3.01A Evolution of Multimedia: 3.01 Explore Multimedia Systems, Elements, and Presentations

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01A Evolution of Multimedia

3.01 Explore multimedia systems,

elements, and presentations.
Meaning of Multimedia
Meaning of Multimedia
Originally Today
Two or more different media Products, processes,
applications, and interactivity
Growth of Multimedia
Growth of Multimedia
• Multimedia first emerged in the 1980s when
desktop computers became more prevalent
in businesses, schools, and homes.

• Growth in multimedia exploded significantly

as technology improved, allowing animation,
complex graphics, sound files, and video
clips to be included in presentations.
Barriers of Multimedia
Large files
Multimedia Software
Originally Today
Limited Many
Large files created by multimedia

Originally Today
• Limited internal and external • Faster processors
storage mediums.
• Audio cards
• Limited multimedia
effectiveness due to • Video cards, CDs, DVDs
processor speeds and RAM and flash jump drives.
Business Uses of Multimedia
Business Uses of Multimedia

• Businesses and • Presentations are

customized for
organizations use possible outcomes
multimedia for to:
marketing, training, – Inform
and presentations – Motivate
– Persuade
– Sell
– Teach
– Train
Advantages of businesses using

• Enhance communication.
• Add positive visual appeal to presentations.
• Provides entertainment.
New Dimensions of Multimedia
New Dimensions of Multimedia
• Webzines
• Online books
• Music distribution
• Interactive games
• Online news
• Social interaction
• Online purchases
Future of Multimedia
• Multimedia is only in its
infancy(rapid growth)
• Multimedia will continue to
grow as new innovations in
computer hardware
emerge and new software
is developed.
• Meaning
• Growth
• Barriers
• Business uses
• New dimensions
• Future

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