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MY 12 WEEK PLAN: MAY 21, 2020


Table of Contents Slides
 Week 1 – Lead with Acts of Service 4 -- 9
 Week 2 - Learn to Inspire 10 -- 13
 Week 3 – Be the Example 15 -- 20
 Week 4 – Find Mutual Trust and Respect 21 -- 23
 Week 5 - Create a Vision That is Noticed 25 -- 29
 Week 6 – Make Commitments with Yourself 30 -- 32
 Week 7 – Challenge the Process 34 -- 38
 Week 8 – Enable Others to Act 39 -- 41
 Week 9 – Demonstrate Ubuntu 43 -- 49
 Week 10 – Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities 50 -- 53
 Week 11 – Encourage Initiative (Don’t Fear…) 55 -- 58
 Week 12 – Personalize Recognition 59 -- 61
 Addendum 63
 References / Works Cited Slide 64 -- 67
Authors of Quotes Slide(s)
Carnegie, Dale…………………31
Gennep, Arnold van ………………… 37,40,41
Horwitz, Tony (re. Capt. Cook)……… 25, 26, 28
Homer (The Odyssey) ………………….15, 16, 23
Kouzes and Posner (6th ed.)…………. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15,
16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 31, 32, 35, 39, 44, 50, 51, 52, 57, 59, 60, 61
Mauss, Marcell ………………………… 46, 47, 53
Shroeder, Anthony………………19, 29, 38, 48, 58
Sivananda, Swami……………….31
Thug Notes…………18
Varty, Boyd ……………………………... 43
Woolf, Virginia …………………………34, 35, 55, 56

This plan will dive deep into my learning and reflections of leadership through
many resources provided in this course, as well as credible outside resources. I
will be using this plan to discover and reveal greater value and appreciation for
leadership as a whole. I also plan to use this project as a reference of inspiration
and encouragement as I continue to develop as a leader.
Kouzes and Posner quote 1

“All of us are born leaders. We all have leadership

qualities ingrained. All that we need is polishing them
up and bringing them to the forefront.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 12)

I appreciate this quote because it chooses to include “all”. I

have heard many times before discouraging statements about
who gets to be a leader and who doesn’t. The simple route is to
believe you just weren’t meant to be a leader, but you can be a
leader if that’s what you want (and it is)! Learn, improve, grow,
and prove these discouraging statements wrong.
WEEK 1: LEAD WITH ACTS OF SERVICE (CONT’D) Key things to remember when
you are evaluating what your
future might look like:
1. You are in control.
Kouzes and Posner quote 2 2. Life isn’t meant to be
“We are going to win if we help others win. We've got 3. Strive to make a difference
in all you do.
to give in order to get. . . . Being humble and letting 4. You’ve gotten this far,
others shine comes back to you many times over.” right?

- Brian Alink

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 6)

My future goals have always included helping others along

the way. I wish to be the kind of leader that creates leaders.
Someone who uses their talents and experiences to build
others up and encourage them to reach their goals as well.
Kouzes and Posner quote 3

“Deeds are far more important than words when To what extent does he/she led by
constituents want to determine how serious leaders really example when helping the team
are about what they say. Words and deeds must be meet a goal? Please give an
consistent.” example or two.
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, p. 14) This question is a good example of
showing that your deeds go along
As a leader, the actions you take must reflect the words you
with your words!
speak. If you speak, truth, encouragement, and words of
affirmation, and then act on those words, then you are off to a
great start as a leader. Keep going!

TO DO today:
1. Recognize a coworker for their hard work.
2. Write Thank-You note to the person who
has helped you get through this week.
Kouzes and Posner quote 4

“I become a better follower because I have

confidence that my leader knows what she is talking
about and asking us to do.”

-Rebecca Sanchez

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 34)

Confidence. This has always been a struggle, but I make one

of my daily goals to be more confident in the decisions I TO DO today:
make. This does not mean being naïve or ignorant but 1. Find a unique way to make someone’s
finding assurance in your choices and remember that people day.
are looking to you. 2. Tell someone how much you
appreciate their hard work.
3. Try to stay optimistic through any
TO-DO LIST this week:
- Brainstorm some challenges you
have been wanting to accomplish.
- Embrace a previous failure in a
WEEK 2: LEARN TO INSPIRE productive and a learning way.

