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Simple Present Tense

Something that is true in the present.

i. I’m ten years old.

ii. He lives in London
iii. I’m a students.

Something that happens again and again in the present.

i. I go to school everyday.
ii. I play football every weekend.
iii. Lily has piano lesson every Friday.

Something that is always true.

i. The adult human body contains 206 bones.

ii. Light travels at almost 300, 000 kilometres per second.
 Something that is fixed in the future.

i. The school term starts next week.

ii. We fly to Paris next week.
iii. The train leaves at 1945 this evening.

 We use words like sometimes, often, always and never (adverbs of

frequency) with the present tense:

i. I sometimes go to the cinema.

ii. Abby always plays with her friends before dinner.
iii. She never plays football.
Simple Past Tense
 We can use it for completed actions in the past.

i. I visited my grandmother yesterday.

ii. My family and I went on a trip to Egypt last month.
iii. I woke up at 9 o’clock this morning.

 We can use it for single period with time expression.

i. He had a girlfriend for 3 years.

ii. My father talked on the phone for 5 minutes.
iii. She chose to stay with her mother all day.
 We can use it for the habit in the past if it is used
adverbs of frequency.

i. I always did my homework on time when I was a student.

ii. When I was young, I walked 10 miles to my workplace everyday.

Just now
Last Friday
This morning
Long ago

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