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Definition of Marketing

 According to William Stanton, “Marketing is a total system of

business activities designed to plan, price, promote &
distribute want satisfying products to target markets in order
to achieve organisational objectives.”

 According to Philip Kotler, “marketing is a human activity

directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange
Scope of Marketing
 Marketing Research
 Product Planning & Development
 Pricing
 Advertising & Publicity
 Sales Promotion
 Packaging
 Branding & Labelling
 After Sales Service
 Test Marketing
Features Of Marketing
 Regular & Continuous Activity
 Satisfaction of Human Wants
 Relates to Goods and Services
 Transfer of Ownership
 Creates Different Utilities
 Importance of 4Ps
 Evolutionary Concept
 Wide in Scope
Importance/ Benefits Of Marketing
 Satisfaction of human needs & wants
 Profits & market reputation
 Facilitates specialisation division of labour
 Widens the market
 Improves standard of living
 Bring economic growth
 Creates new norms of social economic behaviour
 Provides channels of communication to business firms
 Facilitates price control
 Develops social significance at.
Concept of Marketing

 The exchange concept

 The production concept
 The Product concept
 The Selling concept
 The marketing concept
 The Societal concept
 The relationship marketing concept
Types of Marketing

 Organised Market
 Regulated Market
 Urban Market Concentrates Market
Higher standard of living
 Rural Market Modern outlook
Infrastructural facilities
 Industrial Market Saving Habits
Urban finance
 Consumer goods Location of consumers clustered
Higher literacy rate
 Service Market Better lifestyle
Features Of Consumer Goods Mkt
 Large numbers of Buyers & Sellers
 Widespread Market
 Durable & Perishable Goods
 Continuous Demand
 Limited Information
 High competition
 Promotion Techniques
 Risky in Nature
Characteristics of Service Mkt

 Intangibility
 Service Variability
 Simultaneous Production & Consumption
 Inseparateability
 Service perishability
 Meaning
 Aim
 Orientation
 Basis
 Consumers Place
 Role of Profit
 Importance
 Target
 Meaning
 Demand
 Buyer
 Frequency of Purchase
 Location of Buyers
 Cost
 Effectiveness of Advertising
Marketing Mix

 Acc to Philip Kotler,”Marketing mix is a

mixture of controllable marketing variables that
the firm uses to pursue the sought level of a
sale in the target market .”
Features of Marketing Mix
 Basic Marketing Variables
 Aims In Achieving Targets
 Flexible
 Skillful Combination
 Customers
 Interrelated
 Universal App
Basic Elements

 Product
 Place
 Promotion
 Price
Factors Influencing Marketing Mix

 Behaviour Of Consumers
 Trade Factors
 Market Competition
 Behaviour Of the Government
Introduction to Service Marketing

 Definition:Acc to AMA,”Services are the

activities,benefits or satisfaction which are offered
for sale or are provided in connection with the sale
of goods”
Characteristics of Service

 Intangibility
 Perishability
 Inseparability
 Ownership
 Simultaneity
 Quality Measurement

 Nature of the Service Act

 Type of relationship that the service
organisation has with its customers
 Scope for customization and judgment in
service delivery
 Nature of Demand and Supply for the service
 Methods of Service Delivery
Growing importance of services
 Qualified technician
 Communication service
 Increasing Standards
 Banking services
 Personal Care
 Electricity Services
 Transport Services
 Tourism industry
 Hospitality Services
 Depleting Natural Resources
Impact of services on daily life
 Consumer Affluence
 Working Women
 Greater Life Expectancy
 Complexity of Life
 New Young/Youth
 Corporate Crowd
 Product Innovation
 Growth Product Complexities
Physical Goods v/s Services

1) Tangible 1)Intangible
2) Homogeneous 2) Heterogeneous
3) Production & Distribution 3) Production Distribution &
4) A thing 4) An activity or Process
5) Core value produced in factory 5) Core value produced in buyer-
seller interaction
6)Can be Stocked 6)Cannot be Stocked
7) Transfer of ownership 7) No Transfer of ownership
8) No Participation 8) Participation
Significance of Services Marketing

 Least possible dependence on technology

 Raising the standard of living
 Generation & expansion of job opportunities
 Optimum utilisation of untapped resources
 Paving avenues for capital formation

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