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Computer Applications

(Tally Accounting Package)

ITU07305 , IRU07303, SPU07307

IRU07303/ITU07305/SPU07307 1
• Instructors: SIPHY, A.S /
• Consultation Time
– Mondays 14.00 -16.00 HRS / or
by appointment
• Contacts: /
• Office: D 020- block D
IRU07303/ITU07305/SPU07307 2
Inventory Voucher Types
Purchase Order(ALT+F4)
Sales Order(ALT+F5)
Rejections-out voucher (ALT+F6)
Rejections-in voucher (CTRL+F6)
Stock journal voucher (ALT+F7)
Delivery note voucher (ALT+F8)
Receipt note voucher (ALT+F9)
Physical stock voucher (ALT+F10)
Learning Objectives
• Record orders placed/received
• Make a reorder analysis of inventory
• Create and maintain batch wise details, bill of
materials and price lists
• Display reports on various stock valuation
methods and Inventory Ageing Analysis
• Record zero valued entries
• Record transactions using different actual and
billed quantities
Creating an Inventory Voucher Type
• Tally.ERP 9 is pre-programmed with a
variety of inventory vouchers, each
designed to perform a different job.

• You can alter these vouchers to suit your

company, and also create new ones.
• There are 18 pre-
defined Voucher types
in Tally.ERP 9.
• Voucher type pertains
to both Accounting and
• These are used for
recording various
transactions according
to the user needs
Creating an Inventory Voucher Type
• To create a voucher
• Go to:-
 Gateway of Tally >
Inventory info >
Voucher types > Create
InvenTory Voucher
• Stock Journal;
• This voucher is use to transfer Stock
Items from one Godown to another

• On InvenTory Voucher , press ALT+F7 to

pass Stock Journal entries.
Stock Journal Screen..

•Choose the Item name which

Stock Jouirnal
•Choose the Item name which
you want to Store
you want to transfer
•Choose Godown from where •Choose Godown from where
you want to transfer you want to Store
•Choose quantity of Stock Item •Choose quantity of Stock Item
to be transferred to be Stored
•Give Rate of the Stock Item •Give Rate of the Stock Item
•Press Enter until Cursor moves •Press Enter until accept data –
to Destination column CTRL+A
Order Processing
• Order Processing refers to placing orders with
suppliers for purchasing from them or receiving
orders from customers for the purpose of
• In Tally.ERP 9, Order Processing is linked to
• Using Order processing you can
– Track the order position of a stock item;
– Know whether the goods ordered have arrived or
– Know whether the orders have been delivered on
time and the reasons for the delay if any.
Order Processing..
• Setup ;
– Ensure that you are at the Gateway of Tally.
– In the F11: Features (Inventory Features),
activate the following features( set to ‘Yes’)
– “Allow Purchase Order Processing”.
– “Allow Sales Order Processing”.
– “Use Tracking Numbers (Delivery / Receipt
• Note that, Orders do not affect financial records
nor do they update inventories
Settings for enabling Purchase order and Sales order

Change “No” to “Yes”

Purchase Order
• It’s an Inventory Voucher,

• This voucher can be made when we

send order to suppliers to send us
some goods/stock items
Purchase Order
• Steps
• Go to Inventory Voucher
• Order buttons (CTRL+F2)
• Press ALT+F4 key
• Choose Party’s A/c Name: Cash or
Supplier a/c
• Set Order number
• Choose Purchase Ledger :Purchase A/c
• Choose Stock Item name
• Set Due Date
• Set Qty and Rate
• Press Enter until you accept data
Purchase order processing -example
 Raise a Purchase Order on 15-01-2020 on
Maverick Electronics ( Order No. 1) for 50 pcs
of HP Laptops @ TZS.3,000,000 /Laptop.
(Godown - Warehouse). The due date is 26-
01-2020 and additional Freight charges @ 5%
is applicable.
Purchase order processing -example ..
• Setup:
• Create a Supplier - Maverick Electronics Under Sundry
Creditors with Maintain Balances bill-by-bill set to Yes.
• Create a Stock Item – HP laptops under Building
Materials Stock Group, and select Not Applicable for
the Stock category and specify the unit of measure as
Pcs (If not listed create using Alt+C).
• Press F12: Purchase Order Configuration and ensure
– Accept Supplementary Details is set to No.
– Complete Accounting Allocations in Order/Delivery Note is
set to Yes.
– Use Common Ledger for Item allocation is set to No.
Altering a Purchase Order
• To Alter a Purchase Order,
• Go to:-
• Gateway of Tally > Display > Day Book > F4:
Chg Vch and select Purchase Orders or
• Go to :-
• Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books
> Purchase Order Book.
Sales Order
• It’s an Inventory Voucher,

• This voucher can be made when we

receive an order from our customer
to goods/stock items
Sales Order ..
• Setup;
• Go to Inventory Voucher
• Press ALT+F5 Key
• Choose Party’s A/c Name: Cash or
Customer A/c
• Set Order Number
• Choose Sales ledger: Sales A/c
• Set Due Date
• Set Qty and Rate
• Save data-CTRL +A
Sales Order Processing-example
• Enter a Sales Order on 16-01-2020 on
MackLab Technologies (Order No. MT/10) for
400 pcs (godown - Warehouse) of Flash
Disk(16GB) @ TZS. 15000 /Flash Disk. The due
date is 27-01-2020 and tax @ 10% is
Rejections Out
• A Rejections Out entry is passed to record the
rejected goods.
• This is a pure inventory voucher.
– For example: We have purchased some goods and
have rejected a part of it.
Rejections In
• A Rejections In entry is passed to record the
rejected goods.
• The Rejections In entry is a pure inventory
– For example a customer has rejected goods that
was sold earlier.
Delivery Note
• Goods that are being delivered to a customer
are recorded in a Delivery Note voucher
Receipt Note
• Goods that are received from the supplier are
recorded in a Receipt Note (Goods Receipt
Note – GRN) voucher
Physical Stock Voucher
• Tally.ERP 9 considers the stock available based
on the entry made in a physical stock voucher.
– For example, on conducting a stock-check, the
company finds a discrepancy between the actual
stock and the recorded stock figure.
Pure Inventory Transactions
• Pure inventory Transactions (vouchers) are
those that do not affect financial records.
• They affect only the stocks.
• There will be a rise or fall in the stock when
such vouchers are entered. The different pure
inventory vouchers are
Rejections Out (Alt+F6) Delivery Note (Alt+F8)
Rejections In (Ctrl+F6) Receipt Note (Alt+F9)
Stock Journal (Alt+F7) Physical Stock (Alt+F10)
Pure Inventory Transactions ..


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