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JULY 9, 2020

Facilitators: Deborah Harrington, Ed.D, Dean of Student Success &

Jessica Cristo, Ed.D, Associate Dean of Student Success
Welcome back
Remembering our Norms & Shared Values

 Be Engaged and Open to Sharing

 Assume Good Intentions
 Be Kind
 Trust the Process
Summary of big takeaways

Connections Entry Progress Completion Transition

Creating clear Integration into the “Triage model”, Completing Partnering with 4
pathways for campus and including intrusive pathway, checking year colleges,
students by support programs, counseling, on transfer status, bridging students
engaging families , “bridging support during the additional to transfer options
faculty, community students” semester, tutoring counseling and
etc. keeping students
on track
Thinking about impact…

 In ten years, after this Taskforce has successfully collaborated

with each other and has completed its work with the campus,
what do you hope to accomplish?
 What impact do you want to have on student success?
 What impact on equity do you hope is achieved?
 Type out your answers to these questions in one of the spaces
provided in the Thinking About Impact grid in the Google Doc:
Creating shared student outcomes

 Thinking about the discussions we have had so far, including the Amarillo College case study, readings, and
momentum points activity:

 What do you hope students achieve and gain?

With your group, think of 3-5 student goals/outcomes,

make sure someone writes them down and copies
them in the chat to share with everyone.
Why Create a Logic Model?

Logic models provide a “Road Map” of a program.

– Drawing a picture of expected program achievements and how the achievements will
be realized.
– Creating a visual of relationships hypothesized to exist between the program activities
and the intended program effects

• Logic Models describe expectations/intentions of a program.

Definition of a Logic Model
The program logic model is defined as a picture of how
your organization does its work – the theory and
assumptions underlying the program. A program logic
model links outcomes (both short- and long-term) with
program activities/processes and the theoretical
assumptions/principles of the program.

- The W.K.Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide

Action & Change

Resources/ Outcomes
Activities Outputs Impact
Inputs S/M/L

Theory of Action
Theory of Change
Common Logic Model Components

Resources/Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes

Resources needed to
achieve program’s What the program Direct products of Changes that result from the
objectives does with resources program activities program’s activities and outputs
to meet objectives

Short Intermediate Long

term term

Assumptions: The underlying External Factors/Context: Description of

assumptions that influence the environment in which program takes place
program’s design,
implementation or goals
Logic Model Example
HIV Prevention Program for Native Americans

  Resources Activities Outputs Short Term Goals Long Term Goals Impact
Outcome #1  

Outcome #2  

Outcome #3  
Let’s try it!

 Take one of the other student goals/ outcomes that were shared and use the logic model in
the google sheet, filling in all the way across from resources to impact.
 There is a blank logic model for each group
Action & Change

Resources/ Outcomes
Activities Outputs Impact
Inputs S/M/L

Theory of Action
Theory of Change
Creating a Theory of Change

Short Term Medium

Activities Long Term
Outcomes Term Impact

Example from Denver Unified School District

 Theory of Change
3CSN’s Theory of Change

If we provide training on networking and we use

action research methodologies, community
college professionals will transform their
identities and environments to create
communities of practice that will produce
powerful learning and working across campuses.
This will lead to greater student success.
LACP Theory of Change Narrative

Los An g e le s Colle g e Prom is e

Co n c e p t u a l Mo d e l 0 9 12 16 v2a

Tra n s it io n In Tra n s it io n Th ro u g h Tra n s it ion Ou t Im p a c t

Ea r ly Ou t r e a c h & Firs t - Ye a r Cit y o f

r r
En g a g e m e n t for Exp e rie n c e Gra d u a t e s
LAUS D S t u d e n t s
Su m m e r Tra n s it ion Ga in fully e m p loye d
Colle g e In fo Da ys
Fre e Tuit ion S t u d e n t Mom e n t u m St ude n t Soc ia l ju s t ic e - m in d e d
FAFSA c om p le t e d in H.S. (n o e n rollm e n t fe e s) Mile s t o n e Suc c e s s
for 1s t Ye a r Civic a lly a n d
Priorit y Re g is t ra t ion Com ple t ion of Com p le t ion o f d e g re e , c ult u ra lly e n g a g e d
b a s e d on SSSP 12–15 u n it s pe r s e m e s t e r 24 t o 30 u n it s workforc e c e rt ific a t e ,
in 1s t Ye a r t ra n s fe r
As s e s s m e n t / p la c e m e n t Su c c e s s Coa c h in g
b a s e d on
m u lt ip le m e a s u r e s St ru c t u re d s c h e d u le
in c lud in g re q u ire d
Pre - e n rollm e n t in En glis h a n d m a t h
s up port s e rvic e s

Th e Los An g e le s Colle g e Prom is e will s e a m le s s ly t ra n s it ion g ra d u a t in g LAUSD s t ud e n t s t o

fu ll- t im e LACCD s t u d e n t s . Th is will le a d t o in c re a s e d c olle g e c om p le t ion , e n h a n c e d s oc ia l
m ob ilit y a n d e q u it y for An g e lin os , a n d a m ore rob u s t lo c a l e c on om y.


Th e Lo s An g e le s Co lle g e P r o m is e
is a P a rt n e rs h ip Be t w e e n
So That Chain –TOC for Taskforce
Bringing it all together

Think about…
 How would you explain the importance or why of this
 What would your colleagues want to know and what
would they find most valuable?
 What would be the overall impact?
 What would you call/name the initiative/project?

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