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Motivation,personality and


AVINASH BBA-4 081107

Lecture overview
 What is motivation?
 How can we explain motivation?
 How do marketers appeal to consumers’
 What are the theories of personality?
 What is the link to marketing strategy?
 Motivation
 Personality
 emotions

AVINASH BBA-4 081107

 Motivation:
 Energising force that activates behaviour and
provides purpose and direction to behaviour
 Personality:
 Reflects the common responses that individuals
make to a variety of recurring situations
 Emotions:
 Strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that
affect behaviour

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Nature of motivation
 Is the reason for behaviour
 Represents an unobservable, inner
force that stimulates and compels a
behavioural response and provides
specific direction for that response
 A motive is why an individual does

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Theories of motivation
 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
 A macro theory designed to account for
behaviour in general terms

 McGuire’s psychological motives:

 Uses a fairly detailed set of motives to
account for a limited range of consumer

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
 Underpinning assumptions:
 Humans acquire a similar set of motives through
genetic endowment and social interaction
 Some motives are more basic than others
 The more basic motives must be satisfied to a
minimum level before other motives are activated
 As the basic motives become satisfied, more
advanced motives activate

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Hierarchy of needs
 5. Self-actualising: desire for fulfillment
 4. Esteem: desire for status, superiority, self
respect. Relate to individual’s feelings of
usefulness and accomplishment
 3. Belongingness: reflected in desire for love,
friendship, affiliation, accomplishment
 2. Safety: seeking physical safety and
security, familiar surroundings etc.
 1. Physiological: food, water, sleep

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McGuire’s Psychological
 Internal, non-social motives:
 Consistency: desire to have all facets of
oneself consistent with each other
 Attribute causation: to determine who or
what causes the things that happen to us
 Categorise: we need to be able to
categorise/organise information and
experiences in some
meaningful/manageable way

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Internal, non-social motives
 Cues: or observable symbols to enable
consumers to infer what is felt and known
 Independence: for feelings of control &
 Novelty: for variety

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External, social motives
 Self-expression: to express one’s identity to
 Ego-defence: to protect one’s self-concept
 Assertion: to engage in those activities which will
increase self-esteem
 Reinforcement: people act in a certain way
because they are rewarded for it
 Affiliation: to develop mutually helpful and
satisfying relationships, share & be accepted
 Modeling: to base behaviour on that of others
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Motivation theory and
 Consumers buy motive satisfaction or
problem resolution
 Marketing managers must discover the
motives that their products and brands
can satisfy and develop marketing mix
around these motives
 Marketing strategy must speak to
manifest and latent motives

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Motivational conflict
 The resolution of motivational conflict often
affects consumption patterns:
 Approach-approach motivational conflict:
consumer faces choices between two attractive
 Approach-avoidance conflict: the consumer faces
both positive and negative consequences with
purchase of a product
 Avoidance-avoidance conflict: consumer faces
two unattractive options
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 Guides and directs behaviour
 Encompasses those relatively long-
lasting qualities that allow consumers to
respond to world around them
 Marketers use personality
characteristics of consumers to
structure marketing strategies

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Individual personality theories
 All individuals have internal
characteristics or traits
 For these characteristics, there are
consistent and measurable differences
between individuals
 Environment or situations are not
considered in these theories

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Social learning theories
 Emphasise the environment as the important
determinant of behaviour
 Systematic differences in situations, in stimuli
or social settings are of major interest, not
differences in traits, needs or other individual
 Social theorists classify situations
 These theories deal with ways people learn to
respond to the environment and the patterns
of responses they learn
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Use of personality in
 Products have their own ‘brand personality’
 People assign personalities to brands based on:
 Characteristics of product category
 Brand’s features
 Packaging
 Advertising
 Consumers will tend to purchase the product
with the personality that closely matches their
own, or that strengthens an area in which they
feel weak
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 Strong, relatively uncontrolled feelings that
affect our behaviour
 Are generally triggered by environmental
events, although internal processes (imagery)
can trigger emotions
 Are accompanied by physiological changes
 Emotions are generally accompanied by
thinking, and have associated behaviours,
and involve subjective feelings

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Types of emotions
 Plutchik:
 Fear
 Anger
 Joy
 Sadness
 Acceptance
 Disgust
 Expectancy
 surprise

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Emotions and marketing
 Marketers use emotions to guide product
positioning, sales presentations and advertising:
 Emotion arousal as a product benefit
 Emotion reduction as a product benefit
 Emotion in advertising:
 Emotional content of advertisements enhances their
attention-attraction and attention-maintenance
 Positive-emotion-eliciting advertisements may increase
brand preference (through classical conditioning)

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 Consumer motivations are energising forces
that activate behaviour and make it purposeful
and directed
 Consumer motivations are highly situation
 It is necessary to understand what motives and
behaviours are influenced by specific situations
 Consumers have manifest and latent motives,
which can be determined by motivation-
research techniques
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Summary (cont)
 Because of the large number of motivations,
motivational conflict can occur
 The personality of the consumer guides and
directs the behaviour chosen for
accomplishing goals in different situations
 There are 2 basic approaches to
understanding personality:
 Individual personality theories
 Social learning theories

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 Brands have personalities
 Consumers tend to prefer products with
personalities that are pleasing to them
 Consumers prefer advertising messages that
portray their own personality or a desired one
 Marketers design and position products to both
arouse and reduce emotions
 Advertisements include emotion-arousing
material to increase attention, degree of
processing, remembering and brand preference
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Discovering motives
 Manifest motives: consumers recognise
and will share these motives
 Latent motives: consumers are unaware of
these motives, or reluctant to admit them
 Association techniques
 Completion techniques
 Construction techniques

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