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• Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq

• Ministry of Higher Education and

• Scientific Research
• University of Sulaimany
• College of Education
• Biological department

• Seminar about:

• Dragonfly
• Prepared by:
• Rangin Hatim

• Supervised by:
• Mr. Sarkawt Raza
• 2017 – 2018
The dragonfly nymph adapts to a pond life. Pond life is
where there is water and land surrounds the water. There
Are lots of plants surrounding the water. Lots of things
that live on land. Things like cranes, squirrels, and other
things live on land. Things that live in the water are water
beetles, fish and other things.

The dragonfly nymph lives in a pond area. Fish and

water bugs live in the water. Birds and squirrels live on
land. Plants that live in the habitat are reed-mace plant,
duckweed, and wildflowers are some of the plants that
live in a pond area.
Life Cycle
First the dragonfly is born from an egg. While it is
still small it only eats small fish and water beetles.
When it gets older it gets will get wing buds. Wing
Wing buds are two bumps on there back that will
become wings. Now it eats larger things like
water striders, large fish and full grown water
beetles. Now as a full grown dragonfly it eats butterflies
and prainmantice. It now has wings and can fly.
• large eyes on the head

• two pairs of strong,

transparent wings

• elongated body:
long abdomen
and short thorax
Compound eyes
• Nearly all of the dragonfly’s head is eye,
which gives them incredible vision that
covers almost every angle except right
behind them
• This makes them very sensitive to
Their flight
• They can move their two pairs of wings
• This allows them to make abrupt changes
in direction, to stand in the air or
sometimes even fly backwards
• They usually live around lakes, ponds,
streams and wetlands
• Some adult dragonflies live for only a few
weeks while others live up to a year.
• At the end of its larval stage, the dragonfly crawls out of
the water

 It’s exoskeleton cracks open and releases the insect’s

abdomen, which had been packed in like a telescope

 Its four wings come out, they dry and harden over the
next several hours to days
Advantage and disadvantage
• Adult dragonflies are beneficial bugs because the eat pesty
flying insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes. They also
will eat butterflies, moths and smaller dragonflies. There is
one Asian dragonfly that eats spiders from their webs!
• The larvae (or Nymphs), which live in water, eat almost
anything living that is smaller than themselves. The larger
dragonfly larvae are even known to catch and eat small fish.
Usually they eat bloodworms or other aquatic insect larvae.
Dragonfly nymphs are such good hunters because they move
really fast - by what looks like jet propulsion. 

• The only disadvantage of a dragonfly is that they could be a

nuisance to humans. 
Eating habits - Adults
• Adult dragonflies eat insects and are a
great control on the mosquito population
A single dragonfly can eat 30 to hundreds
of mosquitoes per day
Eating habits - Larvae
• During the larval stage they eat just about
tadpoles, mosquitoes, fish, other insect
larvae and even each other
• Amery, Heather. Creepy Crawlies:
Dragonflies. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens
Publishing, 1996.

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