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Kruskal’s Algorithm

 MST construction using Kruskal’s algorithm

 Kruskal’s Algorithm
 Time complexity Analysis
Kruskal’s algorithm
Step-1: Sort all the edges from low weight to high weight.

Step-02: Take the edge with the lowest weight and use it to connect
the vertices of graph.

If adding an edge creates a cycle, then reject that edge and

go for the next least weight edge.

 Step-03: Keep adding edges until all the vertices are connected and
a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) is obtained..
Construct MST for the given graph using Kruskal’s algorithm
Since all the vertices
have been included in
the MST, so we stop.

Saveetha Engii

• for each vertex v in V[G]

     do define set S(v) ← {v}
Initialize priority queue Q that contains all edges of G, using the weights as keys
A ← { }                    ▷ A will ultimately contains the edges of the MST
while A has less than n − 1 edges
    do Let set S(v) contains v and S(u) contain u
        if S(v) ≠ S(u)
            then Add edge (u, v) to A
                    Merge S(v) and S(u) into one set i.e., union
return A
• The edge weight can be compared in constant time.

• Initialization of priority queue takes O(E lg E) time by

repeated insertion.
• At each iteration of while-loop, minimum edge can be
removed in O(log E) time, which is O(log V), since graph
is simple.
• The total running time is O((V + E) log V), which is
O(E lg V) since graph is simple and connected.
Construct MST for the following graph using Kruskal’s algorithm

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