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Being an Employer Product KEY INITIATIVES

of Choice (includes Responsibility • Identification and implementation of resource

occupational (safety and conservation (energy, water, materials) projects
health, safety and quality) • Renewable energy projects
well-being of • Process, productivity and yield improvement
employees) projects
• Air to sea shipments
Caring for Communities • Wastewater recycling, zero liquid discharge (ZLD)
for our facilities
Sustainable Sourcing (Reduction • Waste minimization and recycling/
in packaging material footprint & co-processing projects
supply chain management • Application of green chemistry principles
• Robust measurement and monitoring controls
Mapping GRI disclosure with the SDGs for all environmental indicators


FUTURE OUTLOOK • Encourage life cycle approach, circular economy
• Strengthening the governance around sustainability principles and integrated thinking
projects – Sustainability Packaging Council, Green • Undertake within the fence and outside the fence
Chemistry Council Strengthening the infrastructure initiatives for creating a scalable positive impact on
around health, safety and environment the environment
• Aim towards water and plastic neutrality Strategic • Certified environmental management systems
collaborations with partners and solution providers Capacity building on the core sustainability
on sustainability initiatives concepts and initiatives
• Review of existing technical standards on • Aligning value chain in the sustainability efforts
environment management • Dedicated expenditure budgets for environmental
• Enhancing of green power portfolio initiatives
• Energy Ambassador program for capability building • 315 dedicated and competent SHE resources for
and project identification and implementation management of environmental and safety aspects

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