Kouzes and Posner quote 5

“When people are worried, discouraged, frightened, and

uncertain about the present, they often struggle to focus on
the possibilities of tomorrow, and the last thing they need is a
leader who feeds those negative emotions.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 36)

It can be difficult as a leader to not let your negative emotions

effect others, but it’s important to carry yourself in a way that you want
others to see you. It is okay and normal to feel these negative emotions
but try to remember that If you want to get through these
obstacles as a team, then your attitude must reflect that.
Kouzes and Posner quote 6

“Inspiring leadership speaks to people's need to have

meaning and purpose in their lives.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 36) How well does he/she demonstrate optimism to
the team when they are faced with a difficult
Just like I want to have meaning and purpose in my life, others challenge, setback, or failure? Please explain
around me do as well. We can be a part of each other's purpose by with one or two examples.
learning from each other and helping each person to grow in their
own ways. Successfully getting through obstacles is one way
to inspire others, and speak meaning into lives!
Kouzes and Posner quote 7 Kouzes and Posner quote 8

“Being forward-looking and having a vision is what “Every organization, every social movement, begins w
truly makes leaders unique from other people in an a vision. It is the force that creates the future.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 13)
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 39)
Clohe, you can be a part of the vision that creates the future!
People tend to leave an organization after 3-5 years for “more Don’t settle for less. This quote holds power because what yo
opportunities” because they themselves and the organization now can drastically change what happens later.
aren’t forward looking enough. I will strive to find an
organization that is forward-looking and invests in their

In weeks 1 and 2, I have been able to use my readings and learning as a time to reflect on the kind of leader I am
now, and the kind of leader I want to be. I am reminded that my main leadership type is a servant leader. There are
prevalent themes in leading by example, building others up, and establishing trust. One of the relative quotes that
resonate with me the most is “We are going to win if we help others win. We've got to give in order to get. . . . Being
humble and letting others shine comes back to you many times over.” - Brian Alink (Slide 9) My second favorite quote
of this section is “Inspiring leadership speaks to people's need to have meaning and purpose in their lives.”(Slide 10)
I am going for a degree in Organizational Leadership because I want to become the best version of a leader that I
can be. It is a long process and it isn’t something that is accomplished right away, but the journey you go through to
reach your goal is where you truly find yourself. This past year (2019) was a challenging year. It was a year of leaving
my comfort zone, taking risks, and failing sometimes. But it was also a year of leading by example, building others up,
and establishing trust. I became a leader at work, and it is going great! I remember almost turning the position down
because I didn’t believe I had it in be to be a leader. Someone saw something in me that I didn’t even see yet. Be that
person for someone else and don’t forget how much you have grown! There is still a lot of room for growth but take
advantage of the learning moments and embrace failure as an opportunity for improvement. Never lose sight of your
goal to make a difference, big or small. Any size of success is still a success.
Kouzes and Posner quote 9

“I had to question myself about what I stood for, what

was important to me, what approaches I was going to
follow, what I was going to communicate, and what my
expectations were. I had to know and believe first within
Quote 1 (from the Odyssey synopsis):
- Sumaya Shakir
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 48) “As for Scylla, the father of gods and men would not let
her get further sight of me—otherwise I should have
certainly been lost.” (Odyssey 2018, pg. 22).
This quote is a good reminder of making sure you have a solid
foundation as a leader before asking of others. It’s easier to lead when
you can guide others in the best direction with explanation. In addition

Kouzes and Posner quote 10

“You can only be authentic when you lead

according to the principles that matter most to
you. Otherwise, you're just putting on an act.”

Quote 2 (from the Odyssey synopsis):

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 50)
“On seeing one so unkempt and so begrimed with salt water, the
others scampered off along the spits that jutted out into the sea,
Don’t let yourself go through the motions of leading. I
but the daughter of Alcinous stood firm, for Athena put courage
have thought a lot about this and my future career. I
into her heart and took away all fear from her.” (Odyssey 2018,
want to find an organization that has values that line up
pg. 25).
to my own. I hope you find it, Clohe!

