Seven Clues

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7. This character came from Joppa and was described as a “certain
disciple” in the KJV.
6. Name is 6 letters
5. The Bible didn’t mention the parentage and genealogy of this person.
Although she had no recorded relatives, she was loved by the church and
4. Perhaps this character was well off to own a house, but she had no
3. The first miracle mentioned in the New testament performed by Jesus’
disciple, Peter, was this woman’s resurrection from the dead.
2. This person was known for her charitable acts and for the tunics and
other garments she made for the poor.
1. She was also called Tabitha.
7. This Bible character’s name has different meanins including “dedicated to
Mars”, “a little man,””bitter bruising,””most excellent man” and “belonging
to Marduk.”
6. This person was a Benjamite.
5. Name is 8-letter word.
4. He refused o bow before the Agatite because of his Jewish descent.
3. He overheard two eunuchs discussing their assassination plot against the
king. He then reported their plan to the king’s wife.
2. He adopted his younger cousin’s daughter after her parents died.
1. His adopted daughter became the successor of Queen Vashti.
7. His name means “heard,””asked of God,” “offering of God,” and “appointed
by God.”
6. He was a holy man, but his two sons (Joel and Abijah) were wicked.
5. His wife’s name was not recorded. His father had two wives.
4. He was the eldest son. He had three unnamed brothers and two unnamed
sisters from his mother’s side and undetermined number of siblings from his
father’s second wife.
3. He anointed two people who later become kings of Israel.
2. He was a Nazarite.
1. Aside from his priestly function, he was the prophet who founded the
Scohols of Prophets. He was also the last judge of Israel.
7. His life spanned 137 years.
6. His name means “God had heard” or “God heareth”
5. He was the eldest son among his father’s two wives.
4. He founded the tribal family, which was laer known after his
3. His only daughter, Bashemeth, married Esau, twin brother of
2. His well-known brother was 14 years his junior. He was
circumcised at 13.
1. His mother was an Egyptian maid and concubine of his father,
7. He was aptly called “valiant””strong” and “he that rules”
6. He was a potent monarch whose land bore his name.
5. He became the first mighty man on earth.
4. He was the founder of Babel, Erech, Accad in Shinar, the city of Rehoboth
and Calha.
3. He was a mighty hunter and warrior. Probably he was the first leader in the
Bible who declared war with all the cities he conquered and built.
2. His great grandfather was Noah.
1. He was the son of Cush.
7. “God is salvation” was the meaning of his name.
6. His father, Shaphat, was a farmer.
5. He was a prophet during the reigns of kings Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah,
and Joash of Judah; Jehu, Jehoahaz,and Jehoash of Isarael.
4. He accepted to follow his predecessor after requesting that he be allowed
to kiss and say goodbye to his parents.
3. He was well-known, non-writing prophet.
2. He did the most number of miracles in the Old Testament. In fact, he did a
miracle even when he was already dead.
1. A baldheaded prophet, his name was associated with 42 young boys
mauled by two bears for mocking him.
7. Nothing is known of his early life. His name first appeared in the Bible when
he was already in his middle age.
6. He was the son of Lamech in the genealogy of Seth.
5. He was born in the 10th generation of Adam, approximately 126 years after
Adam’s death.
4. His name means “rest”.
3. He, along with Daniel and Job, was said to be one of ancient Israel’s most
righteous men.
2. He was the first man mentioned to get drunk after he discovered the art of
1. He was virtually the second father of the human race after the great flood
destroyed Adam’s descendants.
7. His name means “God is my judge”
6. He was a prophet but not a priest.
5. He was a book writer and a book was named after him.
4. He was of royal blood and probably a descendant of King Hezekiah of
3. At about the age of 15, he and his three close friends, were among the
captives brought to Babylon.
2. He was appointed to take charge of all the best and brightest of the
Jewish youth nobility.
1. He was thrown in the Lion’s den.
7. This person’s name means “one who hears and obeys”.
6. He was a prophet.
5. He was a just and devout person in Jerusalem who awaited the
coming of the Messiah.
4. It was revealed to him that he would not see death until he had seen
the promised Messiah.
3. He waited for the consolation of Israel and blesses he Consoler when
he saw Him.
2. He had the privilege of carrying the Infant Savior in his arms. He died
satisfied to have seen the Lord personally.
1. His name is a 6 letter word that begins with S.
7. Her name means “ewe” of “female sheep”.
6. She became the second wife of her cousin. She mothered
two sons.
5. She was described in the Bible as “beautiful and well-
4. She died in childbirth.
3. She secretly stole household heathen gods and fled with
them to another country without the knowledge of her family.
2. She was deceived by her own father by giving her older
sister’s hand in marriage to the man she was about to marry.
1. She was Jacob’s second wife and Leah’s sister.
7. His father was 60 years old when he was born.
6. He was the founder of a tribe that didn’t last long.
5. He married his uncle’s only daughter and two other
4. He married at age 40, like his father.
3. He was hairy and a cunning hunter.
2. He was older than his twin brother.
1. He sold his birthright for pottage of lentils with
7. Her name means “something worth seeing””friendship” and “satisfied”.
6. This converted believer was loving and faithful.
5. She married the elder of two brothers who hailed from another country.
4. A widow herself, this person lived with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law
who were widows as well.
3. Her life story gives us a biblical account of a person’s rise from heathen to
believer, from rags to riches. She became a direct descendant of Jesus.
2. She made a beautiful statement of faithfulness, which was often quoted.
1. Her statement goes: “Entreat me not to leave thee,… for wither thou
goest, I will go….”
7. His name means “Jehovah is help of salvation”
6. He was a contemporary of Isaiah, Micah and Amos.
5. He was the son of Beeri during the days of kings Uzziah, Jotham,
Ahaz and Hezekiah of Judah, and king Jeroboam II of Israel.
4. He was called the first prophet of grace. His tragedy at home,
however, earned him the title “Prophet of sorrowful heart.”
3. He had three children, namely: Jezreel, the eldest son; Lo-ruhamah,
the only daughter; and Lo-ammi, youngest son.
2. He wrote a book in the Old Testament that was named after him.
1. God ordered him to marry a harlot, Gomer, an immoral and
unfaithful whore.

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