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Biological Effects of

Whether the source of
radiation is natural or man-
made, whether it is a small
dose of radiation or a large
dose, there will be some
biological effects. This chapter
summarizes the short and
long term consequences which
may result from exposure to
which may
Causes ATOMS
Ionizations of:

which may

which may which may

affect affect

THE WHOLE which may

BODY affect
Ionizing radiation, by definition,
interacts only with atoms by a
process called ionization. Thus, all
biological damage effects begin with
the consequence of radiation
interactions with the atoms forming
the cells. As a result, radiation
effects on humans proceed from the
lowest to the highest levels as noted
in the above list.
Even though all subsequent
biological effects can be traced
back to the interaction of radiation
with atoms, there are two
mechanisms by which radiation
ultimately affects cells. These two
mechanisms are commonly called
direct and indirect effects.
Direct Effect
If radiation interacts with the atoms of
the DNA molecule, or some other cellular
component critical to the survival of the
cell, it is referred to as a direct effect.
Such an interaction may affect the ability
of the cell to reproduce and, thus, survive.
If enough atoms are affected such that
the chromosomes do not replicate
properly, or if there is significant alteration
in the information carried by the DNA
molecule, then the cell may be destroyed
by “direct” interference with its life-
Indirect Effect
If a cell is exposed to radiation, the
probability of the radiation interacting
with the DNA molecule is very small
since these critical components make up
such a small part of the cell. However,
each cell, just as is the case for the
human body, is mostly water.
Therefore, there is a much higher
probability of radiation interacting with
the water that makes up most of the
cell’s volume.
When radiation interacts with water, it
may break the bonds that hold the
water molecule together, producing
fragments such as hydrogen (H) and
hydroxyls (OH). These fragments may
recombine or may interact with other
fragments or ions to form compounds,
such as water, which would not harm
the cell. However, they could combine
to form toxic substances, such as
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can
contribute to the destruction of the cell.
Cellular Sensitivity to Radiation
(from most sensitive to least sensitive)

Lymphocytes and Blood Forming Cells

Reproductive and Gastrointestinal (GI) Cells

Nerve and Muscle Cells

Not all living cells are equally sensitive
to radiation. Those cells which are
actively reproducing are more sensitive
than those which are not. This is
because dividing cells require correct
DNA information in order for the cell’s
offspring to survive. A direct interaction
of radiation with an active cell could
result in the death or mutation of the
cell, whereas a direct interaction with
the DNA of a dormant cell would have
less of an effect.
As a result, living cells can be classified
according to their rate of reproduction,
which also indicates their relative sensitivity
to radiation. This means that different cell
systems have different sensitivities.
Lymphocytes (white blood cells) and cells
which produce blood are constantly
regenerating, and are, therefore, the most
sensitive. Reproductive and gastrointestinal
cells are not regenerating as quickly and are
less sensitive. The nerve and muscle cells
are the slowest to regenerate and are the
least sensitive cells.
Cells, like the human body, have a
tremendous ability to repair damage. As
a result, not all radiation effects are
irreversible. In many instances, the
cells are able to completely repair any
damage and function normally. If the
damage is severe enough, the affected
cell dies. In some instances, the cell is
damaged but is still able to reproduce.
The daughter cells, however, may be
lacking in some critical life-sustaining
component, and they die.
The other possible result of
radiation exposure is that the cell is
affected in such a way that it does
not die but is simply mutated. The
mutated cell reproduces and thus
perpetuates the mutation. This
could be the beginning of a
malignant tumor.
Organ Sensitivity (from most
sensitive to least sensitive)

Blood and
Muscle and
Forming Gastrointestin Skin
Organs al Tract
The sensitivity of the various organs
of the human body correlate with the
relative sensitivity of the cells from
which they are composed. For example,
since the blood forming cells were one
of the most sensitive cells due to their
rapid regeneration rate, the blood
forming organs are one of the most
sensitive organs to radiation. Muscle
and nerve cells were relatively
insensitive to radiation, and therefore,
so are the muscles and the brain.
Sensitivity, Rate of Reproduction and
Oxygen Supply
The rate of reproduction of the cells forming
an organ system is not the only criterion
determining overall sensitivity. The relative
importance of the organ system to the well-
being of the body is also important. One
example of a very sensitive cell system is a
malignant tumor. The outer layer of cells
reproduces rapidly, and also has a good supply
of blood and oxygen. Cells are most sensitive
when they are reproducing, and the presence
of oxygen increases sensitivity to radiation.
Key Points: Distance and
Duration of Exposure
The further away a person is from the radiation
source, the less exposure he or she will receive.
This is particularly true for a point source of
radiation, such as the point of emission on the
target of an x-ray tube: in accord with the familiar
inverse square law, the subject exposure decreases
inversely with the square distance from the source:
I1/ I2 = D22/ D12

