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10 advices not to be addicted to


The presentation is made

by a pupil of the 11th form
Tsyganova Tatiana
Avoid Denial

Admit it: You are

addicted! Accepting this
will be your first step
towards finding a cure!
Getting into a regular exercise routine
can make a world of difference in
improving your energy levels, your
sense of well-being, and your feeling
of self-confidence. Whether you take
up running or cycling, start going to
the gym, or join a team, you can take
things to a whole other level by
getting into shape. An added benefit
of this is that exercising will tend to
put you in the company of other
people who are dedicated to living
healthy lifestyles, which will help to
support you in your new life.
Get a Good
Cut Diet
out junk food from your diet,
keep sugar and unhealthy fats to a
minimum, and load up on fresh
vegetables and fruits, fish and lean
meats. Drink plenty of water, and
avoid having too much coffee. The
change won’t happen overnight, but
with time your tastes will change,
you will start craving healthy food
rather than junk, and you will begin
to notice remarkable changes in your
energy level, appearance, immunity
and overall health.
Get Enough Rest

Sleeping all day and staying up all

night, sleeping off and on through the
night, going days on end without sleep
and then crashing — these are only a
few common examples of the kinds of
schedules which characterize “rest” for
an addict. You might be surprised to
see what a difference it can make to get
yourself into a rhythm of sleeping for
eight hours every night. It can translate
to higher energy levels, a far better
mood, sharper mental alertness, less
illness and more.
Find New
Find a new hobby, start
volunteering, pursue an education
that will help you further your
career, or do anything else which
will set your new life on the right
Slow and Steady
It very often happens that a person
who has recently recovered from
addiction assumes that he or she is
ready to charge back out into the
world and take life by the horns, only
to fall flat on his or her face. You may
feel great, reinvigorated and
recharged, and you should absolutely
live life to its fullest now, but don’t
take on more than you can handle yet.
The pace of life is likely to be quite
different now, and it is very well
worth it to take some time readjusting.
Start a Project

The fastest way to get out of your

head is to put it in a new project–
compiling a family album, knitting
a blanket, coaching Little League,
heading a civic association,
planning an Earth Day festival,
auditioning for the local theatre,
taking a course at the community
Make a list of
positive changes you
want in your life.
Think about how much your life will
improve once you've kicked thehabit:

• Maybe you'll feel a sense of freedom you

haven't had in years.

• You know you're doing everything you can to

stay healthy. You'll feel immediate physical

• You'll feel proud and confident again.

yourself is a big key in
removing the chains your addiction or
bad habits have locked you into.
Fighting the need to use or give into
your habits can be very exhausting,
often resulting in caving in. This is
where a strong mind and strong love
for yourself comes into play. When
you are in that moment, ask yourself,
“Will this really better me? I love
myself too much to give into this habit
that will only make me feel temporary
pleasure, while putting me at a worse
state for the future.” 
Find and Pursue Your Goals
Perhaps the most important step you can take
is to figure out what your goals are in life
and to set about following those goals. In
fact, this will tend to make the other things
happen, since once you are headed along a
trajectory towards your goals, things, like
getting enough rest and getting along with
your family, will have to fall into line. This is
especially important if you became an addict
when you were in your teens, when you may
not have already worked out the goals for
your future. The future is a blank slate, and it
is up to you to decide what you want to be,
do and have in life, but you have to make
that decision and carry it out.

Thank you for R



Stay healthy ❤️

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