Kouzes and Posner quote 11

“Because only when leaders discover and clarify

what they expect of themselves can they expect
others to follow.”
-Shandon Lee Fernandes
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 57)

This is similar to the previous quotes, but I when I read Thug Notes Video Quote:
this, I asked myself, “What do I expect of me?”. It
might be a silly question, but never lose sight of your ‘So now when Polyphemus say that “Nobody has
expectations. Don’t expect something of your team if blinded me”, all the other cyclops be all like
you wouldn’t expect it of yourself. “Whatchoo yappin bout, man?”.’ (Wisecrack 2013,

“Do the right thing when nobody’s looking.”- Anthony Schroeder

At this point of the meeting we were discussing our top 5 life values. Tony’s second value
was ethics and he explained that ethics is important to him personally and professionally. I
liked that he said his quote because it meant a lot to him for someone to be genuine and
work hard because they want to, not just when someone is watching because that is the
right thing to do. I feel like what Tony said can be applied to all aspects of leadership. As a
leader, it is your duty to act in an ethical way, but these actions shouldn’t be done solely out
of requirement. It must come from what you believe to be right.
Kouzes and Posner quote 13

Kouzes and Posner quote 12

“Questions develop people. They help people escape the
trap of their mental models by broadening their
“It's about doing what you say, practicing what you perspectives and enlarging their responses by taking
preach, following through on commitments, responsibility for their viewpoints.”
keeping promises, and walking the talk.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 79)
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 73)
I have never heard of questions being described this way! One
DWYSYWD! It is disappointing from a “follower’s” thing I have always conveyed as a leader is questions are okay. Ask
perspective to be let down by a leader you may look up to. away! We have the tendency to feel like we are impeding on
I don’t ever want to be the person who doesn’t follow
something when we ask too many questions, but the truth is, I am
To what extent does s/he when I see someone
follow taking
through onsuch an interest in their work.
through with commitments.
commitments---i.e., doing what they say they will do?
Please give two or three examples.

This example not only shows how to follow through, but it is

a great example of showing your team that you care!
Kouzes and Posner quote 14

“Because you can't just order people to “be more creative” or to “get motivated” or
to “start loving your job.” The human brain doesn't work that way. But you can
lead them there with a good story.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 87)

I fall back on stories a lot. Maybe it is because I can relate to other’s telling me stories. As a
leader, sharing stories can be a good way to convey what you want to without being demanding.
Stories carry facts, emotions, and life lessons. They are important to becoming a good leader.
How much enthusiasm does s/he show for
their personal development and
improvement within our organization? TO DO today:
Please explain or give examples. 1. Recognize yourself for the work you’ve done!
2. Write a Thank-You note to someone who
Part of this enthusiasm should be telling really needs to hear it.
stories to encourage development and
improvement within the organization!

Odyssey Video Quote:

“Then they came upon the lotus eaters,
where many of his men ate a strange plant
and lost all desire to go home.”
(Ian Boone 2010, 1:48).

The main theme I recognized through module 2 was start with yourself, and not in a selfish way. Figure out
what you want to do first! Find your values, the expectations you have for yourself, and find your voice. To do
what’s best for your team, you should align yourself first, so you can confidently lead with success. There were two
quotes that resonated with me the most this module. The first one is by Sumaya Shakir which is “I had to know and
believe first within myself.” (Slide 13). The second quote is “Because only when leaders discover and clarify what
they expect of themselves can they expect others to follow.” -Shandon Lee Fernandes (Slide 15).
These two quotes show someone who has come to an understanding that leading is easier when you know what
you expect of yourself first. I appreciate this idea because I tend to forget about my own expectations. Especially
when I first became a shift-supervisor, I remember always doing what I thought was expected of others. I never
really focused on what I expected of myself. I felt like a follower with a “leader” title. Since then, I have improved
in my leadership skills. I have found that I can be a leader without people walking over me or without me
demanding in a disrespectful way. I have grown so much in the past few months, but I know it doesn’t stop there! It
may seem like your goal is far away, but don’t forget how far you’ve gone.
Kouzes and Posner quote 15

“Everyone has hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

Add’l Quote 5, on Capt. Cook:
Everyone wants tomorrow to be better than today.”
“This analysis is vintage Cook: shrewd,
mercantile, and modest, weighing the true value of
what he’d seen rather than inflating it to impress
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 95)
his superiors.”
It can be so easy to just focus on yourself when making big
decisions, but the thing is, not everyone has the same (Horwitz 2003, pg 84)
opinion or plan as you. That is why these things need to be
discussed. As a leader, it is important to encourage a shared
vision, where everyone is contributing to a common goal.
Just keep in mind that others may have goals, aspirations or
ideas, that they want to voice! Be sure to listen.
Kouzes and Posner quote 16

Add’l Quote 6, on Capt. Cook:

“Understanding the past can help you identify themes,
patterns, and beliefs that both underscore why you care
about certain ideals and explain why realizing those “Cook offered to name the
aspirations is such a high priority for you.” approaching coast after the first
man to sight it, and threw in a
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 98)
gallon of rum as well.”
One thing I have learned in the most recent years is your past
says a lot about who you are today. Therefor, don’t dwell on (Horwitz 2003, pg 117)
the past, but instead use it as a tool to help you plan your
future. A good way to learn more about yourself, such as
decisions or motives, is to look at how you handled those To me, this is Cook’s version of
scenarios in the past. “Inspire and Create a Shared

Add’l Quote 7, on Capt. Cook:

“One of the small ironies of Cook’s voyages is that a man who
charted and named more of the world than any navigator in
history has few places of consequence called after him.”

