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•  a stone or concrete structure that supports a

building from underneath. : something (such
as an idea, a principle, or a fact) that provides
support for something
• an underlying basis or principle for something.
Good Social Foundation
• Good and Spiritual
Moral Foundation
L7 - The Foundation of the Church
Social Teachings
• Explain the foundation of the social order in
the community
• Identify ways on how to live love, the
fundamental aspect of all the teachings of
• Pray for a good relationship among people
and for world peace.
• Foundation of the Social
Order in the Community
10 commandments
• Written in stone tablets
• Given to Moses at Mt. Sinai

• 10 commandments-MOVIE
The 10 Commandments
• 1. I am the LORD your God:
you shall not have
strange gods before me.
• 2. You shall not take
the name of the LORD your God in vain.
• 3. Remember to keep holy the LORD'S Day.
• 4. Honor your father and your mother.
• 5. You shall not kill.
• 6. You shall not commit adultery.
• 7. You shall not steal.
• 8. You shall not bear false witness
against your neighbor.
• 9. You shall not covet
your neighbor's wife.
• 10. You shall not covet
your neighbor's goods.
p. 59 Mark 12:28-34
The 2 greatest 10 Commandments
• videoplayback (3).mp4
The 2 greatest commandments

• Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy

whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and
with thy whole mind, and with thy whole
• Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
• The foundation of the Church
teaching on matters concerning
social, political, and economic
• What is its importance?
• Ways on how you show love to
• The Church’s teaching on matters
concerning social, political, and economic
issues is based on a very strong foundation
which is love.
• God’s commandment of love is the
foundation of the social teaching of the
• Love is the fundamental aspect of all the
teachings of Christ.
• Jesus Christ teaches us that to love our
neighbor is the concrete proof of our love
for God.
• “Agape” is the kind of love that relates
with our relationship with God and our
relationship with our neighbor.
• Love for our neighbors moves us to treat
them justly.
• Recognizing the dignity of each
person becomes possible if we love.
• Building a society where justice and
peace reign can be accomplished if
there is love.
• Loving our neighbor is the concrete proof
for our love for God
• Love is the foundation of our apostolate
and good work
Assignment/ Project

• 10 Commandments for a
Healthy Relationship
Lesson 8

Principles of the
Church’s Social
• D- Discuss the Principles of the Church Social
• M - Identify ways on how to help the Church
protect human life and human dignity
• W - Pray for peace, love and unity in our family
and in the community.
Principles of Daily Life
- by: Lindsay Livingston

Why are these Principles

important in our life?
(Seeing God's Message in my Daily Life)

• 1. It is important to be healthy to have a

longer life and to honor God more through
our lives.
• 2. it is useful because it informs us to change
our perspective for the better.
• 3. Breakfast is the most important meal of the
• 4. Take good care of your relationships by
always challenging yourself to improve and be
a better person.
Matthew 9:18-26
•  Jesus Heals a Sick Woman
• 2011-10-031-jesus-heals-a-woman-of-faith-360

• If I touch even his garments, I shall be made

well. - She touched the hem of his garment, she
approached him in a spirit of faith, she believed,
and she realized that she was cured. . . . So we
too, if we wish to be saved, should reach out in
faith to touch the garment of Christ. 
Matthew 9:18-26
•  Jesus Raises a Dead Girl
• 2011-10-037-jesus-raises-the-daughter-of-jair
God's Message in the Scriptures

• 1. because he asked for help to Jesus to heal and raise

her daughter from death
• 2. because she was desperate for healing, and after she
touched it, she was healed
• 3. They have faith to Jesus that he will make them
healed and he will raised his daughter from death.
• 4. He wakes her up and raise her from death.
• 5. When Jesus extends himself to the Roman official
and the woman with hemorrhage, he helped them and
showed his compassion.
• Jesus brought them out of their misery

• Catholic Social Teaching in 3 Minutes.mp4
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

 Respect for Human dignity

 Respect for Human Life
• The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is
sacred and that the dignity of the human person
is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This
belief is the foundation of all the principles of
our social teaching.
• GCSE Human Dignity animation - CAFOD.mp4
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

Option for the poor and the Vulnerables

• This preferential option for the
poor and vulnerable includes all who are
marginalized in society, including unborn
children, persons with disabilities, the
elderly and terminally ill, and victims of
injustice and oppression.
• CST 101 - Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

 Principle of Association
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching
• We are not created by God to live alone. Living in
community is an essential expression of who we are. But
Community does not just happen – it is something that
men and women must work together to develop.
• “…A community needs a soul if it is to become a true
home for human beings. You, the people must give it this
John Paul II
• “Participation is a duty to be fulfilled consciously by all,
with responsibility and with a view to the common good.”
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

 Dignity of works and right of workers

• The economy must serve people, not the other
way around. Work is more than a way to  make a
living; it is a form of continuing participation in
God’s creation. If  the dignity of work is to be
protected, then the basic rights of workers must 
be respected--the right to productive work, to
decent and fair wages, to the  organization and
joining of unions, to private property, and to
economic  initiative.
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

• Stewardship of Creation
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

• These acknowledged fundamental values
include the securing of a lasting peace, unity,
equality, freedom, security and solidarity.
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

 Subsidiarity
Subsidiarity is an organizing  principle that matters
ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least
centralized competent authority. Political decisions
should be taken at a local level if possible, rather than by
a central authority.[1] 
Subsidiarity as the idea that a central authority should
have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks
which cannot be performed effectively at a more
immediate or local level.
Major Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

• Human dignity
• Life
• Association
• Option for the poor and the Vulnerables
• Participation
• Dignity of works and right of workers
• Stewardship of Creation
• Solidarity
• Subsidiarity
• Reflective Essay on the importance of these
principles in life and in the community
• videoplayback (9).3gp

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