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Document Object Model

Back to the DOM…

Javascript and the DOM
 Originally, the Document Object Model (DOM) and Javascript
were tightly bound
 Each major browser line (IE and Netscape) had their own
overlapping DOM implementation
 There's also some jargon issues, eg. DHTML…
 Now, the DOM is a separate standard, and can be manipulated
by other languages (eg Java, server side javascript, python,
 Browsers still differ in what parts of the standard they support,
but things are much better now
* location
* frames
Review: DOM Structure * history
* navigator
* event
* screen
 Objects are in a * document
o links
hierarchy o anchors
 The window is the o images
o filters
parent for a given web o forms
o applets
page o embeds
 Document is the child o plug-ins
o frames
with the objects that are o scripts
o all
most commonly o selection
manipulated o stylesheet
o body

table from:

DOM Tree
 The usual parent/child relationship between node
 Like any other tree, you can walk this

diagram from

Referencing Objects
 Objects can be referenced
 by their id or name (this is the easiest way,
but you need to make sure a name is
unique in the hierarchy)
 by their numerical position in the hierarchy,
by walking the array that contains them
 by their relation to parent, child, or sibling
(parentNode, previousSibling, nextSibling,
firstChild, lastChild or the childNodes array
A div example
<div id="mydiv">
This is some simple html to display
 the div is an element with an id of
 It contains a text element, which can be
referenced by childNodes[0] (childNode
being an array of all childen of a node
 So the text in the div is not a value of
the div, but rather the value of the first
(and only) childNode of the div
Zen Garden Example 1
 A loop of code to list the links….
0; i < document.links.length; i++)

ite("<b>Link number " + i + " has these properties:</b><br

ite("<i>nodeName is</i> " + document.links[i].nodeName + "
ite("<i>nodeType is</i> " + document.links[i].nodeType + "
ite("<i>parentNode.nodeValue is</i> "
ment.links[i].parentNode.nodeValue + "<br/>");
ite("<i>firstChild is</i> " + document.links[i].firstChild
ite("<i>firstChild.nodeValue is</i> "
ment.links[i].firstChild.nodeValue + "<br/>");
ite("<i>href is</i> " + document.links[i].href + "<br/>")
Zen Garden Example 2
 Same as example one, but with another
loop to look for all span tags….
Zen Garden Example 2
 I added a little javascript to the sample file
from zen garden
 This will search for a given tag using the
getElementsByTagName() method
 The result of this method is an array, and we
can walk that array and then write out
different properties and values for the
elements found by getElementsByTagName()
 There's also a getElementsById() method
Zen Garden Example 2
e("<p>Looking for " + look_for + " tags</p>");
0; i < x.length; i++)

ite("<b>Tag " + look_for + " number " + i + " has these properties:<
ite("<i>nodeName is</i> " + x[i].nodeName + "<br/>");
ite("<i>nodeValue is</i> " + x[i].nodeValue + "<br/>");
ite("<i>nodeType is</i> " + x[i].nodeType + "<br/>");
ite("<i>id is</i> " + x[i].id + "<br/>");
ite("<i>name is</i> " + x[i].name + "<br/>");
ite("<i>parentNode is</i> " + x[i].parentNode + "<br/>");
ite("<i>parentNode.nodeValue is</i> " + x[i].parentNode.nodeValue +
ite("<i>firstChild is</i> " + x[i].firstChild + "<br/>");
ite("<i>firstChild.nodeValue is</i> " + x[i].firstChild.nodeValue +
Learning The DOM
 The only way is to read and try things
 Build a test document, with things
you've learned
 Gecko_test.html is an example adapted
from the mozilla site….
Gecko Test version 1
 Notice the use of eval
on setBodyAttr(attr,value)

val causes a string to be executed

('document.body.' + attr + '="' + value + '"');
+ attr + '="' + value + '"';

Gecko Test version 1
 And a select

<select onChange="setBodyAttr('text',
<option value="blue">blue
<option value="green">green
<option value="black">black
<option value="darkblue">darkblue
<option value="white">white

