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Knowing the Truth is a

Right (Part A)
Once an armed conflict, authoritarian regime or dictatorship is
over, transitional societies face a range of complex challenges


Look at past events

Plan for peaceful futures
Develop / Reform Institutions

achieve justice justice forms bedrock of

for the past current/future governance

Lack of material, human, financial, and other resources for

building up a new country and new democratic institutions
Recent significant increase in development of mechanisms to
address crimes committed during conflict – Transitional Justice

• Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRC)

• Special courts
• Ad hoc tribunals
• International Criminal Court (ICC).
Transitional justice entails a range of approaches that states
and societies emerging from repressive rule or violent
conflict may adopt to address past human rights
abuses/violations with the aim of fostering sustainable peace
and democratic governance

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