Where D1, D2 = any two distances

I1, I2 = values of the intensity at the
Duration of Exposure
When exposure to radiation is necessary
or unavoidable, the duration time of such
expose should be kept as short as
practicable to accomplish a particular task.
In the case of occupational or similar
situations, the cumulative exposure shall
be kept below an individual’s maximum
permissible dose.
The amount of radiation exposure
increases and decreases with the time
people spend near the source of radiation.
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste presents immediate or long-term
risks to humans, animals, plants, or the environment. It
requires special handling for detoxification or safe
disposal. In the U.S., hazardous waste is legally defined
as any discarded solid or liquid that:
 contains one or more of 39 carcinogenic, mutagenic, or
teratogenic compounds at levels that exceed
established limits (including many solvents, pesticides,
and paint strippers);
 catches fire easily (such as gasoline, paints, and
 is reactive or unstable enough to explode or release
toxic fumes (including acids, bases, ammonia, and
chlorine bleach); or
 is capable of corroding metal containers such as tanks,
drums, and barrels (such as industrial cleaning agents
and oven and drain cleaners).
Hazardous Waste
Radioactive waste from the use of
radioactive materials must not
endanger individuals, the public
health or the environment. The
guiding principles should be
prevention (reduction) and control
of gases, liquids and solid waste at
the source, followed by segregation
and the indicated collection,
treatment, reuse and storage
There are two general classifications of
radioactive waste, namely high-level
radioactive waste (HLRW or HLW) and low-
level radioactive waste (LLRW or LLW). They
are largely governed by two different federal
laws and covered by two different sets of
regulation. Disposal of high-level radioactive
waste is the responsibility of the DOE. The
licensing of the high-level waste disposal
facilities is the responsibility of the NRC, as
specified in 10 CFR part 60, “ Disposal
of high level radioactive waste in geologic
repositories” .
The actual disposal of HLW, which is
generally taken to include spent
nuclear fuel, is the responsibility of the
DOE. Disposal of LLW is also subject to
licensing by the NRC , the regulation
for which are in 10 CFR part 61,
“Licensing requirements for land
disposal of radioactive waste”. The
actual disposal facilities are
administered by regional groupings of
states called compacts.
Low level radioactive wastes consist
primarily of contaminated rags, clothings,
filters, resins and activated metals from power
plants, laboratories, hospitals, and commercial
and industrial facilities. The NRC regulations
categorize this LLW into three classes:
 Class A wastes are materials that degrade to
a safe (as determined by the NRC) radiation
level within 100 years.
 Class B wastes are materials with higher
radioactivity. These degrade to a safe level
within 300 years.
 Class C are materials that do not degrade
for up to 500 years.
Class A wastes can be buried in
solidify or absorbed form in
containers. Class B wastes have to
be solidified and buried into high
integrity containers. Class C
wastes have to be solidified and
buried at least 15m (50ft) deep.
Vitrification - is a major solidification
In this process highly radioactive liquid
and sludge are mixed with glass particles
and heated to very high temperatures to
produce a molten glass. This molten glass
can be formed into glass marbles, blocks or
logs. When the mixture cools, it hardens into
a stable glass that traps the radioactive
elements and prevents them from moving
through the air or water from the
environment. Although effective, vitrification
is a very expensive process and is performed
only if the volume of wastes can be reduced
to a reasonable amount.
There are various ways in which
costs can be reduced through the
efforts to minimize quantities of LLW.
Examples includes recycling and source
reduction. Still, there are a number of
procedures one can follow, often quite
easily, to reduce the amount of LLW in
the first place—the most obvious being
not to mix radioactive waste with non
radioactive materials if it is not
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant located in
the southeastern New Mexico, is the first
geological repository in the US for the
permanent disposal of transuranic wastes.
Transuranic wastes, which contains man-
made elements heavier than Uranium is
produced during nuclear fuel assembly,
nuclear weapons, research production and
clean up and as a result of reprocessing spent
nuclear fuels. The waste generally consist of
protective clothing, tools, glasswares and
equipment contaminated with radioactive
Technicians emplacing
transuranic waste at the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, near
Carlsbad, New Mexico
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