(Horwitz 2003, pg 189)

TO DO today
1. Be humble and don’t let pride or jealously get in
the way.
2. Tell someone that you notice the hard work they
put into the work they do.

“Leaders that lack in understanding an acceptance of cultural differences are bound

for failure.” –Anthony Shroeder

This example made me think of the idea that both the leader and the team needs to make
decisions together. It is not possible to inspire and create a shared vision if each person has
their own form of tunnel vision, where they see and hear what they want. I feel like this
statement holds firm in cultural differences as well. Cultural differences are something we
will always have, and it is not meant to be seen as a burden or an obstacle. Instead, it should
be looked at as an opportunity to grow in your knowledge and understanding.
Week 6: Make Commitments with Yourself
Add’l Quote 8 (from another source, e.g., from a video, a song, a
different course’s textbook, or your mom):

“And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?”
-Pat Monahan from the band Train- Drops of Jupiter

This song has been my favorite song for as long as I can remember. It How empathetic has
always made me think of my mom who had unexpectedly passed away he/she been when team
when I was 12. I found out recently that the writer wrote this song in members have
memory of his mom who had passed away. Although this song has experienced personal
always carried so much value with me, it made that value even more stress? Please elaborate
prominent in my life. To me, this song reminds me to check in with the or give an example.
people I care about. I care about their goals and dreams and I want There needs to be a level of
them to know that I am there to support them to get where they want to understanding when it
be. And I hope I never lose sight of that. comes to personal
struggles. It helps to check
in occasionally.
Kouzes and Posner quote 17

Add’l Quote 9 (from another source, e.g., from a

“These leaders knew that to make extraordinary video, a song, a different course’s textbook, or your
things happen, everyone had to both believe mom):
fervently in and commit to a common purpose.”
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 117) acts. This is the secret of success.”
- Swami Sivananda
50% just won’t do if you want to accomplish something
extraordinary. To be passionate about something is always I honestly forget when I came across this quote, but it
to give 100% . As a leader, people must be able to see this was the first one that came to mind when working on
in you. Otherwise, what will motivate them to follow? this portion of the assignment. I love the idea of giving
the same amount of effort to even the small things. It
reminds me of the idea that small acts of kindness go a
long way. The value that you also put into different
kinds of work whether large or small is telling of your
character and value in what you do.
Kouzes and Posner quote 18

“If you’re going to lead, you have to recognize that your

enthusiasm and expressiveness are among your strongest
allies in your efforts to generate commitment in others.
Don’t underestimate your talents.”
3 Add’l Quote 10 (from another source, e.g., from a video, a
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 128) song, a different course’s textbook, or your mom):

CLOHE. Did you hear that? Don’t underestimate your own  "People are more likely to accept an order if they had a part
talents! You are your own worst critic. Have some faith in in the decision that caused the order to be issued.”
yourself. If it is something you are passionate about, take (Dale Carnegie. 1936)
that leap of faith or else you will live to wonder. Do it.
This is a quote that is applicable in my life now. It is easier
to accept change when you are a part of it, just as it is the
same when accepting an order. Ask the question, “What do
you think of this?”.
This week was full of things I needed to hear. Some of the main themes that I drew from this week's learnings are 1. The
people following you play such an important and valued role. 2. Goals can be achieved quicker when everyone is on board. A lot
of times there is a divide put up between leaders and the team to create the idea that the leader makes all the decisions and the
team follows through. This simply isn’t the case. I think when there is a mutual respect and both parties understand that they can
learn something from the other, then that group inspiration and shared vision can begin to develop and take off. The idea is not
that everyone will have the same opinion. In fact, the idea is how can we embrace all these differences and make it into one
shared vision that the entire group can stand for?
One of the quotes that really stuck with me throughout this module was “Everyone has hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Everyone wants tomorrow to be better than today.” I sometimes have to remind myself that people generally want what’s best
and have the best interest in mind. The second quote that I liked was, “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest
acts. This is the secret of success.” by Swami Sivananda. There is a lot to appreciate in this quote and I hope to keep the mindset
that people can view your character through even some of the smallest things you do.
One thing that I used to struggle with a lot (and still do sometimes) is I can be so negative towards myself when I don’t meet
my goals. Some of the things I can think about myself are things that I would never think to call anyone else. They’re hurtful and
I am learning to stop. It is okay to be critical of your own work. You have to if you ever want to improve, but it doesn’t need to be
done in a negative way. This week we discussed a lot about being considerate and helping others, and this applies to myself as
well! I must instill in myself the confidence in my abilities if I ever want to effectively lead others.
Add’l Quote 11, from Virginia Woolf:

