confident
 Fair & equitable
 Inspires Others
 Respects / has confidence in others
 Empowers / challenges others
 Works with people at all levels
 Communicates effectively
 Has high ethical standards
 Creative / visionary
 Willing to take risk
Managing Planned Change 32
Things A Leader Should Never Do

 Misusing position of authority

 Showing partiality / favoritism
 Emphasizing / complaining mistakes
 Negative reinforcement infront of one’s
 Issuing unclear instructions
 Shifting blame on others
 Complaining about subordinates

Managing Planned Change 33

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