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Asniar Pascayantri, S.Si., M.Si., Apt

 Cough is a normal physiological reflex
that frees the respiratory tract of
accumulated secretions and removes
particulate matter.
Reseptor TRP
Cough Suppressants Expectorants Mucolytics

Cough suppressants Mucolytics

Expectorants Sympathomimetics
Cough suppressants
Mekanisme Kerja : Centrally acting

Generik : Acetyldihydrocodeine, Helicidine,

Alloclamide, Isoaminile,
Benproperine, Menglytate,
Benzonatate, Morclofone,
Bibenzonium, Nepinalone,
Butamirate, Nicocodine,
Butetamate, Normethadone,
Caramiphen, Noscapine,
Clobutinol, Oxeladin,
Clofedanol, Oxolamine,
Cloperastine, Pentoxyverine,
Dextromethorphan, Pholcodine,
Dimemorfan, Pipazetate,
Dimethoxanate, Poppy Capsule,
Dropropizine, Prenoxdiazine,
Elecampane, Promolate,
Ethyl Orthoformate, Sodium Dibunate,
Fedrilate, Thebacon,
Fominoben, Tipepidine,
Glaucine, Zipeprol,
Mekanisme : Meningkatkan ivolume sekresi pada saluran pernapasan dengan
Kerja cara memfasilitasi kerja siliari dan merangsang batuk
Generik : Ammonium Salts, Guaietolin,
Calcium Iodide, Guaifenesin,
Cocillana, Guaimesal,
Coltsfoot, Iodinated Glycerol,
Creosote, Ipecacuanha,
Elecampane, Marrubium,
Eprazinone, Senega Root,
Eprozinol, Squill,
Eriodictyon, Sulfogaiacol,
Fudosteine, Terpin,
Guacetisal, Tolu Balsam,
Mekanisme : Mengubah struktur mukus untuk mengurangi kekentalan mukus
Kerja sehingga dapat dilkeluarkan melalui kerja siliari atau rangsangan
Generik : Acetylcysteine, Erdosteine,
Ambroxol, Ethyl Cysteine Hydrochloride,
Bromhexine, Letosteine,
Brovanexine, Mecysteine,
Mekanisme : Kerja agonis alfa melalui vasokontriksi pada mukosa nasal, sehingga
Kerja menyebabkan kongesti.
Generik : Amidefrine, Naphazoline,
Clonazoline, Oxymetazoline,
Ephedra, Phenylephrine,
Ephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine,
Etafedrine, Pseudoephedrine,
Fenoxazoline, Tetryzoline,
Indanazoline, Tramazoline,
Levmetamfetamine, Tuaminoheptane,
Methoxyphenamine, Tymazoline,
Methylephedrine, Xylometazoline,

Non-produktif Produktif
 Kadang disertai dengan flu biasa  Disertai sputum
 Therapy :  Kadang terjadi karena adanya penyakit lain 
chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, or cystic fibrosis.
 Supresan  dextromethorphan >  Therapy :
codeine.  Ekspektoran  ammonium salts, guaifenesin,
 Antihistamin dengan efek sedasi  ipecacuanha, and sodium citrate
diphenhydramine (reduction in  Mukolitik  acetylcysteine, bromhexine,

cholinergic nerve transmission, or carbocisteine, and mecysteine. Dornase alfa

cough suppression as a result of their pada kasus cystic fibrosis
 Agen pembasah  Inhaled aerosols of water,
sedative effects) sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride,
 Demulcents  glycerol, honey, surfactants such as tyloxapol, and proteolytic
liquorice, and sucrose syrups (indirect enzymes such as chymotrypsin and trypsin.
peripherally acting cough Menthol, benzoin, or volatile oils tkurang efektif
suppressants by providing a
protective coating over sensory
receptors in the pharynx)
Batuk disertai sesak
 Anti-bronkospasme
 Bronkodilator B2-agonis  salbutamol
 Antikolinergik  ipratropium bromida
 Indikasi : batuk disertai sesak pada pasien
dengan asma dan COPD
Sediaan obat batuk dan flu
 Kombinasi  Suppressants/ekspektoran + simpatomimetik + antihistamin /
+ analgesik
 Safety concern in children  antihistamines, supresan, ekspektoran, dan
dekogestan simpatomimetik, tunggal atau kombinasi
 FDA dan MHRA merekomendasikan penggunaan sediaan obat batuk dan
flu pada anak usia > 2 tahun
 < 2 tahun  paracetamol atau ibuprofen, sediaan obat batuk sederhana
(gliserol atau mada dan lemon), vapour rubs dan inhalant decongestants
 Bayi  nasal drop natrium klorida

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