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inhale exhale.mp4

Who they are? Or what

is their position?

Identify and describe the
roles of a tour guide

Perform the specific role

of a tour guide
 According to the Philippine
Department of Tourism(DOT), a tour
guide is an individual who guides
tourists, both foreign and domestic,
for a fee, commission, or any other
form of lawful remuneration.
“The tour guide
makes or breaks the
“Everything is
useless in a tour
without competent

No other factor in a

tour is as important
as an efficient
Arecent survey conducted
by Kathleen Pond asked guides,
employees of guides and traveller
son tours to answer questions
regarding the primary role of
guides. The wide range of
responses in this survey indicates
that they have different
perceptions about the specific
role of a guide.
 Although the respondents
differed in their views about
the primary role of tour
guides, all agreed on two
 1. That the guide’s role varies,
depending upon the setting, the
visitor, the purpose of the
 visit and the guide himself 

 2. Thatone of the characteristics

of a professional guide is
the ability to carry out a wide
variety of duties and functions

Roles of a tour guide.mp4

Roles of a tour guide
As a leader....
 must have skills such as
willingness to assume
responsibility, ability to
organize and make wise
decisions, ability to respond to
emergencies, and the skill to
coordinate several
administrative tasks
Characteristics of a good leader
Ability to delegate
Ability to communicate
Ability to inspire
Sense of humor
Positive attitude
As an educator....
If travel is a
“classroom” and
travelers are students,
then the guides are
educators. If guides
are educators, what do
they teach?
They teach subjects
within the cognitive,
affective, and
psychomotor aspects
of learning.
As a host...
Thesetasks include those
of companion, mediator,
advocate, entertainer,
concierge, storyteller, and
Characteristics of a good host
 Friendly
 Confident
 Well spoken
 Compassionate/hospitality
 Team Player
 Polished/ pleasant
As a public relation representative...
aguide is expected to
project a specific image or
message to visitors and at
the same time to answer
controversial questions.
They must have...
An ability to communicate…
An appetite for learning
An understanding of the

A creative streak
As a conduit...
“ They are the medium rather
than message”
itis the innate
understanding of when to
be silent, when to
encourage, when to
stepback and when to
move on
 In the literature, the tour guides have
been identified with many roles such
as; mentor, communicator,
salesperson, information giver,
instructor, organizer, motivator,
consultant, entrepreneur, culture
broker,entertainer, mediator,
presenter, ambassador, translators,
tour organizers, pathfinder,
pathbreakers; coordinator,
animators,and travel
Portray the role of a tour guide

 CONTENT 40 %


 _____

 100 %

5 Minute Timer [_W0bSen8Qjg].mp4

 Presentation of each group…..

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