Table Manners

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 Good Posture at table

- Hands
* under the table on your lap
*On the table with bottom of wrists on
table edge
- Rest elbows on table between courses
- No drumming fingers on the table
- Keep elbows close to body when cutting
• Basic Table Manners: Body Language
• Basic Table Manners: General Conduct Rules
•  "Please" and "thank you"
- Modest portions when serving self
- NEVER season food before tasting
- Cut meat one peice at a time
- Eat quietly
- Do not eat too fast
- Wipe fingers and mouth with napkin
- do not ask for second helping at guest's house
- Never state you dislike food that is served
- don't ask for "doggy bag" when guest
- Do not slurp from soup spoon
- Do not drink liquid while there is still food in your mouth
- Take reasonable bites
• Basic Table manners: When Do you start
•  Host/Hostess is last person served
- do not eat until all served
-* Exception - when food is hot and host urges
guests to begin
- If there is no hostess - women guest of honor
on host's right should be first to eat
• Basic Table Manners
Serving Self from Platter
•  All platters/bowls received from left
- Serving fork in left hand, spoon in right hand
- Do not eat decoration on platter
- Leave serving utensils side by side
• Basic Table Manners: Taking Modest Portions
• Others must also eat
- If items are small, you can take two'- items
that are medium size, take one
• Basic Table Manners: Tasting Other's Food
• with friends in restaurants, can sample from
different dishes
- Small plates to place portions on 
- do not refrain from ordering and then eat
other's food
- Never use fork to take food from other's
- Don't exchange samples after everyone has
started eating
• Basic Table Manners:
When on diet
Do not make issue of it when invited to dinner
- Take portions of the food
- Do not refuse food when offered
• Basic Table Manners:
When on diet

If due to medical condition

• Talk to host prior to event
- Offer to eat before coming and joining the
group after dinner
- Come for cocktails leave before dinner is
- do not force host to prepare special meal
• Basic Table Manners Napkin Etiquette
• Basic Table Manners Napkin Etiquette
Basi Table manners Napkin Etiquette
• Leaving table during meal
- Place on chair
- Left side of plate, loose folds
- when everyone leaves table
* Leave neatly on table
- Can use as bib only with lobster
- Women - do not blot lipstick on it

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