Gecko Test version 1
 What's wrong with this? (hint: I'm
violating a basic rule of coding…)

Gecko Test version 2
 Setting a variable for the options in
select (why backslashes at the EOLs?):
var select_string='<option value="blue">blue</option>\
<option value="green">green</option>\
<option value="black">black</option>\
<option value="darkblue">darkblue</option>\
<option value="white">white</option>\
<option value="0xFF5555">0xFF5555</option>';

Gecko Test version 2
 And now, I can call that list with a write
 How could I further refine this?

<select onchange=
"setBodyAttr('bgColor', this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
<script type="application/x-javascript">

Manipulating Objects
 As said, it's easiest to reference objects by id
 To do this easily, use getElementById(),
which returns the element with the given id
 For example, if you want to find a div with
the id of "my_cool_div", use
 Keep in mind that it's the element itself that's
returned, not any particular property
Using divs
 Div properties can be dynamically
 You can use this to make menus more
colors: The first version
 The basic div:
<div id="item1" class="content"
onMouseOver="changeColor('item1', '#fdd');"
onMouseOut="changeColor('item1', '#cff');">
<a href="">UNC</a><br>

colors: The First Version
 And a function (notice the alert):
function changeColor(item, color)

In Action
 colors01.html
 What's wrong with this? What would be
Version 2
 The div structure, sans link:
<div id="item1" class="content"
onMouseOver="changeColor('item1', change_color);"
onMouseOut="changeColor('item1', start_color);"

Version 2
 And the function, with some vars
function changeColor(item, color)

var start_color="#cff";
var change_color="#fdd";

 Much cleaner
 div clickable means no issues with color
of link, but sacrifices visited link color
(how could that be fixed?)
 Use of variables for colors mean it's
much easier to change them
(but this could be made much easier
with php in the background…)
 innerHTML is a property of any document element
that contains all of the html source and text within
that element
 This is not a standard property, but widely
supported--it's the old school way to manipulate
web pages
 Much easier than building actual dom subtrees, so
it's a good place to start
 Very important--innerHTML treats everything as a
string, not as DOM objects (that's one reason it's
not part of the DOM standard)
Using These….
 You can reference any named element
with getElementById()
 You can read from or write to that
element with innerHTML
 For example:
="new text string";
A Simple DOM example
<div id="mydiv">
This some <i>simple</i> html to display
<form id="myform">

<input type="button" value="Alert innerHTML of mydiv"

" />

Manipulating Visibility
 You can manipulate the visibility of objects, this from
 The first part displays an element if it's hidden…
function changeDisplayState (id)
if ( == 'none'
|| == "")
{ = 'block';
trigger.innerHTML = 'Hide example';
… 31_dhtml_example.html
Manipulating Visibility
 And the second hides the same element if it's visible

{ = 'none';
trigger.innerHTML = 'Show example';

Controlling the back end

 And you can enable or disable functionality, for

example, you can disable links dynamically…
function killAll()
var stuff = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (var i=0; i<stuff.length; i++)
return false ;
source from Mike Harrison via 35_disable_links.html
Controlling the back end

 …and reenable them…

function resurrectAll()
var stuff = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (var i=0; i<stuff.length; i++)
return true ;
source from Mike Harrison via 35_disable_links.html
Getting fancier

 check out Nifty Corners Cube:
 And zoom:
What else can you do?
 Ant
Getting Started with Ajax
 Jesse James Garrett coined the term,
Asynchronous Javascript And XML
 It's not a language or program, but
rather an approach
Garrett's take on what Ajax is
 Standards-based presentation using XHTML
and CSS
 Dynamic display and interaction using the
Document Object Model
 Data interchange and manipulation using XML
and XSLT
 Asynchronous data retrieval using
 And JavaScript binding everything together
What Ajax is not
 An acronym
 A monolith or unified technology (it is rather an
approach based on a number of disparate
 A standard (and it's not likely to become one,
although it will influence standards, since it's really
just an approach)
 A product (although you can buy a lot of it these
days--but most of that are really frameworks)
Ok, but what IS Ajax?
 When you load a web page and then
 Use the XMLHttpRequest object to get
some more data, and then
 Use Javascript to change some of the
data on your web page (but not all of it,
and not by reloading the page), then
 What you're doing is Ajax
Ajax Model
 Ajax inserts a
chunk of code
in the browser
that handles
server queries
for small chunks
of data used to
update a

