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Congenital and Stationary

Retinal Disease Hikban Fiqhi K.
Color Vision (Cone
System) Abnormalities
Congenital Color
Congenital and
Stationary Retinal Congenital Night-
Blinding Disorders
Disease With Normal Fundi

Night Vision (Rod Congenital Night-

System) Abnormalities Blinding Disorders
With Fundus

color vision defects

(dyschromatopsia) acquired uniocular

static progressive

usually, although not

always, congenital Color Vision
(Cone System)
stationary and usually
affect both eyes equally Abnormalities
Congenital Color Deficiency
• These individuals can also use 3 primary colors to match a given color; however,
because 1 of their cone photopigments
traditionallyhas an abnormal
classified absorption spectrum,
by an individual’s
they use different proportionsperformance onthose
of colors than color-matching tests with normal
used by persons
color vision.
• A person with normal color vision (trichromatism, or trichromacy)
can match any colored light by varying a mixture of 3 different-
colored lights, or primary colors (red, green, and blue light).

• Individuals with anomalous trichromatism make up the largest

group of color-deficient persons; they include approximately 5%–
6% of males.
Anomalous trichromacy ranges in severity.
• Some individuals have only a mild abnormality and may, for example, fail some
of the subtle Ishihara test plates but have no trouble naming colors or passing
the less-sensitive screening tests such as the Farnsworth Panel D-15 hue test.

• Others have poor color discrimination and may appear to have dichromacy on
some of the color vision tests.
• Hereditary congenital color vision defects are most frequently X-linked-
recessive, red-green abnormalities; they affect 5%–8% of males and 0.5% of
• Acquired defects are more frequently of the blue-yellow, or tritan, variety and
affect males and females equally.
The traditional classification of color vision
deficits based on color-matching test results.

• Individuals who need only 2 primary colors to make a color match have
dichromacy. It is assumed that such individuals lack 1 of the cone
• Approximately 2% of males have dichromacy.
The traditional classification of color vision
deficits based on color-matching test results.
• Essentially, there are 2 forms of achromatopsia:
(1) rod monochromatism
(2) S-cone monochromatism (blue-cone monochromatism)
• Both disorders typically present with congenital nystagmus, poor visual acuity, and
• Electroretinography (ERG) testing helps differentiate achromatopsia from congenital
motor nystagmus or ocular albinism, both of which are associated with normal cone

• An absence of color discrimination, or achromatopsia, means that any spectral color can be
matched with any other solely by intensity adjustments.
• The congenital achromatopsias are disorders of photoreceptor function.
Rod monochromatism (complete achromatopsia)
• The most severe form.
• Affected individuals have normal rod function but no detectable cone
function and see the world in shades of gray.
• Patients may have full to partial expression of the disorder, with visual acuity
ranging from 20/80 to 20/200.
• Nystagmus is usually present in childhood and may improve with age.
• Characteristically, the ERG pattern in patients with rod monochromatism
shows an absence of cone-derived responses and normal rod responses.
• Dark adaptometry shows no cone plateau and no cone–rod break.
• The disorder exhibits autosomal-recessive inheritance.
S-cone (or blue-cone) monochromatism
• The function of rods and S cones is normal, but L- and M-cone function is
• The condition is usually X-linked and can be difficult to distinguish clinically
from rod monochromatism in the absence of a family history or results from
specialized color or ERG testing.
• Individuals with S-cone monochromatism exhibit preserved S-cone ERG
responses, severely reduced cone flicker ERGs, and normal rod ERGs.
• These individuals typically have a visual acuity of approximately 20/80,
which is better than the visual acuity found in individuals with typical rod
Congenital Night-Blinding Congenital stationary
Disorders With Normal Fundi night blindness (CSNB)

• CSNB is a nonprogressive
disorder of night vision.
• CSNB has 3 genetic subtypes:
1. X-linked (most common) Night Vision
2. Autosomal recessive (Rod System)
3. Autosomal dominant (rare) Abnormalities
• Snellen visual acuities of patients with CSNB range from normal to
occasionally as poor as 20/200, but most cases of decreased vision
are associated with significant myopia.

• The appearance of the fundus is usually normal, except for myopic

changes in some cases.

• Patients commonly present with difficulty with night vision;

nystagmus and reduced visual acuity may also be presenting
• Electroretinography is important in the diagnosis of CSNB.

• The most common ERG pattern seen in patients with CSNB is the
negative ERG, in which the bright-flash, dark-adapted ERG has a
normal (or near-normal) a-wave but a markedly reduced b-wave.
X-linked CSNB has been categorized into 2 types:
“complete” and “incomplete.”

Complete CSNB (cCSNB): Incomplete CSNB (iCSNB):

• undetectable rod-specific • some detectable rod function on
• dim-flash ERG
• dark-adapted ERG • an elevated dark-adaptation final
• psychophysical thresholds that are threshold
mediated by cones.

The differential diagnosis of CSNB includes melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR),

which demonstrates an identical ERG pattern to CSNB, but which usually presents with
acquired night blindness and shimmering photopsias.
Electroretinography (ERG) patterns of on- and off-responses in CSNB. The stimulus has a 200-
millisecond (ms) duration to enable independent recording of the ERG responses to onset and

A, The pattern of a patient with “complete” CSNB shows a negative-waveform

on-response but a normal off-response.
B, The pattern of a patient with “incomplete” CSNB shows both on- and off-
response abnormalities.
C, Pattern of a subject with normal responses.
Congenital Night-Blinding Disorders
With Fundus Abnormality
• Patients with fundus albipunctatus have very
delayed rhodopsin regeneration, and although
levels eventually normalize, the process may
require many hours in the dark.

• Affected individuals are night blind from birth Night Vision

and usually exhibit yellow-white dots in the
posterior pole extending into the midperiphery,
(Rod System)
but sparing the fovea. Abnormalities
• ERG responses commonly show a cone-isolated retina pattern, with
undetectable rod-specific ERG, and a severely reduced bright-flash dark-
adapted ERG

• Some patients may have a normal fundus but characteristic ERG findings and
molecular confirmation of the mutation; visual acuity and color vision are
usually good in these patients.
Fundus photographs and
fundus autofluorescence
images of a patient with fundus
albipunctatus, showing
multiple spots of unknown
material scattered primarily
throughout the deep retina.
The diferential diagnosis of fundus albipunctatus includes
retinitis punctata albescens, a disorder related to mutation in
RLBP1, which encodes cellular retinaldehyde-binding
In this condition, which is a progressive
ERG responses are usually very
rod–cone dystrophy, the white dots
abnormal; although they show some
may be finer than those of fundus
recovery with extended dark
albipunctatus, and there may be
adaptation, they do not normalize.
attenuation of the retinal vessels.
• Patients with Oguchi disease are also night blind from birth.
• This condition is due to either a mutation in the gene SAG (2q37), which
• This very rare disorder is most common in Japanese patients.
• The fundus in eyes with Oguchi disease is normal after dark adaptation
but shows a peculiar yellow iridescent sheen alteration after even brief
exposure to light (the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon).
Fundus photographs of eyes with the Mizuo-Nakamura
phenomenon. The fundus of this patient with X-linked cone
dystrophy is unremarkable in a dark-adapted state (right) but has a
yellow iridescent sheen after exposure to light (left).

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