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Team Teaching

Fifth grade


1. Economic Geography of Colombia.

2. Activity to do: Make an acrostic using the words
Economic and Geography.
Economic geography of Colombia.

 Colombia is a privileged country

in the world , it has large water
reserves, a great variety of
fauna and flora due to the two
oceans, the diversity of thermal
floors and the presence of
plains and rain forests, it has
mining resources such as coal ,
oil, nickel, gold, silver,
platinum and emeralds among
other resources; It is also one of
the main coffee producers
Economic Geography.

Studies the productivity in the

natural space.

Considering the places and

regions of economic interest.

Including the region, the production,

the use of natural resources and the
distribution of products.

Taking into account the characteristics of

the environment of the region.
Caribbean Region:

This Region is characterized by having the most

suitable lands for agriculture, and cattle raising,
the main crops in this region are: cotton,
banana, and rice.

 The main industries in the region are in:

Barranquilla, Cartagena and Santa
 In the Guajira, the exploitation of coal
minerals in “El Cerrejón” and sea salt in
Pacific Region.  The agricultural activity is developed
by indigenous and mestizo
communities and it is an unstable
activity because of the excessive
acidity and high rainfall which makes
the soils unsuitable .
 Industry is one of the least developed
activities in the Region.

 The development of the roads that connect Urabá

with Medellin, Cali with Buenaventura and Pasto
with Tumaco, have allowed the development that
had remained this region for decades marginalized
from the development of the country.
Andean Region
 This region is characterized by
agriculture of fruits and
vegetables, and the softest coffee
in the world.
 Technician agriculture is in Valle
del Cauca, Tolima and Huila, with
crops of sugar cane, soybeans and
 Rionegro, El Carmen de Viboral,
Marinilla, La Ceja and La Unión are
municipalities from Antioquia
where exportation of flower crops
is developed.

The industry is located mainly in

Bogotá, which is the center of the
Medellin: textile industry.
Cali: the rubber and paper industry.
Barrancabermeja: the oil industry.
Orinoquia Region.
The industry concentrates on the
extraction of the Cusiana and Cupiagua
deposits that exceed 2,000 million
barrels, and the gas reserves that
amount to 85 billion cubic meters.

The exploitation of fine woods in the

forests and fishing are products to
satisfy local and regional demand.

 Agriculture in this region is  Oil extraction represents

characterized by the use of large important gains for the Region,
areas of land and little labor force however, the population and the
in the cultivation of rice, environment suffer a great impact.
soybeans, and cotton.
Industry in the region is minimal, they
Amazon Region.

have furniture and oil activity in
Putumayo and Amazonas.
 Land routes in the region are limited.

 This region has many forest areas, due

to colonization, crops and cattle
raising have grown. Illicit crops are
spreading in the region despite strong
pressure from the government for their
 It is a region with great water
resources, fishing is done by hand and
for commercial purposes.
Ecological tourism is practiced in the Pacific Island region.
Insular Region

 The presence of these islands in

Colombian territory increases the
country's heritage, because the
islands, are visited by nationals
and foreigners.
 The main economic activities in
these regions are tourism,
commerce, fishing, coconut
cultivation, and agriculture.
Make an acrostic using the words: Economic and Geography, using the
vocabulary worked on the class.


y mujeres
y servir.

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