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Ati Rosemary Mohd Ariffin
FacultyPART II
of Built Environment
4.0 Influence of Hinduism & Buddhism on
Architecture of Cambodia (Khmer)
4.0 Influence of Hinduism & Buddhism on Architecture of Cambodia

• The early architecture of Cambodia were heavily influenced by

Hinduism since the first century. As is a war torn country, many of the
new buildings are mediocre as compared to the early ancient
• The early architecture of Cambodia are more outstanding and in
contrast to the modern architecture in Cambodia.
• The Angkor Kingdom is the earliest government in the Southern part
of Indochina including Vietnam. It was established in 8th century by
King of Khmer (790-1500)
• The system of governance of Angkor had been influenced from
China rather than India due to the geographical factors and ethic
Kingdom of Angkor
• At the start of year 900
Jayavarman III, King of Khmer
had transfer the city of
governance from Harihalaya
(Rolous) to Yasodharapura
• The first candi, Candi Preah
Ko was constructed on the hills
of Yasodharapura
• During the Angkor Kingdom,
baray was contructed. Baray
are irrigation systems used for
agriculture. The same system
is used till today.
• The first baray is Baray
Preah Kô Temple

 Preah Ko temple is the first

temple meaning the sacred bull.
 The temple was built under the
Khmer King Indravarman I in
879 to honor members of the
king's family, whom it places in
relation with the Hindu deity
 Preah Ko consists of six brick
towers arranged in two rows of
three towers each perched on a
sandstone platform. The towers
face east, and the front central
tower is the tallest.
Preah Kô Temple
Hariharalaya was the first capital city of
the Khmer empire located in the area of
Angkor; its ruins are in the area now
called Roluos some fifteen kilometers
southeast of the modern city of Siem
Reap. The earliest surviving temple of
Hariharalaya is Preah Ko.
• Angkor Wat is world’s largest
architectural religious monument in
Asia. Angkor Wat means a ‘city
pagoda’ is apogee of classical
Khmer construction.
Angkor Wat
• Located South of the Angkor Thom
complex, built during King
Suryavarman II period (1113 -1150)
to honour Lord Vishnu.
• The entrance way to the temple is
through a causeways on the east
and west of the city. It is surrounded
by a broad moat (1.5 x 1.3km). The
balustrades of the causeway are in
the form of naga serpents (dragon).
Naga is a symbolical bridge linking
man and God Siva (heaven).
Architectural masterpiece, considered
by many to be one of the most inspired
and spectacular monument conceived
by the human mind.
• The moat represents the mythical
oceans surrounding the earth. The moat
at present is dried up and only sustain
water during wet season. In the old days
the moat was used as a agriculture
irrigation system to the city
• This temple took 30 years to build.
• Containing 5 towers representing Mt.
Meru. The central temple consist of
three storeys, each of which
encloses a square surrounded by
intricately interlinked gallery rising
31m above the ground. The central
tower is approximately 60m above
the ground.
• The temple combines two major
feature of Khmer architecture: a
pyramid and concentric galleries.
• and the succession of concentric
galleries represent the mountain ranges
surrounding Mt Meru, the home of the
Gods. The tower presents the
mountain's peak. Angkor like temples
dedicated to Vishnu faces West as
compared to the regular orientation
which faces east.
• The outer enclosures of
the temple is bounded by
laterite wall. The walls
have extraordinary bas
• The temple entrance
faces west unlike the
other temples which faces
• The total size of the
complex of Angkor Wat is
200 hectares. First layer of
wall is 3.3m , Second layer
wall 5.8m, third layer wall is
• Centre tower is 55m
Angkor Wat

Images of Angkor Wat. Left: causeway to the temple, middle:

The long corridor in the temple. Right: One of the entrance
stairway up to the temple.
Angkor Wat elevation, showing high degree of proportion and architectural rhythm – a
microcosm of the Hindu universe. Angkor Wat is built during the height of the Khmer
Similar to other Hindu temples, the reliefs in Angkor Wat depicts the Hindu mythology of
Ramayana . Angkor Wat was a Theravada Buddhist pilgrimage site giving this area the
name ‘Hall of the Thousand Buddhas’. Most statues were rescued in the early 1970s
but others were destroyed by Khmer Rouge during their reign of terror.
Angkor Wat
Angkor Thom
• Angkor Thom is the largest of all
Khmer cities – 9sq km, founded
by Jayavarman VII in the 12th
century and remained the
capital until the 17th century.
• This city overlaps the South
East corner with the first capital
– Yasodharapura established
during the 9th century. It
incorporated some important
temples of the past Kings.
• It has face-towers, enclosed by
city wall surrounded by moat
and causeways as the city gate.
Angkor Thom

• Angkor Thom means ‘large city’

• The city has five monumental
gates with four serene faces on top
of each tower facing all four
• Mempunyai pagar berbentuk 4segi
sepanjang 12km dan mempunyai 5
pintu yang dibina mengikut paksi
utara-selatan dan timur-barat.
Pintu ke5 menuju ke istana.
Angkor Thom
• Angkor Thom is the largest
Buddhist complex in the
Angkor Thom- South Entrance
Bayon part of Angkor’s Thom and is considered as the microcosm
of the universe. The temple itself is composed of two galleried
enclosures, which are almost square.

