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Ms. Saima Azad

Air University Islamabad

Introduction to Psychology
Module One
Module Objectives

How do we define psychology?

Roots of psychology
Major school of thoughts
What are the major psychological perspectives?
What is Psychology?

The term psychology comes from the

Greek roots psyche meaning soul or mind
and logos meaning study
Psychology is the science that studies
behavior and the physiological and
cognitive processes that underlie it.
What is Psychology?

Psychology is the science of human behavior and

mental processes.

Behavior is anything we do
‐ overt actions and reactions

Mental processes are our internal experiences

‐ thoughts, feelings, memories…
Why study Psychology?

Psychology helps us scientifically evaluate

common beliefs and misconceptions about
behavior and mental processes.

Can you identify which of the beliefs on the

following slide are true or false?
The best way to learn and
remember information is to
“cram,” or study it intensively
during one concentrated

This is the worst way to prepare for an exam!

Don’t confuse this for a quicker method of
study- students who cram often perform more
poorly than those who do not study at all!
Punishment is the most
effective way to permanently
change behavior.
We will examine this ineffective practice
when we begin our study of learning! Think
about the prison system…a large scale
example of punishment…does it work?
How did you do?

This quiz was a brief illustration of how psychological

information is often misunderstood. Psychology is
NOT limited to “common sense” information.
Scientific psychology has four
basic goals:

to describe, explain, predict, and change

behavior and mental processes
Psychological information is based
on empirical evidence

This is information based on direct

observation and measurements with
scientific method
How Accurate is the Image
of Psychology?

Think on your own…

Make a list of words you would use to describe
a psychologist…think about some images you
have as well.
Typical images of
How about Scientists?

Think on your own..

Make a list of words would you use to
describe a scientist? What images do you
Did any of these
images come to mind?
It’s important to remember

Psychologist’s ARE
Think on Your Own…

You have a problem that you want to

address in therapy…
Can any Psychologist help you?
No…There are many types
of psychologists, and many
have nothing to do with
Why do we have so many
types of psychologists?
Psychologists have different
ways of looking at the same
problem, which is why there are
so many sub-fields of
Psychology’s roots began in
philosophy, but the focus
changed to a scientific focus.

This scientific focus remains today.

Where did Psychology come from?
The first psychological laboratory was not created
until 1879 by Wilhelm Wundt.

Wundt was responsible for creating the first

school of psychological thought called

‐ This school focused only on immediate conscious

experience and thought.
Problems with Structuralism

This group of Psychologists used a

technique called Introspection which was
a process of self-examination, where the
person described and analyzed thoughts as
they occurred.
Think on your own…

What are some potential

problems with this type of
Structuralism…the first step
The focus of study was way too narrow

No valid research was produced

This school of thought was a great start, but no

longer exists.
The Next Evolution
Functionalism is the second perspective to emerge,
founded by William James.

They studied how and why the mind functions.

This perspective broadened the scope of psychology and

applied psychology to practical settings.

This perspective still focused on consciousness but

began to examine overt behavior, not just mental
Gestalt Psychology
Gestalt Psychology is an approach to understanding
mental events that focuses on the idea that the whole is
more than the sum of its parts
Interested in consciousness, particularly as it arises
during perception (the organizing and interpreting of
sensory information)
Focus on the levels of the brain and the person
Led by Max Wertheimer – noted that much of the
content of our thoughts comes from what we perceive,
and further, from inborn tendencies to structure what
we sense in certain ways
Developed >100 perceptual laws (principles) that
describe how our minds organize the world
Perceptual unit – a whole formed from individual parts
Psychology continued to expand
based on the early work of these
Psychological Perspectives
Psychologists have different ways of looking at

‐ Psychoanalytic perspective
‐ Behaviorist perspective
‐ Humanistic perspective
‐ Cognitive perspective
‐ Biopsychology perspective
‐ Social psychological perspective
‐ Evolutionary perspective

See p. 12
Who hasn’t heard of Freud?

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian

neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a
clinical method for treating psychopathology
through dialogue between a patient and a
This is one of the most well-known
psychological perspectives in history
developed by Sigmund Freud.
Freud believed that emotional problems are
due to anxiety from unresolved conflicts that
reside in unconscious
Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud was an early pioneer in treating emotional
disorders and was the first to provide counseling
and therapy to patients.

Free association and dream interpretation were

developed technique to explore the unconscious
Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud was one of the first to treat emotional

Freud’s theories were the first to suggest that our

childhood experiences impact our adult behaviors

‐ The first to provide therapy for patients.

‐ Developed dream interpretation and free association

Think on your own…
Do childhood
experiences affect adult life?

