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Rellie D. Castro
Visual Information
 Visual media can be used in any subject matter
especially presenting texts through visual such as data
presented through graphs, tables and illustration like pie
chart and project through power point presentations.

 There is a need to understand visual media and

information because basically we are all visual learners.
Therefore in order for us to learn better, visual media
should be used effectively.
Visual Information
 Visual media and information is also very important
because it caters visual learners, and visuals are very
important since it is known as one of the most used in
the senses.
 Most studies show that visual media is the most
effective since it is available and can easily be
 Best examples of using visual media are toddlers who
can easily use tablets nowadays.
Advantages of Visual Information
1. Gets the attention of the participants
2. Easy to follow
3. Simple presentation
4. Participants feel more engaged
5. Easier to explain or put things in
6. Helps in oral communication
Disadvantages of Visual Information
1. Costly
2. Learner experience difficulty
3. It’s easier to lose focus
4. Complex presentation
5. Requires a well-designed presentation or
6. Stronger effect on children/s behavior
Visual Message Design
 Visualmessage design is a type of media with
well-planned objectives to target visual learners
to provide information.

 The term visual presentation is used to refer to the

actual presentation of information through a
visible medium such as text or images. Recent
research in the field has focused on web design
and oriented usability
Different Types of Visual Message
 Line – describes a shape or outline
 Shape – usually a geometric area that stands out from the space
next to or around it.
 Value – the degree of light and dark in a design.
 Texture – the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel.
Texture can be added to attract or repel interest to visual
 Color – determine by its hue, intensity and value
 Form – a figure volume and thickness. An illustration of a 3-
dimensional object can be implied with the use of light and

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