“It is a curious fact that novelists have a way of

making us believe that luncheon parties are
invariably memorable for something very witty that
was said, or for something very wise that was done.
But they seldom spare a word for what was eaten.”
(Woolf 2007, pg. 6) TO DO (in a future…) today:
1. Challenge the Process by reading “How to
I like that this simple quote strays from the norm, like much of what Win Friends and Influence People” all the
she did in her time, but it reminds me that it is okay to question way through.
something, whether big or small. If you have a different opinion, 2. Challenge the Process by viewing a film
embrace it! that you find inspiring that challenges the
(CONT’D) Add’l Quote 12, from Virginia Woolf:
“They all seemed separate, self-absorbed, on business of
their own.” (Woolf 2007, pg. 52)
This is when she was observing the streets of London, but it serves as a reminder
to me to look up and notice others.

Kouzes and Posner quote 19

TO DO today (…a future today):
1. Challenge the Process by
“Delivering results beyond expectations can't be achieved with good intentions.” expressing your opinion, even
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 147) though it may not be favorable.
2. Challenge the Process by
I have realized in my life so far that good intentions only go so far. They must be followed with encouraging others to do the same.
actions. I know you always have good intentions, but act on them! Make improvements, and
show you are true to your word. _________________________

Add’l Quote 13, from Arnold van Gennep:

“Rites of entering a house, a temple, and so forth

have their counterparts in rites of exit, which are
either identical or the reverse.” (Van Gennep 1961,
pg. 24)

I think this can be interpreted as a reminder that things go both

ways. Be sure to consider any consequences or effects that may
come from decisions you make.

“Approach things with your empathetic foot out first and try to put yourself in their
shoes and try to understand where they’re coming from.” –Anthony Shroeder

I like this quote because after learning more about Tony, he didn’t always carry this
attitude. He was very black and white when evaluating situations, but he has worked to
improve as a leader. I enjoyed hearing his success stories and they are inspiring to me to
keep working towards becoming a better leader myself.
Kouzes and Posner quote 20

“Small wins make the project seem doable, that is, within the
parameters of existing skills and resources.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 172)

I am constantly reminded to celebrate the small wins. It is difficult to look
at the end goal and then get frustrated that you aren’t there yet. Don’t lose
sight of how far you have already gone. Any kind of progress is still
progress. Keep going!
Add’l Quote 15, from Arnold van Gennep:

“Exchanges have a direct constraining

Add’l Quote 14, from Arnold van Gennep: effect: to accept a gift is to be bound to the
giver.” (Van Gennep 1961, pg. 29)
“In addition… foreigners cannot immediately
enter the territory of the tribe or the village; they
must prove their intentions.” (Van Gennep 1961, pg.

