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 Introduction and background information about the project

 Scope of the campaign
 Project initiation and charter
 Project management software
 Schedule of the campaign
 Cost of the campaign
 Quality management
 Human resources management
 Communication between the stakeholders
 Risk and opportunities management
 Procurements done within the campaign
 Stakeholder engagement
 Control the project
 Close the project
The war in Syria, started in April 2011, caused displacement of the
Syrians across the world and mainly in Lebanon.
As health workers, our role is to respond to the needs of the refugees
in general and to focus on promoting the wellbeing of the vulnerable
ones such as women and girls.
According to Women’s Refugee Commission (2016), Syrian women
of reproductive age suffer from morbidity, diseases and deaths due to
the lack of appropriate reproductive and sexual health care.
The problem extends to include child marriage, transmission of sexual
transmitted diseases, unsafe sexual practices, maternal and pregnancy
complications, sexual violence and inadequate family planning.

LFPA, Lebanese family planning association, in cooperation with the

Ministry of Public Health and the Municipality of Akkar, decided to
take an initiative and to implement an intervention to improve the
sexual and reproductive health of Syrian women.
The sessions will be done in Wadi Khaled, Akkar, a region in north
Lebanon that suffers from Syrian overflow.
 The target audience is young girls and women aged from 15 till 30
years old.
The manager insisted on adopting a public-private partnership that
includes a blend of governmental and religious leaders in order for
the project to succeed.
PM software
In order to manage the project tasks, durations and costs, the
project team members need the Microsoft project software 2010.
The software helps in:
 Management: the manager analyzes the resources and track
progress and performance.
 Scheduling tools: organizing the schedules by entering
information about: the overall project, monitoring the schedule,
individual work (tasks) and resources needed to complete those
tasks. The program calculates the start date, the finish date of
tasks and schedule variances.
 Cost-estimation and budgeting tools: estimating costs,
budgeting by using cost information entry, cost variance, earned
values and planned cost..
PM Software

However, according to Microsoft Office, this tool has

some limitations that need to be considered.
 It takes more time when calculating more than one
 It does not support changing in the domain.
 The LFPA has too many projects so their use in the same
software could slow down the rate of working.

The budget set for the campaign includes the following:

1. Salaries of the team members and managers
2. Renting cost
3. Cost of the equipment (computers, LCD for power points)
4. Cost of the flyers and surveys done at the early level to assess
their specific needs
5. Cost of the incentives used to encourage women to participate
such as offering food
6. Cost of the project management software
7. Cost for both the contingency and the management reserve
8. Cost of the equipments ( LCDs and computers)
Estimate the Cost
 In order to estimate the cost, many tools and techniques can be
used including expert judgment, analogous estimating, three-
point estimating, parametric estimation, reserve analysis..
 The experts used are internal workers that work in the LFPA or
the MOPH and are part of the 12 team members. 5 of them are
reproductive health experts, 2 are epidemiological experts, 3
are public health experts and 2 are advertising experts.
Estimate and determine the Budget

 Health care providers, working for many years on similar projects,

are asked to estimate the cost of this campaign. This can be done
by meetings, interviews and focus sessions.
 In 2014, a similar project was done by the UNFPA in 2014 and its
target includes different disadvantaged Lebanese regions. The
project was completed with a 100,000$ budget (note that the time
and the scope are larger).
 Comparing the cost of the equipment, flyers, rents and others we
estimated that our project will cost 35,000$.
 Also, to account for uncertainty, estimates should include the cost
allocated for unknown and known risks.
Budget Type
 The funding is done by the Ministry of Health, LFPA and a
“Cheikh” living in USA from Akkar.
 The financial resources are provided in Cash by the MOPH
and LFPA whereas the personal funding is by transfer from
his bank account to ours.
Determine the Budget
The Microsoft project is applied to schedule and determine the
cost of the resources required to accomplish each activity:
Determine the Budget
After the estimation process, the team managed to determine the budget, as shown in the table below
Unit of measure: $, with a +10% acceptable range.
The contraception are offered by the MOPH

Resource Direct Cost ($) Method

Internal staff 15,000 Expert judgment
Volunteers 0,000 Expert judgment
Computers 5,000 Parametric
LCD projector 1,700 Parametric
Flyers and surveys 1,000 analogous
Renting 2,000 Parametric
expenses(cars and
Incentives (food, 1,500 analogous
Chairs/ Tables 800 Parametric
Software system 1,000 Parametric
Management 2,000 analogous
Contingency reserves 5,000 Analogous
Control the budget

 Formal change procedures are performed in order to change the

budget of the project. It will increase to $35,000 that includes the
$15,000 determined in the Microsoft Project and the other
payment requirements and both the contingency and management
 In addition to that, many tools and techniques such EVM can be
used to track performance and compare the actual performance to
the planned one such as cost Performance Index which is EV/AC
and the cost variance which is EV-AC. Forecasting can be done to
predict future performance and the use of resources.

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