What are some childhood experiences that

you feel have shaped who you are now as
an adult?
Behaviorism…the opposite of
Behaviorism was founded by John Watson in direct
opposition to Psychoanalytic Theory.
Behaviorism focused on behavior that can be measured
and observable. This returned the scientific approach to

‐ We can describe, predict, and control that behavior.

Behaviorism…the opposite of
Behaviorist’s believe people are controlled by their environment

‐ Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior

We are the result of what we have learned from our environment

Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology believes that behaviors are
performed because of ideas and thoughts.
The cognitive perspective focuses on such processes as
perception, memory, and thinking and helps people to
know, understand, and think about the world.

That’s what this area of psychology believes and

Cognitive psychology currently exerts a strong influence
in psychology.
Biopsychology Perspective
How biological factors affect mental processes and
how the brain effects behavior.

It states that behavior has a biological basis. The behavior

of both people and animals should be considered in terms
of biological functioning.
(Psychopharmacology is the branch of psychology concerned with the effects of
drugs on the mind and behaviour.)
The biological perspective
Topics that are discussed in this perspective
 How the individual nerve cells are joined

 How heredity influences behavior ?

 What are the physiological responses when a

baby confronts a stranger?
Humanistic Perspective
This perspective assumes that people are naturally
endowed with the capacity to make decisions about
their lives and to control their behavior.
Emerged as a reaction to Freud and behaviorism
Abraham Maslow
The human being has free will to make decisions
about his/her own life.
All individuals and their unique experiences should
be respected
These are some of the areas of
Psychology that are currently
Research and Professional
Areas in Psychology

Developmental Psychology Personality

Clinical Psychology
Social Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Educational and School
Physiological Psychology
Industrial and
Cognitive Psychology Organizational Psychology
Developmental: Looks at human development across the life span.
Developmental psychology once focused primarily on child development but
today devotes a great deal of research to adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

Social: Focuses on interpersonal behavior and the role of social forces in

governing behavior. Typical topics include attitude formation, attitude change,
prejudice, conformity, attraction, aggression, intimate relationships, and behavior
in groups.

Experimental: Encompasses the traditional core of topics such as sensation,

perception, learning, conditioning, motivation and emotion.

Physiological: Examines the influence of genetic factors on behavior and the

role of the brain, nervous system, endocrine system, and bodily chemicals in the
regulation of behavior.

Cognitive: Focuses on “higher” mental processes such as memory, reasoning,

information processing, language, problem solving, decision making, and

Personality: Interested in describing and understanding individuals’ consistency

in behavior, which represents their personality. This area is interested in factors
that shape personality and with personality assessment.
Clinical: Concerned with evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals
with psychological disorders, as well as treatment of individuals with
psychological disorders, as well as treatment of less severe behavioral and
emotional problems. Principal activities include interviewing clients,
psychological testing, and providing group and individual psychotherapy.

Counseling: Overlaps with clinical psychology in that specialists in both areas

engage in similar activities – interviewing, testing, and providing therapy.
Counseling psychologists usually work with a somewhat different clientele,
providing assistance to people struggling with everyday problems of moderate
severity – they specialize in family, marital, or career counseling.

Educational: Work to improve curriculum design, achievement testing, teacher

training, and other aspects of the educational process. School psychologists
usually work in elementary or secondary schools, where they test and counsel
children having difficulties in school and aid parents and teachers in solving
school-related problems.

I/O: Perform a wide variety of tasks in the world of business and industry.
These tasks include running human resources departments, working to improve
staff morale and attitudes, striving to increase job satisfaction and productivity,
examining organizational structures and procedures, and making
recommendations for improvements.
Think on your own..

Where do Psychologist’s Work?

Make a list of potential work places or jobs
for psychologists.
Experimental Psychologists
(usually researchers and professors)

About 1/4th of American Psychologists

work in colleges and universities.
Applied Psychologists
(service providers)

The remaining 3/4ths work in hospitals, clinics, police

departments, research institutes, government agencies,
business and industry, schools, nursing homes,
counseling centers, and private practice.
Can you think
“outside the box?”
Next we will talk about why
psychology is a science, which requires
critical thinking. Use your imagination
and “think outside the box” on this next
A man dressed entirely in black and
wearing a black mask, is standing in
the middle of a crossroad. All of the
streetlights at the intersection are
broken. A car speeds down the road,
heading straight for the man, yet it
turns in time and doesn't hit him.

How does it manage to miss him?

Did You Get It?
The driver of the car avoided hitting the man
wearing only black because it was DAYTIME

These “Lateral Thinking” exercises are a great

example of how psychologists think critically
about psychological questions.

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