Do not just let anyone into your circle or just hire anyone. Trust can
take a while to build, but you must use your intuition after first
impressions. They should show that they want it.
Add’l Quote 16, from Arnold van Gennep:
“There is a popular saying that only the
first-time counts; it is an interesting fact that
this idea is truly universal and that it is
everywhere expressed to some extent through
special rites.” (Van Gennep 1961, pg. 175)
The first thing I thought of when I read this is people value
first impressions. Remember when you are interviewing for
a job, or meeting a key person, be ready for those
conversations! It is easy to prepare some talking points and
questions. This is a great start to establishing a solid first
As a leader, you must learn how to not only empathize with people, but you must also be aware of how
what you say or do impacts others. The theme for me this week was a lot of self awareness. Whether it is
listening more, or evaluating the path you are taking, self awareness is relevant.
My favorite quote from this week was from a fellow teammate Tony. He said, “Approach things with your
empathetic foot out first and try to put yourself in their shoes and try to understand where they’re coming
from.” This is coming from someone who had to learn how to do this. The thing about being a leader is you’re
not always going to have the right approach or the right answers, but you can certainly learn to do better.
My second favorite quote was from our text. It states, “Small wins make the project seem doable, that is,
within the parameters of existing skills and resources.” I can sometimes have a hard time remember the small
wins in my own life. For example, for me the first 3 years of school flew and this last year feels like the longest
year of my life. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but I have my sights on graduations, getting a career job, and
moving. I am so excited to start that part of my life that I forget to be in the moment. I am in such an exciting
part of my life. I am growing as a person, as a leader, and I am growing educationally. Those are some wins! I
hope to always grow in those areas, even when I take the next step in life.
Add’l Quote 18, from Varty or TRC:
Add’l Quote 17, from Boyd Varty: “In a more collective society, we realize from the
“Now on the day that Solly saved my life, he inside that our own well-being is deeply tied to the
was already my hero.” (Varty, 2013 6:05) well-being of others. Danger is shared. Pain is
shared. Joy is shared. Achievement is shared. Houses
I like in this quote how he already considered Solly are shared. Food is shared.” (Varty, 2013 8:42)
his hero. It wasn’t because of his heroic actions that
initially made him a hero, it was because of his I feel this at work and in my personal life. I feel for
way of life. others, and I care for others. Don’t lose this trait

To what extent has this leader worked to create a spirit of

community when the team was successful with a project?
Please give an example or two.

I think a big part of a ”spirit of community” branches from

connections between people.
Kouzes and Posner quote 21 Kouzes and Posner quote 22

“She strengthened the team members' self-determination “The most effective leadership situations are those in
by giving them a chance to use their best judgment in which each member of the team trusts the others.
applying their knowledge and skills. She gave them When trust is the norm, decisions are made
choices and latitude to take on personal responsibility. She efficiently and swiftly, innovation is higher, and
fostered accountability and confidence.” profitability increases.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 196)

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 198)
I love in this quote how she was able to teach them how to
become self-reliant and make choices for themselves. It is easy as a It is crazy to think that if businesses just worked on
leader to tell people who to do the job but use this as a chance to establishing more trust form the beginning, their work lives
build their confidence and make decisions for themselves! This will could be easier! Things fall into place when a strong
result in your team making effective choices while developing foundation is built.
leadership skills.
Add’l Quote 19, from Marcel Mauss:
“Gifts are not actually "powerful" in themselves,
according to Mauss's scientific explanation, but instead,
they reveal that deep beneath the surface of these kinds
of reciprocity, we are focused on social connections.”
(Mauss 1996, pg. 3)

Gifts hold so much meaning than what the eye sees. A small
gift from a child is a large gift in their eyes. It could be
everything they have. Learn to appreciate the little things and
find value in each gift received.
Add’l Quote 20, from Marcel Mauss:
“The pattern of symmetrical and reciprocal rights is not difficult to
understand if we realize that it is first and foremost a pattern of spiritual
bonds between things which are to some extent parts of persons, and
persons and groups that behave in some measure as if they were things.”
(Mauss 1996, pg. 10)

Add’l Quote 21, from Marcel Mauss OR a related source:

“Everything is tied together; things have personality, and
personalities are in some manner the permanent possession of the
(Mauss, 1996 pg. 17)

I chose this quote because it just goes to show how intertwined everything in
our lives are. From work, to passions, to personalities, everything is
connected somehow.

“Emotions make things more memorable.” –Anthony Shroeder

This is an example of a simple quote that holds more depth and meaning. I do believe
emotions make things more memorable. Ever watched a movie without emotions? Probably
not. I have found in my life that when I think back to a memory, I am fond of, I think back
to what everyone was feeling, and how everyone was acting. I think this beautiful concept
can be applied to leadership as well. We can’t just run through the motions. We need to
connect with our fellow peers and establish trust. This can’t be done without emotions.
1. Challenge the Process by listening to
someone’s perspective on a situation even
Kouzes and Posner quote 23 when you know you disagree. Their opinion
still holds great value.
2. Enable yourself to be confident in the
“They enable people to take ownership of and responsibility for
their group's success by enhancing their competence and their words you speak and the actions you take.
confidence in their abilities, by listening to their ideas and _________________________
acting on them, by involving them in important decisions, and
by acknowledging and giving credit for their contributions.”
How has s/he celebrated small
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 219) victories or progress with the team
lately? Please give examples
What I liked most about this quote was the idea of involvement. As a
follower, I longed to be involved in the “big decisions” at work. Making
sure individuals are actively involved gives them a sense of purpose and Celebrating small victories is just one
confidence, which leads to success and efficiency.
way to show how much you appreciate
the work the team puts in.
Kouzes and Posner quote 24