iagram from

But remember…
 Javascript has no concept of I/O, nor can it
access sockets
 But Netscape/Mozilla and MS both worked out
an object in the browser that can submit data
requests via the web
 In MS, this is done via ActiveX, via the
Microsoft.XMLHTTP object
 In Gecko, it's the XMLHttpRequest() object,
and that's what we'll play with
Objects and Events
 Remember, Javascript and the DOM are OOP, so
objects have properties, with values, and can receive
messages, based on events, and send messages via
 In most of the examples so far, the user is the one
that causes an event to occur--eg. the nav buttons in
the slideshow call functions based on an event
initiated by a carbon unit
 Other events don't require human interaction--these
type of events are called "listeners"…
 You can create your own listeners if you need to
XMLHttpRequest Object
 An object that can load web resources from
within javascript
 So you create an instance of this object
 Call the open method from that object with a
url and a method to use (GET or POST)
 It makes the HTTP request, and as it does so,
one of it's properties cycles through the states
of the HTTP request
 You watch that, and when the request is
complete, you can get the data that was
XMLHttpRequest Methods
 abort()
 getAllResponseHeaders()
 getResponseHeader(header)
 open(method, url): method is POST,
GET, or PUT)
 send(body): body is the content of a
 setRequestHeader(header, value)
XMLHttpRequest Properties
 onreadystatechange: sets a method to be called on any state change,
eg. a listener
 readState:
0 Uninitated
1 Loading
2 Loaded
3 Interactive
4 Complete
 responseText: server response as a string
 responseXML: server response as xml
 status: as an HTTP code, eg 404
 statusText: the accompanying text
An Example…
function makeRequest(url) {
var http_request = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {
if (!http_request) {
alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
return false;
http_request.onreadystatechange = function()
}'GET', url, true);
} 00_ajax_demo.html: i
function alertContents(http_request) {

if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
if (http_request.status == 200) {
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.');

00_ajax_demo.html: i
Security Concerns
 At first, this kind of call wasn't restricted
 But that meant that if one could inject javascript into
a web page, eg. via a comment form, one could pull
live data into a users brower, and thus escape the
 So now, this method is generally restricted to the
same named server…
Some Examples
 00_ajax_demo.html: in this one, I'm just pulling
some data from the server, and stuffing the results
into an alert
Jah and Ajah and Ahah: HA!
 After Garret's coining of the term ajax,
several people independently presented
similar systems--this is to be expected, since
XMLHttpRequest has been around a while
 Most of these used the same basic approach
to pull html or other data types than xml, or
didn't use the dom specification
 Jah is the work of Kevin Marks
 Jah relies on two simple functions, one to open the request,
and the other to change the data
 Instead of manipulating the dom directly, jah uses the
innerHTML property to manipulate the page
 See:
for an example (or the copy I've got in the lessons folder)
ion jah(url,target) {
/ native XMLHttpRequest object
ocument.getElementById(target).innerHTML = 'sending...';
f (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);};"GET", url, true);
/ IE/Windows ActiveX version
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (req) {
req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);}"GET", url, true);
Jahdone Function
on jahDone(target) {
only if req is "loaded"
(req.readyState == 4) {
// only if "OK"
if (req.status == 200) {
results = req.responseText;
document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = results;
} else {
document.getElementById(target).innerHTML="jah error:\n
Jah in Action
So how can we use this?
 Make live insertions into a page via the DOM
 We'll do more of this next week

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