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Coaching the


Coaching the next


Susan Francia
San Diego Rowing Club
The Transition
• 8- years as athlete
• Why coaching?
• Goals as coach
• Continuing Training
The Athletes
• This aint the US Olympic team
• How stay patient?
• How motivate early on?
• Inner squad competition
• Respect
• Cuts?
– Katya
– Uche
The Athletes
• Coaching communication
• Friend?
• Trust
• Commitment
• Change the culture
– 5 days -> 6 days
– Wed. mornings
• Coach’s Character
– Repeated experience of doing the right thing
– If I can’t stick to word, don’t make promises
– Lead to trust
• Coaching to the highest degree
– Competency as coach
– Kids are observant
– Tom Brady/ Urban Meyer
• In face of losing
– Blame rowers, change them out?
– Take the effort to figure out the problem
• Connection with Athletes
– Repeated experiences of showing you care
– How can I help you?
Proper Training
• Learn what SS is
• Learn how/when to pull hard
• Learn how to race
– Prerace rituals
– Proper warm up
– Race Execution
• Nutritionist
• Physical Therapy/ Injury Prevention
The rival
• Long Beach
• Belief
• Clarity of Purpose is inspirational
– Doing all that we’re asking
– Objective
Dream Big!
• Regionals
• Nationals
• US Jr. Team
• Recruitment
– Honesty with college coaches
– Honesty with athletes
When athletes graduate…
• Better people
• Time management
• Team skills
• Leadership skills

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