“In strengthening others, leaders show they

believe that people are smart and capable of
figuring things out.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 222)

I do believe that even the people who show on

the outside that they don’t care what other’s
think, there is a sliver of that that is not true. At
work, it means a lot to peers for a leader to
recognize the skills and capabilities of each team
Kouzes and Posner quote 25

“People can't learn to act independently unless

they get to exercise some degree of choice.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 226)

I find that when I am caught up in “getting

things done”, I can lose sight of this aspect.
Remember, as a leader you are there to teach
them how to make decisions and be confident
in their abilities; not simply tell them what to
do and how to do it.

Add’l Quote 22, from Marcel Mauss or a related source, such as a video
explaining the theory of THE GIFT:
“Basically they are the same. If things are given and returned it is
precisely because one gives and returns ‘respects’ and ‘courtesies’. But
in addition, in giving them, a man gives himself, and he does so because
he owes himself-himself and his possessions-to others.”
(Mauss 1996, pg. 18)

The two main themes that I discovered for these weeks are guiding others to make decisions for themselves, and how
to find the in-depth connections in life. I have learned that as a leader you have to know how to develop a person to
work on their decision-making skills, and then you must know when to let them make those decisions. A big part of
the learning process is understanding that letting someone make decisions on their own doesn’t always mean it will be
the right decision. But just like learning to ride a bike, you can’t succeed without some failure first. It is how we learn
and grow. I also learned how important it is to take time in my life and appreciate the connections I make with others,
whether big or small. People act with an internal drive or motive, and it is important to recognize that each person’s
motive is different. Once you understand this, you can begin to learn how each team member makes decisions and
what influences them the most. This can be a very beneficial thing to understand within the workplace.
2 Quotes that resonate with me the most are “Now on the day that Solly saved my life, he was already my hero.” by
Boyd Varty, and “Emotions make things more memorable.” by Anthony Shroeder.
As a shift leader at my workplace, I have begun to learn how each person works differently. We all have the same goal
at work, but we each take different paths to get there and we each have different motives behind our decision. IT has
been an enjoyable experience learning how each person works and then using this information to help our store grow.
Week 11: Encourage Initiative

Add’l Quote 23, from one of our additional readings (Mauss, Van
Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned videos:
“One can only give one's audience the chance of drawing their
own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the prejudices,
the idiosyncrasies of the speaker.” (Woolf, 1928 pg. 3)

I wish more people could be like this when discussing anything!

Whether it is politics, friendly conversations or work decisions, you
should approach each discussion with the understanding that you are
just opening a door for exploration, not making someone change their
minds. TO DO today:
 Be humble when speaking
with your best friend Emma.
 Say Thanks to Evan.
Week 11: Encourage Initiative cont’d:

Add’l Quote 24, from one of our additional readings (Mauss, Van
Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned videos:
“The very reason why that poetry excites one to such
abandonment, such rapture, is that it celebrates some feeling that
one used to have (at luncheon parties before the war perhaps), so
that one responds easily, familiarly, without troubling to check
the feeling, or to compare it with any that one has now.” (Woolf,
1928 pg. 9)

I connect with poetry, books, music or films when I effortlessly

feel something. I get to dive into it and forget about the world for
a moment. It is a part of life that I depend on, to draw me away
from the world and into a sense of peace.
Week 11: Encourage Initiative cont’d:
Kouzes and Posner quote 26 Kouzes and Posner quote 27

“Goals without feedback, or feedback without

“All exemplary leaders make the commitment to goals, have little effect on people's motivation and
Recognize Contributions. They do it because people
willingness to put discretionary effort into the
need encouragement to function at their best and
continue to persist over time when the hours are long, task.”
the work is hard, and the task is daunting.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 256)
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 248)
I have learned through this module that feedback can be a
touchy topic. Some openly accept feedback, others do not. I
I like that this quote mentions that is isn’t always easy. If think that the way I choose to interpret feedback or utilize
you as a leader can recognize contributions in a it in my life is telling for how much that goal means to me.
consistent manner, in return it makes the obstacles
easier to navigate with your team. You learn to trust
more and be persistent.