• The Bayon is built during the

Jayavarman VII. It is used as
the State Temple by
Jayavarman VII and his
immediate successors.
• It is predicted that there are 49
– 54 towers. However, there
are only 37 survived till today.
Most of the towers are carved
with faces on each cardinal
• The Bayon had gone through
several architectural changes, many
consider the Bayon a marked
contrast to Angkor Wat in terms of
architectural order and harmony.
The entrance is a broad tiered
terrace, 27m long guarded by
statues of lions.
• Contains narrative bas- reliefs of
daily life and Khmer history. The bas
reliefs covering almost 1200m
panels exceeds those of Angkor
Wat however, it is less intricate and
indicate the decline in workmanship.
Langkasuka Kingdom

• Langkasuka is a Kingdom
established since the first century.
• This Kingdom is influenced by
• However, in the early beginning of
Langkasuka, Buddhist is more
dominant and utilise writing from
Southern India.
• Most of the people of Langkasuka are
Chi-mo originating from Khmer.
• Archeologist theory states that this
Kingdom has established relationship
with China as early as the year 513
based on artifacts and writings found.
5.0 Influence of Hinduism & Buddhism on Architecture of Malaysia

• Langkasuka was short with the invasion of Funan, They

regained their independence shortly before the emergence of
Srivijaya Kingdom.
• The Kingdom in Kedah evolved into the Kingdom of Srivijaya in
the circa of the 7th century. The capital of Srivijaya was in
Chaiya, Southern Thailand.
• In 1500, Majapahit Kingdom replaced Srivijaya. The same period
Parameswara of Palembang, Sumatra settled in Malacca.
• Parameswara, Mahayanist Buddhist. A combination of Buddha,
tantric and Hindu.
• Malacca was a great port and grew into an important city in the
5.0 Influence of Hinduism & Buddhism on Architecture of Malaysia
Bujang Valley
• The earliest influence and • The religion of Hindu &
traces of Hinduism and Buddhist expended in ‘Tanah
Buddhism in ‘Tanah Melayu’ is Melayu’ thru commerce and
found Bujang Valley, South of marriage.
• There are also traces and • The religion entered ‘Tanah
archeological evidence in Melayu’ and received by the
Santubong and writings about locals with mixed beliefs
Malacca (Melaka). (indigenous beliefs) .
• In Bujang Valley and Santubong
there are temples made from
latterite bricks, granite stones,
river stones.
• The temples are possess
architectural features of
temples Buddhist temple in the
500 SM and the Hindu temple of
the 11th century.
Bujang Valley
• Bujang Valley is located on the • The settlement 224km sq.
foot of the Jerai Mountains. To its • Archeologists discovered more
immediate south are several small
rivers Merbok, Muda and Bujang
than thirty sites dating from the
Rivers which flows into the Straits period of early Indianisation
of Malacca. (more than 1500 years old).
• It is predicted that it was a harbour • There are 50 ancient candi
for ships bound for India. found in the surroundings of
• Bujang in Sanskrit means ‘naga’- Bujang Valley.
hence ‘dragon valley’ • The largest Candi which
survived is Candi Bukit Batu
5.0 Influence of Hinduism & Buddhism on Architecture of Malaysia

• Candi Bukit Batu Pahat • Terdapat banyak bahan

(temple on the Hill of Cut bahan archeologi seperti
Stone) in Bujang Valley manik kaca, dan pinggan
adalah peninggalan yang mangkuk yang
paling besar kerana di situ memperkukuhkan
terdapat kesan candi dan kenyataan ini.
kesan perkampungan lama • Tamadun ini terus
Candi ini tidak semegah berkembang dengan pesat
atau sebesar candi candi di pada zaman pemerintahan
Indonesia. Sri Vijaya (abad 7-13)
• Pembinaannya amat ringkas • Selepas kemasukan agama
dengan teknologi Islam, penempatan ini tidak
sederhana. lagi digunakan atau
• Tapaknya diperbuat dari dihiraukan.
batu bata dan bahagian atas
daripada kayu. Struktur
kayu telah hancur dimamah
usia. Hanya tinggal
tapaknya sahaja.
Candi Bukit Batu Pahat
Candi Bukit Batu Pahat

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