“It isn’t the feedback you receive, but rather how you receive the feedback and move
forward with implementation.”–Anthony Shroeder

There are so many factors that play into how you receive feedback, such as who is
giving it, when it is being given, and in what manner it is being given. One question
Tony asked me during this portion of the meeting was, “How to you take feedback
given from someone you don’t respect, and still find value in it?” I had to think about
this question, but sometimes to really evaluate feedback and what it means for you,
you have to strip it back. Take away the who and the when factor and ask yourself,
“Does this feedback truly show me ways that I can improve in my life?”
Week 12: Personalize Recognition
Kouzes and Posner quote 28

“You want to have a work experience that allows you to engage with others, share a laugh, see the
humor in a situation, and thank people for doing a good job.”
- Charles Ambelang This question relates well
In what ways has this
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 271) to the quote listed about
leader recognized the
engaging with others and
individual contributions
thanking them, which are
of team members in
just a couple of ways to
recent weeks?
recognize contributions.

TO DO today (… in a FUTURE DAY that is…):

 Be humble when speaking with my sister Cierra.
 Say Thanks to my boss.
 Show thanks by giving a gift to someone who has helped you through this week..
 Take care of MYSELF by taking mental breaks when working in stressful situations..
Week 12: Personalize Recognition (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 29

“When people feel a strong sense of affiliation and attachment to their colleagues, they're much
more likely to have a higher sense of personal well-being, to feel more committed to the
organization, and to perform at higher levels.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 279)

This quote makes me think about my future career. Clohe, I hope by now you have found a place that
you not only enjoy working for, but you have made connections with colleagues and can appreciate
the shared values within the company.
Week 12: Personalize Recognition (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 30

“People don't care about how much you

know until they know how much you care
for them.”

(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 285)

TO DO today:
People will hear what they want to hear. 1. Celebrate small wins with your work team
by showing your appreciation in the form of a
Remember to show appreciation to fellow gift!
colleagues for their work and efforts! 2. Reciprocate kindness by writing a thank
you letter to someone who has done
something for you.
The main relevant themes for me this week were listen, encourage and connect. I have always viewed myself
as a good listener, but I think I can learn to listen better on a deeper level. For example, I want to continue
learning how to observe and notice peoples “inner gears”; How they think and how they act in different
situations. I have also learned encouragement goes a long way. Continue developing this skill by recognizing
small contributions and make sure each person knows how their unique skills are of value to the team! I have
also found that connecting with the people you work with makes your work life a easier. I enjoy working with
people who share a mutual respect with me, and who I know I can count on the do the job right. The 2 quotes
from this week that resonate with me the most are “All exemplary leaders make the commitment to
Recognize Contributions. They do it because people need encouragement to function at their best and
continue to persist over time when the hours are long, the work is hard, and the task is daunting.” and “You
want to have a work experience that allows you to engage with others, share a laugh, see the humor in a
situation, and thank people for doing a good job.”

My piece of advice to you Clohe is don’t forget about these small things in the big corporate world! They
matter just as much. These are the seeds that will help the company and each person within to grow as leaders
and as humans.

My first thoughts on this PowerPoint Project were, 1. I don’t like making PowerPoints, and 2. Wow that is a
lot of slides. My perspective and attitude has changed a lot throughout the completion of this project. I have
truly enjoyed writing something that I can reference any time in the future. The work put into this project is
work that I value. It is work that means something to me, and will have an impact on my life, just as it has
now. I feel that the series of readings for this course have been not only relative to the degree, but applicable
to my personal and work life. This course has allowed for times of reflection, and actively applying learnings
as it happened. I can’t explain how valuable it has been to take a course that acts as a guide to the decisions of
my daily life.
I hope by this time you are either applying for career positions or maybe you have that goal job, but need a
refresher on what is important in the workplace. Use this project as a reference for building as a leader, and as
a reminder for how far you’ve come and how much you can achieve. Good luck out there, Clohe!
References (Works Cited)
Boone, Ian (2010, January 17). The Odyssey Animation [Video]. YouTube
Carnegie, D. (1938). How to win friends and influence people featuring Dale Carnegie. New York: NBC.
Gennep, Arnold van (1925). The Rites of Passage. London: Routledge.
Homerus, & Wilson, E. (2018). The Odyssey. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Horowitz, T. (2002). Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before. New York: Picador
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mauss, M. (1954). The gift: Forms and functions for exchange in archaic societies. London: Cohen & West.
Varty, B. [Ted]. (2013, December 9). Boyd Varty- What I Learned from Nelson Mandela [Video] YouTube.
Wisecrack. (2013, October 15). Homer's Odyssey - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis [Video]. YouTube.
Woolf, V. (1929). A Room of One's Own. Hogarth Press.

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